Zero Punctuation: Sonic Unleashed


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Muphin_Mann said:
That was roxxor. I needed the catharsis of having a game be beat to death before my eyes.
Your grammar is shit and I don't care that you did it on purpose because that makes you a retard.

Seriously, will you go buy a game just to despise it? Yahtzee doesn't buy his own games; the escapist buys them for him.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Amplify said:
The video's been up over 20 minutes and there are so few comments? Have I just walked into the twilight zone?

@ the video:
At least it's godda be better than Sonic 2006, right?
There scared because of all the banhammer action on last weeks video.


New member
Mar 31, 2008
Why did Yahtzee say he like playing bad games? Shouldn't he relax by reviewing Prince of Persia?


New member
Nov 6, 2008
I really like when something really shitty pulls it self from the depths. Take a look at James bond and batman, they came back from the brink. I would like to see the next sonic game do something like mirrors edge mixed in with tomb raider. Free running is in, they could easily play off that a bit, hell he is even looking to get gold rings. Sega also needs to remember that dynamic lighting is a bit of a must.


New member
Feb 4, 2008
Even though he keeps displaying the Wii box art of the game, it sounds like he's actually playing the 360/PS3 version of it.

By what I understand, the Wii version has a text based level selection, not the overworld system which Yahtzee is describing. Also the controller in the video is a traditional one, rather than the remote and Nunchuck shown whenever he reviews a Wii game.

It'd be nice to have a definite answer for this though, since all that can currently be done is speculate.


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
I laughed when I saw what it was, and it was the first in a while to actually make me laugh out loud. I can't believe they keep trying with sonic. It almost breaks my heart.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Triffid said:
PedroSteckecilo said:
I think this is the angriest ZP we've had in a while, I'm watching this at work and I was stunned, STUNNED by the humorous amount of hate that spewed fourth from the screen in the last half of the review. I am SOOOOO glad nobody walked in on me during that, it would have taken some seriously awkward explaining.
I know how to fix this though.

Instead, when you're at work, do some FUCKING WORK instead of watching videos on the internet, wage slave
Your words only hurt because you're correct, I definately don't work hard enough. Though nobody would get on my case here if I watched the occasional web video. I just watch to many web videos.


New member
Aug 9, 2008
Sonic should no longer be in games. Leave him to us Furries for we know just what to do with him. :) we did the same thing to bowser.


New member
Jun 2, 2008
for the first time i disagree with yahtzee, unleashed is the best sonic game ive played in....well, since i was chatting at primary school about this newfangled thing called pokemon.

-my spell check does not care for the word unleashed but has no problem with newfangled? -APPLE?!?!

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
Yatrix said:
Why does this cat pick the stupidest games to review? This game isn't even relevant. I was hoping to hear jokes on the homoeroticism between Marcus and Dom. =)
Agreed, I want a Gears of War review because I actually like the game and also because Yahtzee will rip the shit out of it. It's somehow funnier when he reviews popular games.

Space Spoons

New member
Aug 21, 2008
I have got to show this to my friend. The poor guy's a diehard Sonic fan, and was utterly convinced that Unleashed was going to be his "big comeback".


New member
Aug 18, 2008
Sonic and 3-D is bad. Well, Sonic had about 30 games in the last 20 years. I can think of 4 or 5 that are any good.

Mario is the only character that is a bigger whore than Sonic. The problem is that most of Mario's outing's are pretty good.

I think that future Sonic games should be limited to 2-D side scrollers on Handheld systems. While he had 2 or 3 good 3-D games, sonic and 3d do not mix well.

Russian Redneck

New member
Apr 21, 2008
Guys, even if Team Sonic buries the hatchet in the Sonic franchise, the fanbase is still going to complain. If they reinvent him to perfectly fit his "Ye Olden" days, the fanbase will still complain. If they try something new, the fanbase will STILL complain. The problem does not lie with Sonic, but his intolerant, incompetent, ignorant 8 year-old fanbase.

Here's a tip: Find a new fanbase. On the warped side of the spectrum, I applaud Team Sonic's ruthless manipulation of its simple-minded followers.

Damned if they do, damned if they don't...the only thing Team Sonic can do anymore is hold onto what's left of their franchise.

Also, JESUS CHRIST YAHTZEE! I have never seen you go off like. Not even when reviewing Brawl.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Pity, I had some hopes that Sonic Unleashed would breathe new life into the franchise. I haven't been a regular console gamer for good while, but I fondly remember the original 2D genesis games.

However, there is a ray of hope for those that are looking for it. Gamespot has rated the Wii version to be pretty good (7.0 versus 3.5 for the 360), having tighter execution and control that its HD contemporaries.;title;1

Well, maybe next time.

Heh, Cub fans are eternally optimistic... :p


New member
Oct 10, 2008
It is all true, put Sonic to rest. Sega will never make a good 2D old school style Sonic game again. Because of this fact Sonic needs to die.

Super Racer Z

New member
Dec 17, 2008
TheLostSkeleton said:
Say what you will about me, or about the game, but to be honest, it's not so bad. I'm guessing Yahtzee reviewed the Wii version - which as I understand it, is missing a considerable amount of content. It fills these "gaps" in content with more "Werehog", to the point where I've heard the Werehog-to-Sonic ratio stands at about 4:1.

I got the Xbox 360 version for myself, to review it for our site, and I honestly enjoyed it quite a bit. I'm not going to be daft and call the game perfect or anywhere close to it, but really, if you really give it a chance (as opposed to writing it off as "shit" before you even put the disc in), it's pretty enjoyable.

Unfortunately, not many people have patience for an imperfect 3D Sonic game these days, it seems. Even if that "imperfect 3D Sonic game" is probably the best one we've gotten since Sega was still in the business of producing game hardware.
I pretty much agree with this. I'm going to get this game for the PS2 later when the price drops just for the lulz, but from the 360 demo, absolutely superb. I love the speed and platforming and the graphics are almost better than any other game on the 360. This comes just from playing the demo. the draw distance, the illumination, the textures, and how good all this looks at such speeds is just short of a miracle. Although at first the speed was a little much, and I got owned by the spikes near the end, I still was able to pull an A (but I watched a speed run of the level, so I kinda knew the level already...). I've played the demo for more than an hour total and it still hasn't lost it's fun. I was able to eventually pull a 02:04:81 and an S rank (although I did this way before) from experimenting and finding shortcuts. The controls are nice and they definitely eliminated the wall catching problem in previous games.

Now for a few peoples complaints. "It's too fast". If it's to fast, STOP BOOSTING. You don't have to boost and run as fast as you can ya know. "It's too hard". If you have actually tried to learn, oh well, guess you just don't have the reflexes required and/or don't know the controller well enough. If it's your first time and you happen to suck, keep playing and get used to the speed before you give up and jump for the "Too hard" claim. It's called a learning curve, not a learning line (although this is what most casual games have).

The hubs are not too bad from the looks of it, as they only have to last for the time it takes you to move through them unless you make them do otherwise. And you won't really get lost much. Only once or twice are the people mandatory to talk to. The rest you can just ignore. The Werehog you'll either like or hate from the looks of it. This is something I won't be able to discuss til I actually play the full game.

That's all I can say til I play the game come Christmas.

(oh, and what is the site for your review? I'll take a look.)