Zero Punctuation: Sonic Unleashed


New member
Jul 30, 2008
Liminal Dusk said:
He'd have a field day with that statement since S.A.2 is shown in his vid. I bet he did play it but he was too caught up with problems about an anti-sonic and the aggrivating Mech and Hunting levels to call it "fucking awesome."

I agree though, the series was awesome until anything past Heroes (and Heroes required MASSIVE tolerance on my part). Shadow the Hedgehog would have been good without the whole "gun-revamping" thing, and that was the start of "lets see what we can throw in and STILL have fans buy it."

I do agree that the hate is unwarranted. Sonic shouldn't die, he should be revived in a non-zombified horrific fashion (oh god, I think I just gave them their next idea for a game...Sonic Undead...)
I still hold on to claiming he never really played any 3D Sonics before Unleashed. Just because he shows a picture of them doesn't mean he actually played it. All he cares for is having pictures of some 3D Sonic since he thinks they all suck.

I can't say that Sonic Heros, Shadow the Hedghehog and Sonic the Hedgehog were flawless, of course they weren't. They got more and more minor flaws with every installment, BUT I was able to look over those and still love them.

And there's something that was always flawless and absolutely perfect. I'm talking about the music.

The music never failed to amaze me.

So yeah this review shouldn't be taken seriously if you ask me. Sonic Unleashed is an awesome game and Yahtzee destroys everything in his videos that he doesn't already like beforehand.

That's why he isn't that credible for the most part.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Lord_Seth said:
Disaster Movie was a disaster at the box office, so I'm not sure how your statement really makes sense.
People still went to go see it, it still made some money, and they are still going to make another one. Maybe not a lot of people saw it, but some very ignorant people did, and it made a little bit of money.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
SecretTacoNinja said:
MB202 said:
SecretTacoNinja said:
MB202 said:
SecretTacoNinja said:
MB202 said:
I happene to be a huge Sonic the Hedgehog fan, yet I agree with everything he just said.

BTW, how long until Yahtzee reviews Mother 3?
Why? Is it coming out outside Japan anytime soon?

'Cause that would be fucking awesome...
No... But the Fan Translation is finished:
Awwww... you nearly got my hopes up there. I want it on my Gameboy so I can play it at college and not have too worry about it getting deleted...

...Which it has...
When you say "deleted", you mean by accident? I've downloaded the game onto my own computer, and it's just fine...

But, sorry to get your hopes up there, but odds are, Nintendo's never going to release Mother 3 overseas, so this is as close as we're going to get for the time being.
It was my fault, I tried to move it to my Desktop and I lost my save file, I don't remember how. I don't trust or like computers and I hate having to sit at mine all day if I want to play a game that was supposed to be on a handheld system.

Ugh, whyyyyyy? It's a great series... Is it because of the difficulty level? Giygas? Cussing? Is the epic story too much for our retarded children to handle? I bet they thought it wouldn't sell well in the west, weren't they completely and utterly wrong...
No, it's because the guys at Nintendo were idiots and badly advertised EarthBound ("This game stinks!"), which sold poorly in the States which got them thinking that they shouldn't bother with it anymore. That's the main reason.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
SecretTacoNinja said:
Ugh, whyyyyyy? It's a great series... Is it because of the difficulty level? Giygas? Cussing? Is the epic story too much for our retarded children to handle? I bet they thought it wouldn't sell well in the west, weren't they completely and utterly wrong...
Likely it's the simple fact that Mother 3 is a GBA game, and Nintendo is more interested in focusing their attention and efforts onto the DS.

popdafoo said:
Lord_Seth said:
Disaster Movie was a disaster at the box office, so I'm not sure how your statement really makes sense.
People still went to go see it, it still made some money, and they are still going to make another one. Maybe not a lot of people saw it, but some very ignorant people did, and it made a little bit of money.
Where did you hear this? I don't recall reading anything official stating they were making another.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
As much as I like ZP, I just have to wonder why he went so hard on this game. (Other than Yahtzee's whole shtick about being a huge troll, of course. I don't think he's ever been able to actually enjoy a video game, given his unreasonably high expectations.)

I liked the Wii and PS2 versions of this game, and although it's not without its flaws, its one of the best Sonic games in a while.

I've always wondered though, why is it that everyone automatically regards a game as bad if Yatzhee says so? It almost makes me think the entire point of these threads is "agree with the review."


New member
Dec 18, 2008
Im kind of expecting this, its basically the norm to consider anything made for sonic will be crap. I hear a lot of reviewers saying they liked the 2D levels and wished that there was more than the werehog levels. I think even if they did that suggestion for the next game, the next game would be accused of being "the same thing over and over".

Sonic Team is at least trying to shake things up a bit. Sonic Adventure was an interesting area, but had its flaws, then came sonic heroes, again I could play it but it had flaws, sonic 2008 should die in a pit of fire in my opinion, and this game added a new element to reinvent it.

The thing I notice though is that every new game is a new concept, they are trying to revitalize it in a new way, they just haven't hit on it. And maybe there is no way to hit on it...

Good idea for a new post, what would you do to fix sonic the hedgehog? BESIDES shooting him.

((And to tell you the truth the comic isn't half bad))


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Necronner said:
Im kind of expecting this, its basically the norm to consider anything made for sonic will be crap. I hear a lot of reviewers saying they liked the 2D levels and wished that there was more than the werehog levels. I think even if they did that suggestion for the next game, the next game would be accused of being "the same thing over and over".

Sonic Team is at least trying to shake things up a bit. Sonic Adventure was an interesting area, but had its flaws, then came sonic heroes, again I could play it but it had flaws, sonic 2008 should die in a pit of fire in my opinion, and this game added a new element to reinvent it.

The thing I notice though is that every new game is a new concept, they are trying to revitalize it in a new way, they just haven't hit on it. And maybe there is no way to hit on it...

Good idea for a new post, what would you do to fix sonic the hedgehog? BESIDES shooting him.

((And to tell you the truth the comic isn't half bad))
I think you're referring to Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. (The XBox 360/PS3 game where you play as Sonic, Shadow, and Silver)

Incidentally, I always hated that title for that game. Why give it THE EXACT SAME NAME as a previous title in the series? It just adds unnecessary ambiguity. I had this same problem with Alone In The Dark...

Anyway, the thing is, there's nothing wrong with Sonic, the bigger problems are with the people making the games, specifically Sonic Team. The main problem is that most if not all of the original members aren't members anymore (Yuji Naka, Sonic's creator, left it to make his own development team, for example) so the 3D games are largely being developed by people who didn't make the older games. This was actually mentioned in the review. What needs to be done is either to fix Sonic Team or just put it in the hands of another developer. I'd honestly like to see what kind of 3D game we'd get if Dimps (who are behind most of the Sonic 2D games, which are considered far better than their 3D counterparts) was completely in charge of it.

Though I'd like to reiterate my earlier complaint that Yahtzee didn't really say much about what was bad about the game. He ragged on it, he declared it horrible, but didn't say much about what was so bad about it.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
Lord_Seth said:
Though I'd like to reiterate my earlier complaint that Yahtzee didn't really say much about what was bad about the game. He ragged on it, he declared it horrible, but didn't say much about what was so bad about it.
He's probably just mad that it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. I sure was expecting it to be bad, but... SURPRISE! It's actually a breath of fresh air for the series, especially the Wii version, which was made by Dimps. In my opinion, its the best Sonic game in a long time.


New member
Aug 29, 2008
Gah, if Yahtzee said he liked the game, the lot of you would be agreeing with him to.

I love watching his reviews, but don't take them seriously. You shouldn't take any reviews that seriously for that matter. Yahtzee even made the same arguments against the Zelda franchise.

Anyway, if the guy hates on the Wii, and hates on old franchises, why take this review seriously?


New member
Sep 4, 2008
God, I know he played the Xbox 360 version. I played the Wii version at the store and the control schema is AWFUL. God, and it pisses me off that it seemed to have the BEST intro FMV of all sonic games too, well till he turned into a damn wherehog. Meh.


Dyslexics of the world...UNTIE!
Dec 17, 2008
heh, couldent have been more right imo, the sonic milk cow is now giving out something akin to cheese fondu


New member
Jul 12, 2008
You know, I think it's interesting that he used the Wii box art in his review. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the Wii version didn't have the stupid hub world that the 360/PS3 version did, and instead had a simple and traditional menu. If this is the case then Yahtzee's complaints about the hub world show that he did not play the Wii version but rather the HD one.