Zero Punctuation: Sonic Unleashed

Russian Redneck

New member
Apr 21, 2008
PegasusJF said:
Pity, I had some hopes that Sonic Unleashed would breathe new life into the franchise. I haven't been a regular console gamer for good while, but I fondly remember the original 2D genesis games.

However, there is a ray of hope for those that are looking for it. Gamespot
No. I refuse to believe you are seriously entrusting the projected goodness of this game to one of the most controversial video game publications on the Internet.


New member
Sep 12, 2007
Poor Sonic. Good bashing, though.

Wasn't Bioware going to do a Sonic RPG? So how's that working out? If there's one company you can still mildly trust to get something nice out, it's Bioware (although I'd prefer Black Isle Studios *sniff*).


New member
Jun 12, 2008
I still have all the old Genesis games on my computer, and they are still so much fun to play. I really don't understand the need to keep bringing a dead franchise back and back and back.... It's like inviting a Zombie to dinner. It's just not done.

On another note, has anybody had problems with the Escapist's video player on Firefox 3.0? For some reason, it just never loads the videos. I have all the current updates on everything possibly involved, and it still won't work. I'm tired of having to start Internet Explorer to watch my ZP. It just feels....dirty.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Well, it's finally stopped being funny now that I've watched it continuously since it's posting. It only took an hour or two.


New member
Dec 17, 2008
Sigh... my first gaming experience was Sonic the Hedgehog 2. I was only a few years old back then and I remember playing it with my dad. I beat him, though, I got to the airplane stage which he could never get to.

Ah... the days of lives and no saves. When I bought my playstation, I didn't realize you needed a memory card so I played the beginning over and over until I finally got a memory card.

And now this. *shakes head* To tell you the truth, I actually enjoyed Sonic adventures, it was fun in my opinion. You still got to race through levels but the Sonic team has forgotten it.

I've got it! We strap them down to a chair, tape their eyes open and force them to play Sonic the Hedgehog 2 until their fingers bleed! Then they'll know how to make a Sonic game. It'll be worth the lifetime in jail.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
"Here's a tip: Find a new fanbase."

It DID find a new fanbase: Furries!

Personally I don't think the fanbase will complain that much if they did something very close to the original. Look at Mega Man 9 for example :)


New member
Apr 23, 2008
... Really?

I gave it a rental and I thought the Sonic stages were great. The problem is the Sonic stages only last like four minutes and there are only a few of them. Only about 10% of the game is worth playing. The rest is the werehog garbage, which is just bad.

Seriously, if you liked the Werehog gameplay, how could you not like the game since it consists mostly of that?


Nov 8, 2008
Jerakal said:
Oh sonic, how many shitty games about you do they have to make before they give up and try something new?
I'm guessing at least one always.

Regarding the video: I agree with what your opinion on the game but not the reason why. I fortunately didn't buy the game but after playing it I hated it. Personally I disliked the Werehog parts where on the other hand I liked the Sonic parts.


New member
Nov 20, 2008
I was talking about this the other day and I totally agree. The sonic franchise has 4 good games in my opinion, 5 at a push. Those being 1, 2, 3, Adventure 2: Battle and MeanBean Machine (even though it's not really a "sonic" game). A2B is the only 3D game I've been able to work with but that's because every 3D game after it gives you almost no control over the characters. That's why I hated the first one on 360 because all I really did was spend 5 seconds control before he went into a massive running scene.
Sorry i'll stop ranting. Awesome ep.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
Wow, this has got to be one of his most bitter yet and thus one of his best! The only thing I've been enjoying recently about Sonic is the fowl mouthed dubbings on YouTube...

NB: Even though I could just go and look online, I'm still going to say "I wonder what happens on Game Damage?"

Dectilon said:
"Here's a tip: Find a new fanbase."

It DID find a new fanbase: Furries!


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Great review totally agree.

Only part of this game i could withstand was the daytime Sonic levels, even though there are so few and quite short. Apart from that this game has dissapointing factors one after another.

All they had to do was make a decent 2D sonic game with some decent graphics and lots of levels and i think we would all be pleased. But yet again they churn out crap for us to play.
They keep turning something that could be so simple and easy into a complete disaster.

Sonic is a dead franchise but they still keep going.
Such a shame really.


Jan 23, 2008
PedroSteckecilo said:
I think this is the angriest ZP we've had in a while,
I think this easily beats the previous "champion" IMO Clive Barker's Jericho.

Honestly thought, who didn't predict this game would suck?


New member
Nov 25, 2008
I really really really wanted to like this game. Not because I give a shit about sonic but because I have gamefly and a WII for when I'm not playing my PC games (which are the best ever ever1!10)

However, this game was plain and simple AWFUL! seriously its like 20 minutes of cut scenes followed by "talking" to villagers (you press A they blab on about gay crap), then finding some stupid area to go to . Then finding the door you go to then figuring out how not to immediately die. Then finding some stupid piece of something that opens something. Flail around in between fighting generic monsters that look the same.

Seriously its awful. Starting the level over after you die stinks to since the Wii loads as fast as a sloth. There is this stupid Ice level where I finally gave up and put the game back in its gamefly slip and sent it back. You die within seconds of starting the level because you move to fast and the controls are too flippin lose. Why not slow down? Because the level is timed!!! WTF!!! WTYFAF{OINMWEF{WOINEG!} $Js df)D)_SU(JGggglgurupl