In what way? Are you saying Israel is a colony? Are you saying the Gaza Strip and West Bank are colonies? What are you trying to imply that I don't understand. Please be explicit.
Arguably, Israel is a colony.
1) The original term comes from the ancient Greeks. They migrated out to other places and set up independent cities where they effectively imposed rule over the locals. Obvious examples were city states like Syracuse, Tarentum, Byzantium, Ephesus, etc. Likewise did the Phoenecians form similar colonies (Carthage, most famously). When the Romans conquered areas, they would usually dot them with bits of Roman population: and indeed if you look at the names on maps of the Roman empire, you will see places called "Colonia ...", indicating such a town/city
2) In the colonial era, it more represents the far-flung possessions of European empires: although these were not independent in the way that colonies in the ancient world were. Hence the USA stops being thought of as a group of colonies the minute it gained independence.
3) If we think about the term "colonisation", this generally means the substantial movement of a people to somewhere, usually also with the implication they take it over.
So Israel is not technically a colony under point (2) as it is an independent country. However, in just about all other ways imaginable, it either is a colony or is so indistinguishable from what goes on in colonisation that it's not worth disputing.