Zero Punctuation: Super Smash Bros. Brawl


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Snake is very slow... I don't see how he could be very effective. I understand his weapons make him extremely powerful, but that can be dodged easily, leaving him wide open while he haplessly watches his Nikita or Mortar float past you.


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Apr 23, 2008
KnightOfShaddai said:
mspencer82) Actually, I have a Wii and I own this game. Heck I even entered in some tournaments back in the Melee days. All I'm saying is that this game is meant to be fun. Its not meant to be taken seriously. If your a fan, yes, its a superb game and your going to get a lot out of it. If your not, this game will irritate you to no end (which is quite amusing, actually. Maybe thats why I liked Yahtze's review so much). If you play this game solely for the purpose of tournaments and being the best, your going to miss out on 1/2 the gameplay, which I've seen happen too much.
I know, but there's a ton of people who only have a 360/PS3 and have never touched it so the only reason they have to hate SSBB is because of the annoying fan boys. Yes, SSBB is a fun game, that's exactly the point and what makes it a good game. That's what I meant by just judging it objectively, without bias. I don't care for any tournaments or w/e.
Apr 16, 2008
Marth is one of the Lords from "Fire Emblem" YEAH I TOLD YA!

I don't care ^__^

And I was not one of the people who defended the Nintendo Wii's name to the death. In fact, when I first bought it I was disappointed (what with the only two games being Wii sports and Twilight Princess).


New member
Mar 22, 2008
I want to know more about Yahtzee's story with Nintendo.
Apparently, it's pretty deep.

Neo Kojiro

New member
Mar 19, 2008
Jesus Christ, a hundred and fifty replies in two hours? I think that qualifies as a 'shitstorm', from a technical standpoint.

Anyways, i'm always up for popular games getting bashed for well-deserved reasons, so cheers to Yahtzee.


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Apr 23, 2008
Kinokiro said:
Importer: I agree with you about Tekken, Soul Calibur. I can't stand those games either. Funny you mention DBZ, because the very early DBZ fighters (Dragonball Z: Final Bout) were actually one of my favorite 2D fighting games.
Well I didn't like the earlier DBZ games because they were kind of basic and fell into the category of "Anime Fighting games for quick license profit", but I did like DBZ legend mainly because it was a fast game.

These new DBZ games however are way to complicated and have way to many moves for their own sake. Considering that they are aimed at kids, that's not a very wise marketing move >_>


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Sep 20, 2007
Although you can perfect your skills in any fighter to the point where you will always win against button-mashers the point is valid. Not that I'm awesome at it or anything, but in both Tekken and Soul Calibur I'll lose to button mashers sometimes simply because there are attacks that can take you out in 2-3 hits, and as your enemy won't be playing in an intelligent, but predictable, way you'll get swated once or twice out of like 20-30 matches.

Take a game like Guilty Gear on the other hand. No button-masher will beat me in that game. Not even once. I don't really like Smash Bros. as a fighter, but once you know what all the buttons do it's not a bad party game : )


New member
Apr 23, 2008
excellent review, had me in stitches.
although, when you said 'extrrrrravaganza' you gave me a flash-back to that old tv show johnny briggs. the annoying brother character.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I think Yahtzee's beef is more a fact of Nintendo resting on it's laurels about games. It has brilliant series such as Mother, and Fire Emblem that it keeps exclusive to Japan, buried under hundreds of Mario titles, until it's too late. They bring over a half effort, and when the series does poorly, they don't bother bringing it out again.

I agree that they're beating a dead horse, and now they're using nostalgia factor to sell more games... but that's business and people still eat it up.

I just wish Nintendo actually had released those Japan exclusives over here :(


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Jan 13, 2008
I have no idea if anyones pointed this out but since when do you do SSE twice? Personally, I enjoyed the SSE it was like kirby had some kind of twisted mutant baby with streets of rage. I loved the game but have basically stopped playing it now except with the odd mate occasionally and find if you play something other than a 4 player free for all you get less of a cluster fuck, it's definitely a game for people who aren't social pariahs... Or social pariahs who put a facade of likableness online and play wifi.

Also 'Wii' is a ridiculous name and they should have stuck with dolphin. As gay as that title sounds it still wouldn't have resulted in a plethora of 'hilarious' jokes about penises and pissing.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Garfgarog said:
Note the mention of wavedashing at the end. I was long out of Melee before I even heard of it though. I don't like making 'tier' or 'play level' comparisons, but I'd be 'high casual/low tourney'. That said, I have no idea what you mean about DI or higher priority as terms, but I'd probably know what it meant in practice accidentally. I also know how to escape it as well, having needed to a few times. I play/main Marth and Ike, with the Star Fox characters tying after that due to my style preference hinging on counters, so a lot of time when I play, I'm the one forcing people to mix up their attacks, because if someone uses a strict pattern of attacks, they'll end up not being able to land a hit on me. It was the same way in Melee, and soon after the launch of Brawl, and my counter-tactics actually forced my brother to stop being a button masher. Now he can match me blow for blow with my own characters. :|
DI = directional influence: the ability to change the angle at which a character reacts to a hit by nudging a direction corresponding to the hit. Also the ability to float in different directions while falling.

Priority = if two moves hit each other at the apex of their respective hitboxes which one wins? Answer: Lucas. Break mortar with counter for marth/ike, reflector with space animals, down A or a bomb with Link (my main) etc etc.

That all said I am going to put on my Nintendo T-shirt and cat ears and stop posting here because now that I've educated you all a little more I'm going to plug and go there since this is a discussion about ZP and I've digressed into SSB advanced techniques. I'm sorry Yahtzee, please forgive me.


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Apr 23, 2008
I find him more like a Ganondorf. He has the potential to be powerful and challenging but you really need to be precise and calculated. The one up he has on Ganon, is that he has projectiles.


New member
Mar 16, 2008
100% true i swear nintendo just revamp there old games how many mario karts, mario,zelda games are there?

Only thing i didnt like was that game shop you kept mentioning anyways why do you even bother replying to review fan boy requests


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Dectilon said:
Although you can perfect your skills in any fighter to the point where you will always win against button-mashers the point is valid. Not that I'm awesome at it or anything, but in both Tekken and Soul Calibur I'll lose to button mashers sometimes simply because there are attacks that can take you out in 2-3 hits, and as your enemy won't be playing in an intelligent, but predictable, way you'll get swated once or twice out of like 20-30 matches.

Take a game like Guilty Gear on the other hand. No button-masher will beat me in that game. Not even once. I don't really like Smash Bros. as a fighter, but once you know what all the buttons do it's not a bad party game : )
Indeed. With the exception of the Dead or Alive games (because of the counters), it seems that button mashing is more easily accomplish in 3D fighting games for some reason (never could figure out why).


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Nov 4, 2007
Whooo yeah! Gametraders! To all of those wondering YES he was being entirely objective with his praise for that beloved chain.


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Sep 20, 2007
Btw, I wonder how long it will take before Uwe Boll tries to buy the filming rights to 'Brawl : D