i was talking about the reviewed one, i decided not to buy it coz cheap=crap in ireland now a days
Thats a good point. I liked Halo. I even sort of liked Halo 2, at least the arbiter levels. I loved playing with competent allies, using alien weapons exclusively, going invisible, and being a badass fallen warrior hero with, while not much personality, more personality than the cheif (ie: a personality). Broken-jaw was cool, too.Thedarkestofsouls said:I was not talking about Halo 3 (Halo 3 was far to overhyped. It didn't make it any less of a great game, but it definatly didn't deliver what it promised).
Yahtzee quite clearly use Halo: CE in his review, a game he is quoted to have never played, and to my knowledge he has not yet. The point of my responce was not to approve Halo, but to voice my complaint that yahtzee told me nothing about the actual gameplay of Turok except it was like have the games I like and half the games I don't. I assume you have played the new Turok, and thus spot-only agree that it sucks, so I will take you at your word. I just wish HE had been more clear on the game, not a weakening Genre.
Edit: Also, I am more then happy if people wish to voice their opinions, but honestly, the first person to use the word "Halo" in this discussion in a way other than "It sucks" was labeled a fan boy, and I would rather not turn this into an argument about what is and isn't fanatasism. If it really is such an interesting debate for people, I would welcome the discussion. However, that is what a PM system is for.
Thedarkestofsouls said:I was not talking about Halo 3 (Halo 3 was far to overhyped. It didn't make it any less of a great game, but it definatly didn't deliver what it promised).
Yahtzee quite clearly use Halo: CE in his review, a game he is quoted to have never played, and to my knowledge he has not yet. The point of my responce was not to approve Halo, but to voice my complaint that yahtzee told me nothing about the actual gameplay of Turok except it was like have the games I like and half the games I don't. I assume you have played the new Turok, and thus spot-only agree that it sucks, so I will take you at your word. I just wish HE had been more clear on the game, not a weakening Genre.
Edit: Also, I am more then happy if people wish to voice their opinions, but honestly, the first person to use the word "Halo" in this discussion in a way other than "It sucks" was labeled a fan boy, and I would rather not turn this into an argument about what is and isn't fanatasism. If it really is such an interesting debate for people, I would welcome the discussion. However, that is what a PM system is for.
Well, to be fair, for some people it's automatic. People tend to assimilate the speech patterns and behaviors of people they like. Some do it faster than others. For example, for the first few weeks of this, I had to consciously force myself NOT to sound like Yahtzee.DrMisanthrope said:Why are all of you dicks trying to sound like Yahtzee? I see it in pretty much everyones writing. Get your own style for fuck sake
Yeah, that opinion has popped up a lot lately. I just assume that everytime he says Halo, he means the one he played. And when he uses the original's boxart, that's just because it is more recognizable. Still, I would like to start seeing some retro review from Yahtzee, and Halo would make a good one. That is, if playing the third one first didn't ruin it for him.Yahtzee is basing his statements off of halo 3, and it's a wee bit unfair to tar the earlier games with the same brush.
Plays2 said:Nice review indeed.
What I really hated about this game were the controls, they were not unresponsive but I couldn't get a single headshot in the game.
Now the other problems were the shiny graphics, a paper thin and ripped off story, and I agreed that this game wanted to be an average game... like Halo which is a really good example.
ima halo fan, but i play it on pc which is much more organized
i also play halo 1 so free internet gaming!!
any way, halo really is an average hearse curtain pewter
EDIT: Now I feel the coming of halo fanboys because of the statements of an average or bad fps...
The only Link between them I can see is the fact that games started auto saving and if it auto saved with a health bar at 1% and 50 enemies between you and the next one it was a bad game design. But who knows thats just a guess.Hevo said:I do agree with him on HP bars. Where the hell did they all go?
I know that, and you know that. Unfortunately, a lot of the people I know that hate Zero Punctuation cite the "Halo" thing as their prime reason. They cite it as proof that the guy is fake, because he assumedly hates a game that he has admitted to never having played. My retro gaming idea was more so I could prove them wrong than anything. Well, that and it would give him a lot more material to rip since he's stuck in stupid six-months-behind Australia.Indigo_Dingo said:Again, its the fact that the third one was given perfect reviews by all the worlds reviewers, simply, it seems, for its name. He feels that that sort of behaviour is crapfuck, as innovation and originality never happens in somethings sequels, save perhaps Grand Theft Auto and Hitman series, and as originality and innovation are the things that will make a game good, giving something a loving review based on it being a sequel to a game that may or may not have been good to begin with is just stupid.
That and he is always suspicious of something that generates more hype over itself than Paris Hilton, as it is then likely to be compensating for something.