That only works if that archetype had been established with Scott Pilgrim. But it had been around for WAAAAAY longer than that film., she didn't ruin a generation of women. I mean come on, that film came out in 2010, 20....10! Punky, hair dyed girls with ink and piercings, and a Don't Give a Fuck attitude, had been a LONG established thing, well before that film. Perhaps the person who wrote the song is so young he THINKS they are all derived from SP v the World, but that just shows how naïve and young he is. Because when I saw the first trailers for that film, she looked like a plethora of other characters I'd seen for years. She definitely didn't scream "wow! what a new female concept!"
Now, you could maybe say, that the current crop of young women, have that film as their personal cultural touchstone for that archetype, sure, having never seen any of the older films she's derived from?. But it's hardly the first one. She's very much a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, just with some more edgy flavors to her. Plenty of those floating around.
I also find it funny that the "punk" song, that's nothing but whining about a type of girl he doesn't like, doesn't sound original at all. It sounded like something from back in the 90s, even down to the shitty sound quality. Don't know if he was trying to go retro (hmm, maybe like the very type of girl he's trying to ridicule), or he's just got really shitty recording equipment. Either way, he's no more original in his musical tastes, than the girls he mocks.