I am 9000% percent certain that folks mad about "useless" college degrees aren't mad because the gender studies folks aren't doing studies and are relying purely on logic and reason, Like, you're doing a rationalism there.
And isn't that the whole point of Terminal Blue's argument? "These people aren't going materially enriching things, there for they are useless, that is unacceptable under capitalism"? Like shit dude, same logic applies to priests, but I don't hear the clamor about all these non-denominational pastors running around.
Speaking as a former Catholic, "hate the sin but love the sinner" has always been bullshit
As much as I have distain for the Church and think it's one of the greatest scams in history, it still has a function and value as such in modern society.
Some people actually need some level of guidance or there to be some idea of a motivation beyond police and courts to not be assholes. (Insert joke about how it clearly doesn't work so well because I'm such an asshole). Churches and other religious establishments can also serve as hubs for organising relief efforts and charity efforts with priests taking a role in organisation of them.
If you want to argue against the massive corporate megachurches then you'd have a point but that's like arguing Scientists are useless because of Laboratoire Garnier
Context for that:
Useless degrees do very much exist though and I'd argue that it becomes useless when the fields are being shown to be jokes with little to no validity to them or their claims especially when said fields seem to exist on some level solely to target actually useful field and call for them to change.
The field that birthed the Fallists calling for Science to accept African boosh magic as real.
Fields constantly yelling how Stem needs more diversity while their own field is 96% - 98% women.
I mean think how much could be done in labs with some of the funding going to bullshit like "The feminist study of glaciology" or as another example "The social conventions and strata of Twilight conventions" which I think was a nice $15K expense claimed just to go to the convention, that's a full new machine for some labs replacing stuff that's been in operation since the 80s and held together via sheer force of will from the lab techs and is actually the parts of 4 other different machines whose parts fit or were a close enough match to be make do.
You want to talk about problems of capitalism? Useless degrees are such a problem because mostly they exist just to generate money for the institutions off gullible people with a min / max approach to them with minimum cost maximum return.
Sorry if this sounds bitter but my old department closed down because it had was running a -£1M year budget because it was deemed not worthwhile because the accountants for the university decided to sell off $1 Billion ideas and research for £32,000 a time because it was more cost efficient in their eyes to just sell the stuff than try to actually negotiate and properly try to evaluate literally ground-breaking discoveries that created whole industry sectors.
Useless degrees exist because it's cheeper to outsource the need for trained people in more expensive fields to train them to other countries.