Zero Punctuation: Sonic Unleashed


New member
Oct 29, 2008
I just hate it when game developers squeeze more than should be morally possible out of a franchise.


New member
May 7, 2008
That was one of the best yahtzee video Yahtzee has made in awhile.

I have no complaints(for once), that was pure excellence.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
ph3onix said:
MB202 said:
I happene to be a huge Sonic the Hedgehog fan, yet I agree with everything he just said.

BTW, how long until Yahtzee reviews Mother 3?
Har har. It was just a thought. I don't know, seeing as he liked EarthBoudn, I thought he might want to review its sequel, Mother 3.


New member
Apr 26, 2008
Sonic Games make my my small cousins shut the fuck up when they come ove so thats one thing it mite have going for it.
Also there was a spin off game that a lot of people dont know about that is just entirely about Shadow, (possibbly the only good character in the whole series)which actually plays quite well considering it is a Sonic Spin Off. They should axe sonic and just make games about Shadow if at all.


New member
Dec 20, 2008
He is right about night level, but I played the wii version that does not have the city and replace it with bubbles and the HUD for the missions are super simple


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I'm just wondering what he's going to review next. It's not like there's been anything worth noting released since fallout 3. Or have I missed some console only jackoff stuff?


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Played this game yesterday if anything this review is a understatement to its all round awefull lameness , if that is indeed a word if not should be.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I thought it was rather entertaining and believe it had good points outlining Sonic's career. What I found interesting about this review is that Yahtzee thought the WereHog portions were the best part of the game whereas every other game critic felt the WereHog levels were the worst part of the game.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
HeartagramMan said:
Sonic Games make my my small cousins shut the fuck up when they come ove so thats one thing it mite have going for it.
Also there was a spin off game that a lot of people dont know about that is just entirely about Shadow, (possibbly the only good character in the whole series)which actually plays quite well considering it is a Sonic Spin Off. They should axe sonic and just make games about Shadow if at all.
Yeah, Shadow the Hedgehog had GREAT ideas like...

Guns that CAN NOT aim.
Vehicles SLOWER than he runs.
A voice cast that makes one envy those who can't understand English.
A plot so laughibly bad it makes the original Sonic plot (when it was about animals stuck in robots) look like Shakespeare.
A good/evil spectrum that's more about SLOWING you down to item hunt than maybe RUNNING.
And an overall failure at trying to be both edgy and child-friendly, which the orignal series invented.

Shadow's the "evil twin" cliche the Dreamcast-era Sonic Team invented because they forgot/didn't know of Knuckles, the original rival to Sonic from his obvious red coloring to his gliding/punching. Anyone who actually liked Shadow's game is too young to remember ACTUAL good times.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
HeartagramMan said:
Sonic Games make my my small cousins shut the fuck up when they come ove so thats one thing it mite have going for it.
Also there was a spin off game that a lot of people dont know about that is just entirely about Shadow, (possibbly the only good character in the whole series)which actually plays quite well considering it is a Sonic Spin Off. They should axe sonic and just make games about Shadow if at all.
Oh, ho ho ho! People know about the game. They don't like speaking of it considering how embarrassing it is. While I admit I actually enjoyed it contrary to the infamous Sonic Heroes, the whole game had a rather nasty stench of bad design choices. It had the worst dialogue I've heard in a Sonic game with unnecessary swearing that, ironically, made the characters seem more juvenile than before. While choosing your path was neat, the story was rather lame and never actually explained how Shadow came back to life, which I'm sure many Sonic fans played the game to find out.

Speaking of which, Shadow isn't that great of a character. He was a neat anti-hero in Sonic Adventure 2, and it was nice for Sonic Team to create a character with an actual back story. However, Sonic Team destroyed everything good about the character when they decided to bring him back to life for the pure sake of fanservice, disregarding the fact that it would create massive plot holes that were never explained and undermine the meaningfulness of the character's death that symbolized his redemption and heroism. It completely defeats the purpose of making a character a martyr if you're going to bring them back to life.

My point is that Shadow the Hedgehog the game was an embarrassing attempt by Sonic Team to gain sales from fanservice alone. They transformed what once was a deep character into a walking pile of fanservice, going all gangsta style with guns and fancy vehicles.

Like Yahtzee said, Sonic Team just got it into their thick skulls that most Sonic fans want to play games about Sonic, especially after a game NAMED 'Sonic the Hedgehog' where only a third of the game was dedicated to playing the blue hedgie. Don't encourage them to go back to their old ways.

Yeah, Shadow the Hedgehog had GREAT ideas like...

Guns that CAN NOT aim.
Vehicles SLOWER than he runs.
A voice cast that makes one envy those who can't understand English.
A plot so laughibly bad it makes the original Sonic plot (when it was about animals stuck in robots) look like Shakespeare.
A good/evil spectrum that's more about SLOWING you down to item hunt than maybe RUNNING.
And an overall failure at trying to be both edgy and child-friendly, which the orignal series invented.
Oh, you forgot the part about how minions of EVERY faction will try to kill you regardless of your affiliation! It was an especially wonderful idea to make the faction leaders criticize you for defending yourself against their minions that try to kill you, despite the fact that you're supposed to be their ally. Every game with an alignment system should have this feature!


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I disagree with you Mr. Croshaw. Sonic himself does not suck because he's an old franchise, Sonic Unleashed sucks because it's a bad game. If they made a Sonic game for todays systems that utilized all of the elements that made Sonic great in the days of Genesis, not the stuff in Unleashed that was awful, it would make for a great game. In summation, old franchises don't suck, crappy games suck.


New member
Dec 17, 2008
see, I really think the game is alright. I think the warehog sections are bad, the platforming sections could be improved with a more appropriate camera, simple fixed position cameras = for the suck.

The hub worlds while alot of effort has been put into them come off as a little flat (though remind me quite alot of Skys)

The fast sections capture speed like no other game ive ever played. They tend not to provide instant gratification (which I think is Yahtzee's main issue and is why he prefers the Man pig sections). Once you learn a level you feel unstoppable, and I find it quite fun to do that. I just find the day sections really fun.

Also on a non-sonic note does it bug anyone else that the first 3 pages on any video tend to be just agreeing with everything said in the review regardless of what?s the video is about (best example mail bag showdown where he told everyone who didnt agree with him to basically suck his big British balls)?


New member
Dec 27, 2008
The PS2 version was OK.
Also, I agree (as much as it pains me to say it): Sonic is dead

If Sonic Team really wants to "re-invent the series," they should go back to the old Sonic Adventure format (without all the stupid side missions).
Or, better yet, actually make a true 3D side scroller featuring just Sonic; no Tails, no Shadow, just Sonic.