Zero Punctuation: Super Smash Bros. Brawl


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I created an account just to say that this review is solid gold.

It's incredible that this game, that is nothing more than a poor fanservice party game (not fighting), got perfect scores left and right.

I was banned form a forum some days ago just for saying more or less the same things about the game that Ya says in his video, this just to say how the part about nintendo fanboys is even trurer than the game review.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I winced when I saw that Yahtzee had to review this. After Brawl's release I was tempted to email Yahtzee under several different accounts to beg on my hands and knees that he never ever review this game. I've often loved games Yahtzee has criticized but I have never found any point in any review of his I disagree with, for which I greatly respect him as a reviewer, and this is no exception, despite my love for SSB and strange urges to fondle Masahiro Sakurai inappropriately.

Of course Yahtzee is going to hate this game as everyone should have known he would. At this point it's like making fun of counterstrike. The people who are into it should grow up and admit the stereotype they fall into and those who don't like it shouldn't say the game is bad. Clearly it isn't or it wouldn't have created its monolithic fan base. It's probably the most competitive and skill oriented fighting games out there(I shed a single tear for the loss of wavedashing)so anyone who wasn't a part of this scene in Melee isn't going to jump on the hype train because of Brawl. I'm so sorry for all the scathing emails you will get Yahtzee, you should never have had to subject yourself to this.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
The only advantage mashers have over "seasoned" vets, is that they are unpredictable and you can't play mind games with them. Against players who are conscious of what they are doing, it is easy to manipulate their movements to set them up for a huge combo.

Mashers just have an all out attack, so you have to dodge or pinpoint a time to break through. Which, in the case of some characters is near impossible.


New member
Nov 7, 2007
One of your best.

What the hell is a real rewiewer? I thought they we're all uncreative, not-fit-for-teaching, wankers who must critique as a last option ;)


New member
Mar 12, 2008
Finally. Now Super Smash Brothers Button Bashing Brawl has been reviewed hopefully everyone who has been posting relentlessly since the dawn of time can fuck off to Gamespit or some other "LOLOMG Nintendo iz teh b0mb" review site and we can all get back to enjoying Yahtzee reviewing things he wants to.

Holy run-on-sentence Batman.


New member
Dec 24, 2007
I genuinely felt that was the best review so far, 'that guy' syndrome is something we all have to make sure we avoid.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I played super smash bros brawl and it's true, you could have played 60 times the amount someone else has and they can still beat you by randomly hitting buttons in your direction.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
mspencer82) Heh. That sounds all too familiar. Its people like that which Fighting Gamers love to hate (and beat to a plup when a game comes around that demands some actual skill).

Orangedude) Actually, I have a Wii and I own this game. Heck I even entered in some tournaments back in the Melee days. All I'm saying is that this game is meant to be fun. Its not meant to be taken seriously. If your a fan, yes, its a superb game and your going to get a lot out of it. If your not, this game will irritate you to no end (which is quite amusing, actually. Maybe thats why I liked Yahtze's review so much). If you play this game solely for the purpose of tournaments and being the best, your going to miss out on 1/2 the gameplay, which I've seen happen too much.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Heffy: I played online against 3 other people (I was Ike) and I controlled the fight, literally, for the first minute of a 2 minute match. If you know what you're doing with the character, it's easy to overpower button-mashers.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
heffyhoof said:
I played super smash bros brawl and it's true, you could have played 60 times the amount someone else has and they can still beat you by randomly hitting buttons in your direction.
It isn't though. The SSB series is downright impervious to button mashers when compared to Soul Calibur or Tekken. Brawl would be the weaker link here than Melee admittedly, but toss a button masher against anyone who has gotten off the first bracket of any decent tournament and they wont take a single stock regardless of character (possible acception for Ike because he rewards you very heavily for rare intermittent hits.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Garfgarog said:
I, for one, accidentally discovered a 'dash cancel' for Fox (of all people) when playing against my brother.
Better get in the line for your free T-shirt and cat ears ;)


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Well I think that it's about time that I started posting around here.

First off, congratulations Yahtzee, the show is still good even after 30 weeks, which is something to be proud of in regards of the Internet standards, but that being said, you're not always professional in your reviews.

This topic in not about SSBB itself, I mean liking a specific game is still a matter of choice. I never loved any of of the Tekken or Soul Calibur games, but then again, I always felt that Namco never made anything original in the last 15 years that wasn't ripping some other game. Now am I part of a minority that doesn't like these 2 franchises? Yes, but do I have the credentials to comment, fuck ya! I played well over 70 versus fighting games in my lifetime ranging from 2D to 3D, spanning across multiple platforms and arcade boards, so I've earned the rights to speak about what's good and what's not.

You have the freedom to choose which genres you like, I mean I don't like sports, racing and FPS (yes, that includes Half-Life), but then again, I'm not a fucking game critic. Reviewing a game about a genre that you don't like however hurts your journalism integrity more than you think.

You made well of staying clear of JRPGs (regardless of stating your PPOV on them) but for you to come out and say that you don't like fighting games for X reasons and then reviewing one (or should I say bashing on one) a few moments afterwards, that shows a real degree of unprofessionalism. I'm personally surprised that you don't like fighting games because I was under the impression that you didn't like long commitments to a game and that spending to much time reading and not enough time hitting wasn't your cup of tea.

For the records, one could use the term button mashing for most games, I mean like it or not, you're bound to hit to right buttons eventually by hitting all of them in a random pattern, but for most games, no professional player will be beaten by a button masher with the exception of perhaps 1 or 2 games out of 200 >_>

As for the commitment part, most fighting games don't require to know many moves. If you're thinking of games such as Dead or Alive, the characters don't have that many moves, most of them are combos which you can just determine how they go by looking at the characters and figuring out what they're most likely able to perform (Heavy Vs Fast). Sure, some games have way to many characters and way to many moves (DBZ games), but Smash Bros. is not one of them, in fact, this franchise is pretty basic when it comes to fighting games

Smash Bros. is pretty easy to learn and once you've master the basics, the outcome of the game can be determine by the items you pick up or environment you play in. Sure you, can play without items in basic stages, but then you have painfully long combats where the winner only wins because his opponent missed dodging the same fucking move he did for the past 5 minutes >_>

Anyway, I'm getting off topic here. The point is, you obviously have limited tastes in game genres and you should stick to reviewing what you like because I'd hate to have post this again when Street Fighter IV comes out.



New member
Apr 23, 2008
Importer: I agree with you about Tekken, Soul Calibur. I can't stand those games either. Funny you mention DBZ, because the very early DBZ fighters (Dragonball Z: Final Bout) were actually one of my favorite 2D fighting games.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Garfgarog said:
Turbowombat said:
It's probably the most competitive and skill oriented fighting games out there
I choked.

Some things do take skill, though I see people using a lot of the exact same techniques because they're 'the best'. One person I play against fairly often uses random characters, but always uses the same attacks because they're 'the best' for winning and can easily be repeated nearly ad infinitum as long as they continue to work, like juggle combos with Snake and his mortar.

There are some games out there that have some depth to them that make my head spin, especially games that include split second frame timing for combos, cancels, follow ups and the like. Brawl, not so much, though it will probably be a good while before the 'true Brawl' is seen once people learn how to exploit bugs. I, for one, accidentally discovered a 'dash cancel' for Fox (of all people) when playing against my brother. I doubt it will ever become anything, but considering I discovered it by accident, who knows what else could be discovered accidentally? Wavedashing was an accident too if I remember correctly and look how that turned out.
Point taken and a very good point at that. I was referencing Melee more than Brawl there. If the term "wavedashing" means anything to you then you'll know what I'm talking about. As for the mortar, just DI away from it or side dodge it or counter it with an attack with higher priority. There's answers to every situation and predictability is heavily punished by anyone who knows what they're doing. Watch some tournament vids, the players get as crazy as counterstrike.

Tyler Whitney

New member
Oct 31, 2007
SSBB is the WWE of the video game world: Loud, dramatic, and a fighter know much more for its big names than its fighting system.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Wow - just discovered this site and it is fucking hilarious! The funniest (and most honest) games reviews ever. Keep up the good work Yahtzee.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
I normally like these, but that was disappointing. He spent over half the video making fun of 'fanboys' and Nintendo as a business (which he does in every single Nintendo review) rather than actually making fun of the game itself. And what's with the guitar hero character models? I know your animation isn't the point but geeze can we say 'recycled'? You know like the complaint that fighting games can all be won with button mashing? Very unimaginative, I await a better thought out entry.