Wow, this thread got... long. Unnecessarily long.
Honestly, the thing about Yahtzee's reviews is that they're usually accurate, even if you don't agree with his conclusions. And they're done in such a way that you really don't feel like agreeing or disagreeing is all that important.
"Reaching for criticism?" Not any more than he does with any other game. Brawl has problems. Most of them are what Yahtzee pointed out: Camera (zooming out waaaaay too far? Yes, a problem), Extremely long character unlocks (yes), Single Player long and repetative (oooh yes - really too bad too, 'cause it had some potential).
For Yahtzee's review, add in hating Fighting Games (funny, since I've always thought of Smash Bros. as "fighting lite" at best).
Now, if those things are enough to make you go "Hey, this game blows," then hey, you got something out of the review. If they're not, then hey, you enjoyed the review.
Honestly, if that's all of the criticism (and it's all very valid - c'mon, we all know those are issues) that could be found for this game, it's only because he didn't actually put a lot of time into it.
I love the game though, and most people I know do too (inexplicably, those who I know who hate the game in theory really enjoy -playing- it).
Great review though.