Choo choo! All aboard the Complain Train!


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Say you have COVID and quarantine yourself; no one deserves that kind of nonsense. I like 90% of my gf's family, but it's that 10% that can drive you up a wall and back down again with their self righteous "I know best" attitude that starts arguments that last months if not years.

I've tried suggesting she not care and move on, but some of the sentiments out of her family's mouth can't help but merit the "now hold on a second, ************" response most of us want to come back with. Example: we (my gf and I) drink. After my gf was diagnosed with breast cancer in November, in the same breath as "I'm sorry," her own mother blamed it on our drinking because everyone knows drinking is the #1 cause of breast cancer. She's also a Jehovah's Witness and didn't talk to her own daughter for a year when she had the gall to visit in December only to find an erect Christmas tree that my gf put up for her son who's not and never was a JW (and my gf hasn't practiced in almost 30 years, none of her 4 adult children have.)
Hmm, perhaps not so different after all.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
This is very much a first world problem (or I guess it would be if I lived in one), but our community pool has been closed since March 2020. Reasonable back then, kind of annoying now. Majority of us here are vaccinated, and communities near us have opened up their pools with restrictions, so I really don't see why it must remain closed. I love swimming, this is the longest I've gone in my life away from pools or beaches.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
This is very much a first world problem (or I guess it would be if I lived in one),
This made me laugh; would be a great line in a stand-up comedy routine.

but our community pool has been closed since March 2020. Reasonable back then, kind of annoying now. Majority of us here are vaccinated, and communities near us have opened up their pools with restrictions, so I really don't see why it must remain closed. I love swimming, this is the longest I've gone in my life away from pools or beaches.
I think community pools should be the LAST places to relax COVID restrictions. I know COVID is notoriously "airborne," but something about the idea of hundreds of people sharing bathwater just sounds like a recipe for disease transmission disaster. How far are you from the nearest beach? You may not be in a traditional first-world country, but you've no shortage of beaches...

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Could potato chip commercials stop using that dumb crunch sound every time someone bites a chip? I've never, ever in my life, heard a potato chip sound like the way they do in a commercial. I tried to make the sound myself, and the steps I had to take to get it remotely close made eating the chip look downright unnatural


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I think community pools should be the LAST places to relax COVID restrictions. I know COVID is notoriously "airborne," but something about the idea of hundreds of people sharing bathwater just sounds like a recipe for disease transmission disaster. How far are you from the nearest beach? You may not be in a traditional first-world country, but you've no shortage of beaches...
I wouldn't expect them of course to open it up fully. Some suggestions that have been floated around are to allow only one household per day or to only allow fully vaccinated people to access the pool. I'm mostly just annoyed that they've kept the pool and outdoor basketball courts closed while letting the tennis, badminton, and basketball courts (all indoors), aka the facilities that charge fees, remain open. But yeah, first world problem. I really thought the increasing vaccination rates would change something, but things are still the same. Sigh.

I do live near plenty enough beaches, sadly, they are all private and would cost significantly more to access than a pool right now. Hell, it would be cheaper to rent a house with a pool, something we were just about to do till the latest lockdowns came in.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
I wouldn't expect them of course to open it up fully. Some suggestions that have been floated around are to allow only one household per day or to only allow fully vaccinated people to access the pool. I'm mostly just annoyed that they've kept the pool and outdoor basketball courts closed while letting the tennis, badminton, and basketball courts (all indoors), aka the facilities that charge fees, remain open. But yeah, first world problem. I really thought the increasing vaccination rates would change something, but things are still the same. Sigh.

I do live near plenty enough beaches, sadly, they are all private and would cost significantly more to access than a pool right now. Hell, it would be cheaper to rent a house with a pool, something we were just about to do till the latest lockdowns came in.
Just fill up your bathtub with cold water and then pee in it, it's basically the same thing.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Could potato chip commercials stop using that dumb crunch sound every time someone bites a chip? I've never, ever in my life, heard a potato chip sound like the way they do in a commercial. I tried to make the sound myself, and the steps I had to take to get it remotely close made eating the chip look downright unnatural
But that's what people expect, so changing it could make the chips seem unappealing and turn them off of the product.

Welcome to the "Coconut Effect", the reason why bald eagles wonder why they sound like red-tailed hawks in movies.

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
But that's what people expect, so changing it could make the chips seem unappealing and turn them off of the product.
I'd love to see the data that shows that adding a fake-ass chip bite sound effect into potato chip commercials made an actual difference in sales numbers. If it does/did, I'd be both amazed, and highly unimpressed that that's all it takes


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
But that's what people expect, so changing it could make the chips seem unappealing and turn them off of the product.

Welcome to the "Coconut Effect", the reason why bald eagles wonder why they sound like red-tailed hawks in movies.
Also why "food dresser" is a profession. That delicious-looking vanilla ice cream with chocolate syrup? Actually mashed potatoes and motor oil. Steamy fries? Dry ice. Milk on the corn flakes? Elmer's glue.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
What a fucking perfect morning. The dickheads in the house beside us have been buzz sawing some shit for weeks now, and today people came to trim the trees right outside my window with a chainsaw. I can't hear my phone that's just a foot away from my face.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Hey, wouldn't it be something if you're at a party with your SO trying to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible, but then her mother comes up to you both, and, in her most Karen-y voice, starts her usual spiel about how much she disapproves of your SO's life choices, and how ashamed and disappointed she is, and how much she had to endure, and bla bla bla bla, until both you have glazed over eyes? But wait! There's more! Because mommy dearest knows a way your SO can make amends, since her father has a friend who's a little older, but a very nice and well to do gentleman (and coincidentally also her father's boss) , who's single and looking. Your SO should totally give their number and the parents will be sure to pass it along, and your SO should totally give him a chance, because it's not like your SO could do better anyway, and it'd make the family so happy. While you're right there, floored in unbelief?

No. No, it wouldn't be something, would it? Because that would be outrageous, disgusting and hypocritical.

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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Jeeeeezus Christ, that is fucked up. Sorry you and your SO had to go through that shit. There were times when I was younger that I would regret my family living away from the rest of the "clan". Now as an adult I see we were spared most of the drama that's rife in both sides of my family. Really hoping the future generations break the cycles of toxic familial relationships.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Jeeeeezus Christ, that is fucked up. Sorry you and your SO had to go through that shit. There were times when I was younger that I would regret my family living away from the rest of the "clan". Now as an adult I see we were spared most of the drama that's rife in both sides of my family. Really hoping the future generations break the cycles of toxic familial relationships.
We left right after, for obvious reasons. Good thing too, cuz 10 seconds more and pretty sure I would've punched her mom in the face with everything I have, I was so absolutely livid. Still am. She's doing her thing where she acts like it doesn't bother her. Not much I can do about that other than being there until she's ready to open the floodgates. Cue royal treatment for best girl.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Hey, wouldn't it be something if you're at a party with your SO trying to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible, but then her mother comes up to you both, and, in her most Karen-y voice, starts her usual spiel about how much she disapproves of your SO's life choices, and how ashamed and disappointed she is, and how much she had to endure, and bla bla bla bla, until both you have glazed over eyes? But wait! There's more! Because mommy dearest knows a way your SO can make amends, since her father has a friend who's a little older, but a very nice and well to do gentleman (and coincidentally also her father's boss) , who's single and looking. Your SO should totally give their number and the parents will be sure to pass it along, and your SO should totally give him a chance, because it's not like your SO could do better anyway, and it'd make the family so happy. While you're right there, floored in unbelief?

No. No, it wouldn't be something, would it? Because that would be outrageous, disgusting and hypocritical.

Lemme get this straight: your S/O's mother suggested to your S/O that she leave you for someone else while you were standing right there? What in every fuck?? Who does that?? I mean, I'm used to S/O's parent openly scrutinizing their own children in front of me, but never had one suggest the life change they needed was to dump me while they had my replacement waiting in the wings, at least not while I was there to hear it!!
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
What a fucking perfect morning. The dickheads in the house beside us have been buzz sawing some shit for weeks now, and today people came to trim the trees right outside my window with a chainsaw. I can't hear my phone that's just a foot away from my face.
I'll do you one better. A house behind us is being completely renovated, so intense, constant noise aside, they create a lot of debris in the form of concrete, wood, and dust in the air. What's worse is that they've also taken the liberty of using the neighbors' trash bins (including ours) to dispose of the debris. I think they think they're being courteous by only dumping into our bins on trash pickup day to maximize consideration for the inconsideration, but the bill we pay to the city for trash pickup is based on weight. Not sure how it works everywhere else, but our trash trucks weight the bin when it's lifted and dumped, and we pay based on that weight, so when they "politely" dump a hundred pounds of concrete in our bin (often leaving very little room for our own trash,) our monthly bill skyrockets. We've since taken to hiding our bin after it's dumped.
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Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Lemme get this straight: your S/O's mother suggested to your S/O that she leave you for someone else while you were standing right there? What in every fuck?? Who does that?? I mean, I'm used to S/O's parent openly scrutinizing their own children in front of me, but never had one suggest the life change they needed was to dump me while they had my replacement waiting in the wings, at least not while I was there to hear it!!
Basically, yes. Have you ever seen the British sitcom Keeping up Appearances? It's about this snobbish lower middle class woman who wants to climb the social ranks, always wanting to show off, putting on airs, and trying to be seen with fancy people and at fancy places, but is deeply embarrassed by her lower class relatives.

My gf's mother is that, but transplanted into a very traditional and devoutly catholic family that migrated here from Italy some 70 years ago to work in the coal mines. So here's a woman with all the worst qualities of an inferiority complex and a superiority complex, a sycophant obsessed with getting in good with the upper class, an almost mafia-style idea of family honor, and the hypocritical self-righteousness of a bible thumper, all rolled into one clusterfuck of an Omega Karen. So naturally she's quite enamored with the prospect of becoming an in-law to her father's longtime friend/boss, who's the owner of an upper medium-size company, whom I've been told had a penchant for fucking my gf with his eyes since she was in high school, and whom not so long ago got divorced (geez, I wonder why). Bet she thinks she deserves it too, for all the hardship my gf caused her (in her mind).

So actually it's IMO more accurate to say my gf's mother wants to pimp out her daughter as a trophy wife to a creepy dickbag twice her age, I guess so the mother can leverage that into advancing her social and familial standing by having a rich son-in-law.
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