As a political Science BA holder, the establishments of the world don't give a shit about you, US included. They could care less if you have high electric bills due to A/C usage due to climate change caused by their negligent energy policies over the past few decades.And just how the fuck do they intend to enforce this? It would be entirely up to retailers to not sell products to those states and even then you just feed scalpers on Ebay who'll gladly sell Californians 3060 Ti's. So what the fuck is the point of this. My electric bill is high because of air condition and a state-wide refusal to prevent utility gouging. Holy fuck I need to get the fuck out of this state.
Al Gore, physicists, and climate scientists were begging the governments of the world to do something about climate change. Right now your small power usage is competition for corporations, and finance who are using way more power. So if they have to screw you over, by restricting "high" GPU power usage power supply, they will.