Shower Thoughts MK2


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Why are all the "Let me show you how to get rich quick!" ads I see on YT these days, almost 100% composed of mid 20s, white, dudebros, with the most douchey hairstyles imaginable? From cryptocurrency, to Honey, to whatever manly man product that will totally make sure nobody thinks your simpy little cuck beta.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Why are all the "Let me show you how to get rich quick!" ads I see on YT these days, almost 100% composed of mid 20s, white, dudebros, with the most douchey hairstyles imaginable? From cryptocurrency, to Honey, to whatever manly man product that will totally make sure nobody thinks your simpy little cuck beta.
Easy, they're trying to attract equally white dudebros with douche-y hairstyles. When you go fishing, you never catch all the fish; best to bring the bait that nets the ones you can. Just saying, diversity in the "get rich quick" camp isn't a high priority; they don't want to waste time pandering to everyone while their car is idling by the curb, ready to show taillights to all the suckers who fall for the bullshit.

The one I find particularly annoying is the one about a soap for men; the commercial quite literally starts with, nigh verbatim, "The soap you use? Is shit." Try selling a soccer mom with that kind of campaign. Me? A 41-year-old, adult man saw that and was immediately like "if I do nothing else with my life, it will be to actively avoid patronizing that dick hole." That kind of advertising is so juvenile, I can't possibly take it seriously.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Easy, they're trying to attract equally white dudebros with douche-y hairstyles. When you go fishing, you never catch all the fish; best to bring the bait that nets the ones you can. Just saying, diversity in the "get rich quick" camp isn't a high priority; they don't want to waste time pandering to everyone while their car is idling by the curb, ready to show taillights to all the suckers who fall for the bullshit.

The one I find particularly annoying is the one about a soap for men; the commercial quite literally starts with, nigh verbatim, "The soap you use? Is shit." Try selling a soccer mom with that kind of campaign. Me? A 41-year-old, adult man saw that and was immediately like "if I do nothing else with my life, it will be to actively avoid patronizing that dick hole." That kind of advertising is so juvenile, I can't possibly take it seriously.
OH yeah, that dude soap, I know exactly the brand you're talking about. And there is a beard products commercial as well, that literally has a manly, bearded dudebro, being pulled through a frozen tundra on a sled, by a bunch of beardless, beta male cuck simps, actively talking about how less manly they are than you. So if you don't want to be like them, grow a beard and buy our beard products! It's just so ridiculously blatant with it's toxic masculinity. Like, it feels like they are trying to replicate the Old Spice commercial insanity of the last few decades, but fail to grasp the spirit of those commercials. How they are MOCKING that kind of masculine behavior.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
OH yeah, that dude soap, I know exactly the brand you're talking about. And there is a beard products commercial as well, that literally has a manly, bearded dudebro, being pulled through a frozen tundra on a sled, by a bunch of beardless, beta male cuck simps, actively talking about how less manly they are than you. So if you don't want to be like them, grow a beard and buy our beard products! It's just so ridiculously blatant with it's toxic masculinity. Like, it feels like they are trying to replicate the Old Spice commercial insanity of the last few decades, but fail to grasp the spirit of those commercials. How they are MOCKING that kind of masculine behavior.
Not to make this political, but it reminds me of the Trump presidency, the way things have shifted and "the joke" has become "an ideal" for many. Trump exemplified everything people have mocked and satirized about the American politician for decades, and he still managed to not only get in to office, but seriously divide the nation whilst being said exemplar. Anyone with common sense could see and call out the bullshit while a substantial number of the populace made his "us versus them" strategies viable to a dangerous extent. I've said for the past 4 years, he's either a highly manipulative genius or a dangerous idiot, but either way, for him, the slightest personal gain is worth massive losses for anyone else.

It's the reason Dave Chappelle quit his show; executives weren't "in on the joke" that he was parodying stereotypes, and at the height of his success, rather than giving him creative freedom, they were just saying "make fun of black people more; it's edgy and makes for great ratings!"
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
If you're ever worried that you can't make a difference in this world, that you are too insignificant to leave a mark, just remember.

A woman who got known for being a hot blond with tits on MTV, eventually helped galvanize an idiotic movement that has probably lead to the deaths of millions, from her influence alone. Yes folks, YOU TOO, could be as influential as Jenny McCarthy. So don't worry about shooting for the stars, just aim for the ditch, and unload that AR-15 of bullshit, and watch the world change.

Don't actually do any of that.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
If you're ever worried that you can't make a difference in this world, that you are too insignificant to leave a mark, just remember.

A woman who got known for being a hot blond with tits on MTV, eventually helped galvanize an idiotic movement that has probably lead to the deaths of millions, from her influence alone. Yes folks, YOU TOO, could be as influential as Jenny McCarthy. So don't worry about shooting for the stars, just aim for the ditch, and unload that AR-15 of bullshit, and watch the world change.

Don't actually do any of that.
Uh-oh; what she dunt did?


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Uh-oh; what she dunt did?
She basically spearheaded the anti-vax movement and popularized it like 20 years ago, and it's now blossomed into a ridiculous monstrosity. It's not anything new that I'm aware of, just, well to me "shower thoughts" equates to "those random ass things that pop into your head whenever that you want to share." And I had that thought about her like 30 mins before posting that. That I, personally don't really recall hearing anything about anti-vaxing, UNTIL she started publishing her "mommy wisdoms" bullshit books back when she was preggo, and started doing the talk show circuit, spreading her BS via housewives. And now it's a huge fucking thing. So I wondered "Huh, how many people has she contributed to killing by this point? Because it's probably a lot"
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
She basically spearheaded the anti-vax movement and popularized it like 20 years ago, and it's now blossomed into a ridiculous monstrosity. It's not anything new that I'm aware of, just, well to me "shower thoughts" equates to "those random ass things that pop into your head whenever that you want to share." And I had that thought about her like 30 mins before posting that. That I, personally don't really recall hearing anything about anti-vaxing, UNTIL she started publishing her "mommy wisdoms" bullshit books back when she was preggo, and started doing the talk show circuit, spreading her BS via housewives. And now it's a huge fucking thing. So I wondered "Huh, how many people has she contributed to killing by this point? Because it's probably a lot"
Oh, I had no idea. But yeah, ironically, I could see her celebrity spreading misinformation like a disease. It's something that has actually blown my mind of late ("of late" being the past several years,) how easily led people can be and how oddly, the advent of the breadth of information available at everyone's fingertips via the internet has actually shown how DUMB people can be.

Immigrants have to take a citizenship test, but I'm convinced, EVERYONE born here should take the same fucking test. Pedro over there has to prove his worth while Karen over here gets to swing her child around by the ankles swearing she knows better than people who dedicated their lives and money into attain actual medical knowledge to become physicians.

I'd say I'm an advocate of a yearly "Purge" holiday, but then, I don't know how many secret enemies I have, and don't want to risk it...
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Seems unfair how people who lose their sight gain the benefit of enhanced hearing while people who lose their hearing gain no appreciable enhancement to their sense of sight...


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
OH yeah, that dude soap, I know exactly the brand you're talking about. And there is a beard products commercial as well, that literally has a manly, bearded dudebro, being pulled through a frozen tundra on a sled, by a bunch of beardless, beta male cuck simps, actively talking about how less manly they are than you. So if you don't want to be like them, grow a beard and buy our beard products! It's just so ridiculously blatant with it's toxic masculinity. Like, it feels like they are trying to replicate the Old Spice commercial insanity of the last few decades, but fail to grasp the spirit of those commercials. How they are MOCKING that kind of masculine behavior.
Man, I remember that old advert. It was a hoot.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I may not like Scott Pilgrim anymore, but did Ramona Flowers really ruin a whole generation of women? This song that came out in 2019 is the first I've ever heard about the situation. Or is this guy just mainly dissing the Tinder/TikTok/Twitter crowds?

Last edited:


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I many not like Scott Pilgrim anymore, but did Ramona Flowers really ruin a whole generation of women? This song that came out in 2019 is the first I've ever heard about the situation. Or is this guy just mainly dissing the Tinder/TikTok/Twitter crowds?

That only works if that archetype had been established with Scott Pilgrim. But it had been around for WAAAAAY longer than that film., she didn't ruin a generation of women. I mean come on, that film came out in 2010, 20....10! Punky, hair dyed girls with ink and piercings, and a Don't Give a Fuck attitude, had been a LONG established thing, well before that film. Perhaps the person who wrote the song is so young he THINKS they are all derived from SP v the World, but that just shows how naïve and young he is. Because when I saw the first trailers for that film, she looked like a plethora of other characters I'd seen for years. She definitely didn't scream "wow! what a new female concept!"

Now, you could maybe say, that the current crop of young women, have that film as their personal cultural touchstone for that archetype, sure, having never seen any of the older films she's derived from?. But it's hardly the first one. She's very much a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, just with some more edgy flavors to her. Plenty of those floating around.

I also find it funny that the "punk" song, that's nothing but whining about a type of girl he doesn't like, doesn't sound original at all. It sounded like something from back in the 90s, even down to the shitty sound quality. Don't know if he was trying to go retro (hmm, maybe like the very type of girl he's trying to ridicule), or he's just got really shitty recording equipment. Either way, he's no more original in his musical tastes, than the girls he mocks.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
That only works if that archetype had been established with Scott Pilgrim. But it had been around for WAAAAAY longer than that film., she didn't ruin a generation of women. I mean come on, that film came out in 2010, 20....10! Punky, hair dyed girls with ink and piercings, and a Don't Give a Fuck attitude, had been a LONG established thing, well before that film. Perhaps the person who wrote the song is so young he THINKS they are all derived from SP v the World, but that just shows how naïve and young he is. Because when I saw the first trailers for that film, she looked like a plethora of other characters I'd seen for years. She definitely didn't scream "wow! what a new female concept!"

Now, you could maybe say, that the current crop of young women, have that film as their personal cultural touchstone for that archetype, sure, having never seen any of the older films she's derived from?. But it's hardly the first one. She's very much a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, just with some more edgy flavors to her. Plenty of those floating around.

I also find it funny that the "punk" song, that's nothing but whining about a type of girl he doesn't like, doesn't sound original at all. It sounded like something from back in the 90s, even down to the shitty sound quality. Don't know if he was trying to go retro (hmm, maybe like the very type of girl he's trying to ridicule), or he's just got really shitty recording equipment. Either way, he's no more original in his musical tastes, than the girls he mocks.

I just checked where the original song came from. From a person/group called Negative XP. But yeah, I have no idea if they're being serious or "ironic". The first time I ever heard of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl or became a thought/concept of it was Haruko from FLCL back in 2003. Though she is more of a deconstruction and something that is not to be celebrated.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010

I just checked where the original song came from. From a person/group called Negative XP. But yeah, I have no idea if they're being serious or "ironic". The first time I ever heard of a Manic Pixie Dream Girl or became a thought/concept of it was Haruko from FLCL back in 2003. Though she is more of a deconstruction and something that is not to be celebrated.
Yeah I think the first time I heard the term was around that same time, specifically in reference to Kate Winslet's character in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004). Prior to that I wasn't really that into actually learning the various storytelling tools and frameworks, to try and structure a story, and tell it well. But after actually seeing a video explaining the trope, I was like "oh...ok yeah that's what they call that." It wasn't something new for me, it was just I now had a handy label for that storytelling shorthand for an archetype.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I also find it funny that the "punk" song, that's nothing but whining about a type of girl he doesn't like, doesn't sound original at all. It sounded like something from back in the 90s, even down to the shitty sound quality.
Soooo...douchebag with a guitar?

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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Soooo...douchebag with a guitar?

God that was literally my best friend from elementary school, when we went to college and dormed together. He could play guitar (was actually pretty good), and could sing. But damn if he didn't deploy that instrument for pussy on a regular basis. I even inadvertently helped him with the lyrics at one point, when he couldn't find a good rhyming phrase to finish up the chorus. I felt conflicted about helping him weaponize music for ass, but I didn't know! I swear! But, to be fair, the girls were wanting to bang him anyway, that just sped up the process. But yeah, that was my friend, to a T.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
God that was literally my best friend from elementary school, when we went to college and dormed together. He could play guitar (was actually pretty good), and could sing. But damn if he didn't deploy that instrument for pussy on a regular basis. I even inadvertently helped him with the lyrics at one point, when he couldn't find a good rhyming phrase to finish up the chorus. I felt conflicted about helping him weaponize music for ass, but I didn't know! I swear! But, to be fair, the girls were wanting to bang him anyway, that just sped up the process.
I won't judge you for that. Hopefully, your friend has grown out of that, but it's his choice if he decides to do that or not. At least you learned something and became a better person.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
God that was literally my best friend from elementary school, when we went to college and dormed together. He could play guitar (was actually pretty good), and could sing. But damn if he didn't deploy that instrument for pussy on a regular basis. I even inadvertently helped him with the lyrics at one point, when he couldn't find a good rhyming phrase to finish up the chorus. I felt conflicted about helping him weaponize music for ass, but I didn't know! I swear! But, to be fair, the girls were wanting to bang him anyway, that just sped up the process. But yeah, that was my friend, to a T.
I never "weaponized" my talent, but it's definitely gotten me laid a few times. Not by design; I'm no creep nor have I the predatory talent to try to pull off such insanely douche-y shit; I actually hate playing in front of people (stage fright,) but when they ask, I deliver.

Thanksgiving of 2015, I was invited to a friend's mother's house for dinner; he'd invited several mutual acquaintances of ours. His mom has a baby grand piano, and when my buddy told his mom I played (as he'd already threatened he'd do,) she requested a song. As I was a guest, I obliged. One of the people there was a woman I knew OF, but didn't really know personally; we'd been cordial, but never really interacted much. But immediately after that night, she became a lot more chatty around me, started coming around more often, invited me over for backyard parties, etc. I thought we were building a friendship (I'm a shy, unassuming guy,) but in March of 2016, she "invited me over." That was 5 years ago and how my girlfriend and I started. She talks about hearing me play that Thanksgiving, and how she basically "plotted to get me" from that moment. My relationship is the result of an elaborate plot of flirting an implicit suggestion by an evil woman hell-bent on getting her way. Thanks, piano.


Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I never "weaponized" my talent, but it's definitely gotten me laid a few times. Not by design; I'm no creep nor have I the predatory talent to try to pull off such insanely douche-y shit; I actually hate playing in front of people (stage fright,) but when they ask, I deliver.
Well it's hardly predatory behavior. I mean let's all take a moment and remember it's not like these women were 100% against the idea of banging a dude, but then they heard a song and were ensorcelled by his talent like a sailor to a Siren. They were already mostly in the boat of "I will fuck this guy." They were horny teenagers and 20 year olds, it does NOT take much motivation to get people in that age bracket, to want to have sex. I was joking when I said I didn't know I was helping him weaponize music for pussy. I was more commenting about how tripe and bland the songs could be, that would impress the young ladies into banging. But honestly, the ladies in question, would've banged him without the music. It was just a bit of foreplay really.

The thing I found the most amusing, was how that same song, worked so many times. But how it wasn't that good of a song. But , he sang it with FEELING, and sincerity! And they just ate that shit up. And my friend was actually a musician, he'd been playing various instruments his whole life. Was a sax player in high school band, dabbled with the guitar, and continued with that instrument. And he could sing pretty well too. But he was also a really good looking dude, that, even without music, got a lot of female attention.

It would be predatory behavior, only if he used the fucking guitar to clobber them over the head and then dragged them back to a room to bang while unconscious.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Well it's hardly predatory behavior. I mean let's all take a moment and remember it's not like these women were 100% against the idea of banging a dude, but then they heard a song and were ensorcelled by his talent like a sailor to a Siren. They were already mostly in the boat of "I will fuck this guy." They were horny teenagers and 20 year olds, it does NOT take much motivation to get people in that age bracket, to want to have sex. I was joking when I said I didn't know I was helping him weaponize music for pussy. I was more commenting about how tripe and bland the songs could be, that would impress the young ladies into banging. But honestly, the ladies in question, would've banged him without the music. It was just a bit of foreplay really.

The thing I found the most amusing, was how that same song, worked so many times. But how it wasn't that good of a song. But , he sang it with FEELING, and sincerity! And they just ate that shit up. And my friend was actually a musician, he'd been playing various instruments his whole life. Was a sax player in high school band, dabbled with the guitar, and continued with that instrument. And he could sing pretty well too. But he was also a really good looking dude, that, even without music, got a lot of female attention.

It would be predatory behavior, only if he used the fucking guitar to clobber them over the head and then dragged them back to a room to bang while unconscious.
Well, in taking the words as literally as possible, that might sound bad; I was strictly referring to my not using my musical talent to "prey" on or impress women for very selfish reasons.
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