Not that I care much for G4 TV, but I certainly don't care for the asshats that have these constant "G4 hates gamers or G4 is dead crap". I don't know much about the lady either, but even if she comes from insecurity, she's not wrong. Women still tend to get worse hate messages than men when it comes to videos on video games. That's really not an opinion. I guess you forgot about all the crap that happened in the 2010s. I personally have no need for G4, because there's plenty of content already that does what they do but better or more interesting. I highly doubt they're going to go away for a while, but I don't care either way.
Adam Sessler I still like to an extent, but I lost a lot of respect for him during the God of War Ascension video review in 2013. It came off as hypocritical and jumping on the bandwagon. You clearly didn't have a problem with God of War back then in your G4 TV or X-Play days. Why do you have a problem now that he's beating up a woman that's trying to kill him? Where the hell were you when he killed all those innocent people in God of War 2 and 3? But the moment Kratos is fighting female villains that are trying to kill him and work for Aries, you all of the sudden have a problem now.