Zero Punctuation: Resident Evil 5


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Let's see, there was a pistol, switchblade, Nintendo DS, a Creme Egg, Branston Pickle, Bean-o Lottery Card, some weird mannequin chess piece, that Gun Shop Telephone Booth from the Far Cry 2 review, and a.... "unmentionable woman's joy." Nice.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Eipok Kruden said:
Blank__ said:
It's "Cliff's Notes."
Who is this "Cliff" and why does he have notes? He doesn't exist which means he can't have notes. Yahtzee is correct. It's "cliff notes," not "Cliff's Notes." Stop trying to be smart and correcting people because you suck at it.
Cliffs Notes.

Stop trying to be smart and correcting people because you suck at it.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
James Cassidy said:
Velios said:
While I don't really care, I just want to point out that in Resident Evil Zero, 1, 2, and 3 you played a Caucasian lead killing other Caucasians, in Resident Evil 5 you play a Caucasian killing coloured. Not really the same thing there.

"You're carrying your armour in the pocket of your armour!"
Haha didn't even think about it that way! I've gone through the game on all difficulties and never bought armour though, just saw it as a waste of space...
But you can play an African girl killing African is that different? I don't care how dark her skin is or how light Chris skin color is.

If you sit here complaining about racism that "Oh boo hoo I am shooting people that are not white." Tell you what, let's make Resident Evil 6: The Melting pot effect.

Velios, I think you are racist because of you think a game is racist just because of the skin color and not the fact that "Hey, they are trying to kill us." People who claim racism are racist themselves. It happens every time. How many time do you see a black man claim white people are racist yet call a white man "Cracker" or "whitey"

Also yes this game was made by the Japanese, but what difference does this make?

This is why I hate society fact this is why I hate humanity period. You human are so stupid and close-minded that everything is either sexual or political.
I never said the game was racist, nor do I think it is. I was pointing out that there is a difference in complaining that in the previous games you were killing Caucasians... with a Caucasian and people complaining about killing coloured people with a Caucasian. I bear no ill thoughts towards this game(except for the laughable partner AI), nor towards Capcom who I enjoy their games.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
I played the whole game my first two times through with an online friend. No quirks about co-op and the buddy system but yeah, inventory is lame. Mercenaries is a hoot with someone you know.


New member
Mar 20, 2004
Spot on review. My favourite in a long time. Nailed the game on its hail... Also, on a somewhat related note I'd love to nail that triple cu-(white noise)


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I haven't played it yet because I'm poor and can't afford a PS3 (sony fanboy here flame later). I never thought i would ever hear someone wanting ashley around for ANYTHING. Good to know they took every nice thing about RE4 and got rid of it. Personally I think real-time management is not a great thing other than programming a d-pad for weapon switches. Inventory should not be done with 55 quote unquote zombies having at ur shins. Also, I'm sad about eggs being the same size as assault rifles. Lots of laughs in this one though, see you next wednesday. :D


Sexually identifies as Tiefling
Sep 13, 2008
realy i never thought residint evil 5 was racisct even with the village people in africa the main population is black and there are still villagers


New member
Jan 21, 2009
This is true
R.E. 5 didnt live up to the hype it created, it never cashed in on the success of R.E. 4

BAHAHAHA "And when the inventory is full, The FUN begins"


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Hmm I did want to get this game purely because I was bored with everything else and wanted a decent co-op game in the survival horror genre. When I played the demo I never liked the camera, the movement, the absense of a reticule and of course the stupid inventory which I though they'd fix before the actual game came out. I think I'll still get it because Yahtzee said that it's best to be played in co-op and I really need to cure the boredom.

Awesome reivew! One of my favourites! 11/10 XD


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Well done with the reviewI Its good to see that my time wasted watching my friend obsess over Capcom and that game for two hours while I read an old Spiderman comic for the millionth time, wasn't totally in vain. Now I'll have your review to shove in their face and say, "How in God's name can you wear armor in the pocket of the armor's pocket, idiot?"


New member
Mar 27, 2009
It was funny, Not your best though.

You should know all the commands before you right your reviews though :p. Circle and Up sets your partner to attack which means use your biggest guns. Circle and down says stay near me and use your pistol.

If she is fight a boss with her pistol it's because you told her.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
You're so right about sheva, you should play the game with a real life partner :p (Seriously, I can't finish the boss fight on 5-3 with the AI partner on professional because she keeps getting killed!)


New member
Aug 2, 2008
karmapolizei said:
Back on topic, nice episode. "Capcom aren't bad people. People are just idiots!" sums up the whole racism controversy quite nicely.
Now THAT sums it up far better.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
This is the first Yahtzee review that actually disappointed me. I've played through the game at least thrice now, never on co-op, and it seems I had a completely different game than Yahtzee... For me, the A.I. is fantastic! Sheva doesn't need babysitting, and is a great help in a fight. I too noticed her preference for the pistol, so you know what I did? I DIDN'T LET HER HAVE ANY PISTOL AMMO :)-O zomg gasp!). Problem solved ldo.

I also thought she had great judgment on when to use healing items. When I had medium damage she would only use a small herb. If she didn't have one, she would wait until she or I got more damaged to use a big herb. I never regretted letting her carry the healing items.

Lastly, the inventory. Yeah all the trading that takes place can be a *****, but if you're gonna compare it to RE4's system (as Yahtzee did), I would say that the ability to map items onto the d-pad and switch weapons without pausing the game MORE than makes up for the other awkwardness. Oh and the "egg size = AK-47" argument. Did he really just attack a Resident Evil game for not being realistic?? 4's inventory was no less unrealistic. No man could carry all that, and the enemies would patiently wait for you to rummage through your things!

To me this review smacks of just looking for supports to a preconceived judgment, and it's the first time I've felt that way about a Yahtzee review. Of course, he was playing the 360 version, so I guess it wouldn't surprise me if his legitimately was that bad...

The Noble Shade

New member
Dec 24, 2008
It seems that the last review was a outlet for social commentary regarding racism. This review would've been better for that, I think.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I rented this game and played with a friend and had fun it had flaws but I still had fun. I probably forgive more because I rented it and didn't to pay a 60 dollars.


New member
Jan 10, 2008
So...what I'm getting from everyone (OUTSIDE the forum, at least, because I haven't checked here) is PC garbage that RE5 is somehow MORE racist than RE4 because the enemies here are black and must be protected.

That's racist.

The tribal sequence kicked ass and adding a few white AND JAPANESE PEOPLE to please all the racist liberals was just ridiculous.

NEWS FLASH: There exist a world outside of the United States, and most of those people are not white. Poverty-sticken African nations are not typically littered with white or JAPANESE people unless they are missionaries/ Peace Core, etc.

The Capcom people were only stupid for giving in to the racist liberals in the first place.

On a side note, the flashback sequences were all silly, and killed the tension where it was needed most. WORSTE ENDING EVER.