By and large, if you are a newcomer to the Smash series, you will be turned off by button-mashing softheads... (Much like I would be turned off of Street Fighter, cause I can't play it worth a damn -.-)
Once you've had some strategy, timing and some luck in your game, you can easily exploit the mashers. This game isn't without it's flaws, but it's far from being the worst game out there. I think Yahtzee did a good review from where he is on gaming. I know I would have the same opinion with most of the fighting games out there, but I rock at the platformers, ^^
Edit: Marth is much more fluent, I found. Ike is very well put together if you know how to control him. He is very deadly on small stages, as most of his attacks will launch anyone off screen. If it wasn't for SSE forcing me to use DDD for a healthy portion of it, I probably would never have touched him... Wolf is too erratic, then again I try not to use Fox/Falco because they are harder to control in this game.