Zero Punctuation: Sonic Unleashed

Cymraeg Phill

New member
Dec 15, 2008
Never really been fond of the Sonic series, myself. Then again, the only Nintendo series I ever actually liked was the Pokemon series. Even then, I think that series has been over used. I mean, when you get to 493 different Pokemon then you know your on the edge if not already passed the point of pulling the plug on a series.

Anyway, many apologies for running off topic there. Good review as always Yahtzee...


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
As has been proven time and time again in the past, Yahtzee is at his very best when he's taking Crap on a Stick? and viciously savaging it in a frothing rage. Awesome review.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Russian Redneck said:
PegasusJF said:
Pity, I had some hopes that Sonic Unleashed would breathe new life into the franchise. I haven't been a regular console gamer for good while, but I fondly remember the original 2D genesis games.

However, there is a ray of hope for those that are looking for it. Gamespot
No. I refuse to believe you are seriously entrusting the projected goodness of this game to one of the most controversial video game publications on the Internet.
Correction, only one version of this game, namely the Wii version. I have heard some secondhand accounts of Gamespot failing to be truely neutral and unbiased in thier reviews, but I am not one to blanket an entire orginization based on a some isolated incidents. There may be more to which I'm not aware, so please enlighten me if you wish.

But besides that, I would think that in this particular case if the reviewers intentions were not in the objective listing of the games merits and failings the review scores for the 360 and Wii versions wouldn't be so divergent and partically polar opposites in the tone of the language.

But in this case, truth is ultimately decided by consensus and we will simply have to wait for more reviews on the Wii, 360, and other versions of this game.


New member
Jul 24, 2008
I remember when Sonic was good- I also remember exactly when it went horribly horribly wrong. I was one of the few that was actually O.K. with Sonic Adventure (however I was 13 and it was the first 3D game that I owned so I had fun with it at the time). I was kind of ok with Adventure 2... but by then I knew something was wrong.

Alright Sonic Team, it's time to go back to your roots. If Sonic speed and game play is only really good when in 2D then go back to friggen 2D. Update 2D graphics, make it look super good, amazing. 3D isn't helping you get back to the amazing basics this franchise was once known for. You might not be able to ask for as much money, but more people would buy it, I swears.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Thanks for this - I almost bought it thinking they learned from Sonic 360 and hoping that I would rekindle my youth with Sonic Adventures on the Dreamcast.

...actually I went back to that game recently and found it a bit pants.


New member
Oct 29, 2008
Classic Yahtzee, bile-filled spew fest. I wish more games of this caliber would get released, just so Yahtzee could review them.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! Best review ever, and a new fucking show!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! TOO MUCH AWESOME!!!!!


Sorry, I've just lost all dignity


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Can we please stop acting like Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure aren't great games now? Because they are. And they're from this generation.

Just because they're on a handheld, that doesn't mean they don't exist.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
I've never been a huge Sonic fan, but can the game really be that bad? Well, the whole 'dicking about 'cause you can't play the game 'cause you don't have enough money' part sounds kinda lame, and the level design, if it is indeed as poor as you say, would suck a big one too, and - oh wait, maybe it is that bad.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Yeah. Well. Thanks.
Best review of the last time, i lol'd hard etc. etc.

no, rly, it was fucking awesome


New member
Nov 26, 2008
Sonic has in my eyes never been that good of a game and i wonder who is trying to keep that little rat alive. Actually the same goes for mario in my opinion. Sonic and Mario belonged on the old generations of consoles in the 2D universe.And why nintendo keeps on wanting to relive its golden days of supermaribros3, Zelda and NES in general i cant understand.They made good games and good concepts but isnt it time we got new heroes? and new games? new concepts? everything has been done and done again. And Sonic is the wirst example. In the distant future (the year 2000) we will probably talk about how bad "halo: the new hero unleashed" or "metalgearsolid8: snake retires" is...


New member
Aug 2, 2006
The fans desireth vitriol, Yahtzeeth delivereth.

Quite the awe-inspiring tongue-lashing, to be sure. It just goes to show that while most bad games have to be good enough to hold a grudge against, a purely bad game is just an affront to the senses.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
I usually don't reply to these but...

Just wow...

I...I dont know what to say. I almost feel bad for the devs. That was worse then the Brawl review. Hell, that was worse than his Jericho review! This review was just plain mean.

It feels like I just witnessed someone being struck by a bullet train.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
"... designed by HITLER..."
in an earlier review yahtzee said:
"...also I think Hitler was right..."

so what?

also: someone tell me what's the name of the sonic game with the underage girl pls.
just personal interest


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Zayus said:
Sonic has in my eyes never been that good of a game and i wonder who is trying to keep that little rat alive. Actually the same goes for mario in my opinion. Sonic and Mario belonged on the old generations of consoles in the 2D universe.And why nintendo keeps on wanting to relive its golden days of supermaribros3, Zelda and NES in general i cant understand.They made good games and good concepts but isnt it time we got new heroes? and new games? new concepts? everything has been done and done again. And Sonic is the wirst example. In the distant future (the year 2000) we will probably talk about how bad "halo: the new hero unleashed" or "metalgearsolid8: snake retires" is...
Super Mario Galaxy is one of the greatest games ever made. That's why these old franchises are still going. Because they're still going STRONG.

Except for Sonic. (Most of the time.)


New member
Mar 6, 2008
I can appreciate funny reviews, but of a game that was so inconsequential to begin with?

Prince of Persia, Little Big Planet, Gears 2, whatever - But games like this?

sigh. I know they're easier to be funny about, but with the new games that are out that have a lot more interest in the community, it seems a cop-out to focus on the "little" games.