Chauvin Found Guilty of All Charges


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
So apparently the Judge thinks there may be grounds to have the entire verdict overturned:

"I'll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned," Judge Peter Cahill told defense attorney Eric Nelson on Monday.

If what politicians say can now overturn verdicts, there are a LOT of cases and juries I want to re-convene from the Trump years.
For fuck sake I hope not! Unless you want to intentionally cause an atomic meltdown, how about don't do it you idiots!


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
I meant that because people decided to assemble a mob of people, much like they used to assemble to lynch black people 100 years ago,
That you don't see what's wrong with this sentence says nothing positive about you.

That is the theory I saw being talked about elsewhere.
Name names.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
If what politicians say can now overturn verdicts, there are a LOT of cases and juries I want to re-convene from the Trump years.
I don't know about verdicts, but they've found in the UK that what politicians say certainly influences sentencing; ramping up political rhetoric against various crimes leads judges to increase sentences on average.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
I don't know about verdicts, but they've found in the UK that what politicians say certainly influences sentencing; ramping up political rhetoric against various crimes leads judges to increase sentences on average.
Can verdicts be overturned if the sentences are too harsh?


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
So Back The Blue and Blue Lives Matter are back to trending as conservatives are having a temper tantrum that a murderer got convicted of murder for a murder that was caught entirely on camera.

And I am supposed to seriously consider the idea that the murderer isn't *actually* a murderer committing the murder that was caught entirely on camera because letting the murderer go free when we have the entire video of the murderer committing murder on camera would probably get the city center burnt down?


I do not like vigilante justice. I don't. It harms out groups while protecting the already powerful. It's a reflection of power instead of justice. In theory, law enforcement shouldn't be beholden to a mob that doesn't have all the information.

But, that requires that law enforcement is held to a *higher* standard than the general population. Instead, every good cop I've ever heard of has been ostracized, fired, framed, and/or murdered for trying to be good cops. The dude who got fired for stopping a fellow officer from using an illegal chokehold wasn't backed up by his precinct. Wasn't backed up by his union. Wasn't backed up by his fellow officers.

But they'll sure as hell back a murderer who murdered an unarmed, subdued person on camera, going so far as lying about it on official reports.

If the only justice to be had is vigilante justice...


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
Tucker Carlson said it best on his show last night. If you can get convicted of killing a black man, why would anyone ever want to be a cop?
Back Blue Lives and Blue Lives Matter is just knee-jerk reactionary thoughts to the idea of white officers being held accountable. Being a police officer used to mean carte blanche to kill/rape/imprision anyone. There's a reason the phrase "We write the reports" is a threat.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
So Back The Blue and Blue Lives Matter are back to trending as conservatives are having a temper tantrum that a murderer got convicted of murder for a murder that was caught entirely on camera.

And I am supposed to seriously consider the idea that the murderer isn't *actually* a murderer committing the murder that was caught entirely on camera because letting the murderer go free when we have the entire video of the murderer committing murder on camera would probably get the city center burnt down?


I do not like vigilante justice. I don't. It harms out groups while protecting the already powerful. It's a reflection of power instead of justice. In theory, law enforcement shouldn't be beholden to a mob that doesn't have all the information.

But, that requires that law enforcement is held to a *higher* standard than the general population. Instead, every good cop I've ever heard of has been ostracized, fired, framed, and/or murdered for trying to be good cops. The dude who got fired for stopping a fellow officer from using an illegal chokehold wasn't backed up by his precinct. Wasn't backed up by his union. Wasn't backed up by his fellow officers.

But they'll sure as hell back a murderer who murdered an unarmed, subdued person on camera, going so far as lying about it on official reports.

If the only justice to be had is vigilante justice...
In which case the only course is to disband and not recognize current law enforcement and instead return to community based laws and enforcement of them by people in those communities. If the people do not trust the law enforcers and attempts to reform those institutions have failed then this is the course of action that is going to bring about a desire that will appeal to the most people.


We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
Ok, so there seems to have been a misunderstanding of what I was trying to say. When I said this isn't meant to be the trial, I meant that because people decided to assemble a mob of people, much like they used to assemble to lynch black people 100 years ago, that they'd scuffed this whole trial. This conclusion, if things go how the court process is supposed to, will be thrown out due to the influences of outside forces.

That is the theory I saw being talked about elsewhere. Not some stupid fucking conspiracy theory of "deep state" card shuffling. So if my point is now understood I would like to actually discuss that aspect of the trial if everyone is ok with that.
Yeah, and the Holocaust wasn’t real because they had a rec center. Bet your theory crafters have some ideas on that one too.


Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where
In which case the only course is to disband and not recognize current law enforcement and instead return to community based laws and enforcement of them by people in those communities. If the people do not trust the law enforcers and attempts to reform those institutions have failed then this is the course of action that is going to bring about a desire that will appeal to the most people.
I mean I've said this before on other threads, but here in St. Louis the police basically lost all legitimacy during the Ferguson riots and just act like an occupying army, with patrol copters and Nuisance Abatement Programs in black neighborhoods, mass stops of major highways to drug sniff/breathalyze everyone, fully armed SWAT officers standing guard, and openly refusing to report to civilian oversight or follow the directions of the mayor.

And didn't Regan fire all the nation's air traffic controllers and just start again? So shit like that has been done before.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I feel like the biggest take away here is that there's a running theme of cops creating their own "heightened situation". I think you'd see far less of these extremes if cops had better conflict resolution and de-escalation requirements training with government oversight rather than a protected fraternity of cops that are trained to think they are the domestic equivalent of the military. I realize the "no more cops" stuff is a lot of noise, but I would not be surprised if, with actual government monitoring and statistics we'd see evidence that a lot of these traffic stops are a waste of time and have limited impact on overall crime statistics. I wonder how much time Chauvins gonna spend sitting in his cell contemplating that he's there because someone died over a supposed fake $20.

People aren't merely protesting people being shot by cops. They're protesting the bleak inhumanity of people dying needlessly.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
That is the theory I saw being talked about elsewhere. Not some stupid fucking conspiracy theory of "deep state" card shuffling. So if my point is now understood I would like to actually discuss that aspect of the trial if everyone is ok with that.
The World is full of theories.

Unless you have some good fucking source and not just "Guy on the internet" this yet another take on "That's why there's a triangle on the money".

So put up or shut up, because I can post that video all goddamn day rather then waste breath responding to inane conspiracy babbling.
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Elite Member
May 28, 2020
United States
...Society expects officers to uphold the law with risk for their own life and the very nature of the job attracts a certain kind of people with often authoritarian tendencies or atleast closely related personality traits...
This right here strikes pretty close to the crux of the problem, apart from the daily, generally partisan, bullshit, and highlights exactly how deeply-rooted and systemic these problems are.

The public perception and expectation of law enforcement is not consistent with what law enforcement is, nor what law enforcement does, in the context of Western justice systems. In fact, it's the complete opposite of what that perception and expectation is. And no, this isn't about systemic racism, training methods, the dubious origins of contemporary police forces, what personality types the job attracts, or any other discrete issue within the broader context.

Pay close attention to this video, starting at 26:48:

That's a cop, explaining to a group of law students, exactly what his job as a cop is and how that contrasts to how the justice system nominally operates.

Cop in the video said:
I have my job. My job is to develop probable cause, develop a good case -- a great case is a case with a confession -- get it to the commonwealth's attorney so they can prosecute a case with little if any effort...that's my job.
Here's the TLDR: cops don't act on the presumption of innocence. Their job as state actors is to aid prosecution, and they do this through investigation, case-building, arrest, detention, and interrogation such that prosecution is best-informed as to how to exercise its prosecutorial discretion, and should a case go to trial, maximize the possibility of conviction. Thus, cops actually act on the presumption of guilt in order to most effectively aid prosecution.

This "protect and serve" stuff is public relations bullshit. Maybe once in an entire cop's career, if they're lucky, they might have to act swiftly and decisively to do something that might make someone a teeny, tiny bit safer. And guess what, that isn't engaging in high speed chases, gunfights, busting up "violent" protest, or any of this other dumb cop TV (news or fiction, not that there's much difference) bullshit the American public is awash with on a daily basis. In almost every case, that shit endangers public safety more than it provides.

And the shit cops could do to foster public safety? They either don't do it, or fuck it up.

Because that's not cops' jobs. Cops' jobs are to act as prosecutorial field agents.
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Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
I mean I've said this before on other threads, but here in St. Louis the police basically lost all legitimacy during the Ferguson riots and just act like an occupying army, with patrol copters and Nuisance Abatement Programs in black neighborhoods, mass stops of major highways to drug sniff/breathalyze everyone, fully armed SWAT officers standing guard, and openly refusing to report to civilian oversight or follow the directions of the mayor.

And didn't Regan fire all the nation's air traffic controllers and just start again? So shit like that has been done before.
That isn't a case of the law enforcement being unrecognized and dissolved, at least not in the way I mean. A large country cannot exist without a body that enforces the laws, if the people do not trust the body that enforces the laws or the body that makes the laws then the only option is to dissolve that large country into smaller communities that can create the kind of laws and enforcement of them that they wish.

In other words, something like dissolving the United States into individual states. The likely result would be that several states, particularly the ones with few natural resources, will join together into larger, but still smaller than the current US, countries. The alternative is that the country will descend into civil war as factions fight to seize control of the country and its power for themselves.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
The World is full of theories.

Unless you have some good fucking source and not just "Guy on the internet" this yet another take on "That's why there's a triangle on the money".

So put up or we'll all treat you like John is treating Herbert Moon.....I mean, moreso.
Lol off-topic, but wow they really beat you over the head with it. I get the sentiment and maybe the comedy. I question their research though. I'm not "sure" the terminology specific xenophobia would be correct for that timeframe. My debate brain wants to go research this because I wanna say anti-catholism didn't come until later in the 1900s and I'm not sure Asian or Homosexual were common slurs. Then again I'm sure the developers would have blanched at using the real slurs that I won't repeat aloud. The jew thing I believe. That sadly dates back a long long time. * nope I'm wrong anti-catholism does date back as well.

I guess I could see it. A tad over the top, but believable.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
Can verdicts be overturned if the sentences are too harsh?
Nope. They'll just reduce the sentence.

The UK has similar laws on interference in trials. The judge would normally declare a mistrial if he felt the interference severe enough. If lesser, they may allow the trial to continue but issue a public rebuke to the offender (not that this has any official force).

I think the evidentiary bar to cross for a public statement by an elected official to justify an appeal should be quite high. Although my understand of appeals is that this is true anyway: I don't know if it counts as an official "benefit of the doubt" in the same way as innocent until proven guilty, but appeals seem to me to say the verdict stands unless there is exceptionally good reason to say otherwise.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Nope. They'll just reduce the sentence.

The UK has similar laws on interference in trials. The judge would normally declare a mistrial if he felt the interference severe enough. If lesser, they may allow the trial to continue but issue a public rebuke to the offender (not that this has any official force).

I think the evidentiary bar to cross for a public statement by an elected official to justify an appeal should be quite high. Although my understand of appeals is that this is true anyway: I don't know if it counts as an official "benefit of the doubt" in the same way as innocent until proven guilty, but appeals seem to me to say the verdict stands unless there is exceptionally good reason to say otherwise.
Do you think it possible for this trial to be declared a mistrial due to the mob of people outside the building threatening to burn it down? I'm not asking if you think they should, do you think it possible and/or likely?


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
So Back The Blue and Blue Lives Matter are back to trending as conservatives are having a temper tantrum that a murderer got convicted of murder for a murder that was caught entirely on camera.
So I pulled up twitter, and it turns out #BackTheBlue is 50% people posting things other than police that can be blue, and 49% people using the hashtag to criticize the hastag. and 1% people talking about the Columbus shooting. Blue Lives Matter doesn't seem to have trended recently. I'm not seeing a temper tantrum.