The Feburary Bombardment is upon us


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Then actually say it and stop with the fucking pretense and goal posting. You do this habit way too often.
I DID SAY IT! I never once in this thread mentioned anything about people NEEDING a Ps5. How about to stop being such a judgy jerk and actually read what the fuck im talking about. Nor did I ever call you out specifically! I know you mentioned three games! I KNOW! My original statement was a generallization of the way the thread was going in which most people were just "meh" on new games.

I understand there is a real world, thanks for being condesending, but we are on a VIDEO GAYME FORUM!! A PLACE DESIGNED TO TALK ABOUT VEEEDEEO GAAAYYYMEEESS!!! SO excuse me if I'm a little surprise how little people seem to give a shit about video games on the place designed to TALK about video games!

FUCK!!! HOLY SHIT!!! Seriously if you weren't so fucking obessed with attacking my fucking character every fucking post and actually READ what the fuck im trying to say, maybe we could actually have discussions on a disscussion board. And if you don't like my POV, then don't bother replying. In fact don't even reply to this because there is nothing else to say. I don't care if you don't get that.

Lack of games and unfeasible to get the console for the vast majority. Those are the key points. Most people don't want to pay 500+ scalpers tax for a console with like 3 exclusives they can't play anywhere else.
So dont. Play them on the systems you already have? Why do you keep bringing up the Ps5 when that has nothing to do with any part of this topic? It still doesn't answer my questions as to why there is such a lack of interest in new games of any kind around here. At least with the exception of a couple people.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
! SO excuse me if I'm a little surprise how little people seem to give a shit about video games on the place designed to TALK about video games!
How you are this surprised and why, I don't care. I'm not because it's called realistic expectations. Not everyone is going to gush about video games 24/7.

Nor did I ever call you out specifically! I know you mentioned three games! I KNOW! My original statement was a generallization of the way the thread was going in which most people were just "meh" on new games.
That was me giving you a reminder. Nothing more.

How about to stop being such a judgy jerk and actually read what the fuck im talking about.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's funny coming from you. Don't bother asking, you won't get it.

FUCK!!! HOLY SHIT!!! Seriously if you weren't so fucking obsessed with attacking my fucking character every fucking post and actually READ what the fuck im trying to say, maybe we could actually have discussions on a discussion board.
I did read everything, but I am not gonna act all disappointed nor "surpised" that everyone is not gonna be excited for expensive games they have no interests in or are waiting for a price drop. Most people on this thread ain't invested in the line up of games; deal with it. They have interests in older games, newer games not on the list, or would rather focus on the game(s) they're are playing now. Once again, nothing new to gaming.

And if you don't like my POV, then don't bother replying. In fact don't even reply to this because there is nothing else to say. I don't care if you don't get that.
You're the one that responded in the first place, so you made yourself upset with that one. Shot yourself in the foot once again. But you are right about one thing: there is nothing left to talk you. I'll still talk to the others when appropriate. Take a chill pill and go play something or read a book. Because being on this topic is hazardous to your health right now.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
On the other hand, I do understand people have a lot of backlogged games and not enough time. That's fine. Most of us are of the age where affording a console shouldn't be a big deal, hell even "scalper" prices are damn near retail at this point (though they may spike again now that people see games coming out).

Additionally, from what I've seen from the Ps4 screenshots and gameplay of Horizon, the game still looks really good and I doubt you miss THAT much by playing it on a previous gen system. Are you not going to get Elden Ring until you get a Ps5? Or are you going to pick it up on ps4?
I refuse to dignify a scalpers existence by buying a PS5 from one. I really am not that desperate for one.

Also, I'm not getting Elden Ring on any I haven't got the time or patience for From Software's nonsense:)

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Look Critical. Who are these people you're even talking about? Part of the problem here is that your words are putting everyone in the crossfire of you accusation but I know that in at least two cases, those being me and Brawlman, that we've expressed before our disinterest in AAA games and have been focussing much more on smaller titles. Maybe if you specified who you're talking about then people wouldn't get so heated over this.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
Oh my, tempers are flaring. You know what? There is a game releasing next week I'll probably nab, tho it's not in the OP list.

Powerslave Exhumed

An old 90's fps that had a completely different version on PS1, PC and Saturn. They each had their own ups and downs, like PS1 had the best visuals, but PC had the best controls and ran the best. But Saturn is the most interesting (and supposedly also best) out the 3, featuring a sort of metroidvania progression. Unfortunately, I don't have a Saturn, nor am I going to get one just for a single game. The game itself is not that cheap either (tho by Saturn collecting standards relatively cheap).

That's where this remake/remaster comes in, taking that Saturn version gameplay, but mixing in the best aspects of the others, and hopefully also modern controls and good performance. Might get it for Switch if that version turns out decent. It's by Nightdive Studios tho, they usually deliver solid work, so I'm not too worried. If not, PC it is.

Not a big release, I know. The rest? Can wait. For I am Chimp and I have much yet to play.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It's by Nightdive Studios tho, they usually deliver solid work, so I'm not too worried. If not, PC it is.
Those guys and gals are the kings and queens of delivering high quality ports of old FPS games. See Doom 64. I have faith that their port of Powerslave will be more than good.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Those guys and gals are the kings and queens of delivering high quality ports of old FPS games. See Doom 64. I have faith that their port of Powerslave will be more than good.
Are they still doing the system shock remake or am I remembering wrong?


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I hope it turns out good. The original.. how do I put this? It has a lot of cool stuff but the UI is awful to look at
I've seen the original, but never played it. I can tell not a lot has aged well, and that 2 is the better version. I played System Shock 2 at a friend's once, and seen someone play it in my first year of college in the dorms.
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Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
But many didn't even try, because they felt like it wasn't a big deal. And if it wasn't a big deal, then play these games on the existing Ps4 that you most likely already have right? Horizon, GoW, GT7, DL2, are all available on last-gan platforms. So the lack of excitement over new releases, or hell hardly any interest, doesn't make sense to me.
These things are pretty readily available for some reason. Might be that others like me are holding out for the X which is about as rare as PS5s.

Just now at Bestbuy...


I do have to admit to shifting priorities and the likelihood that at a minimum, I'll wait for mid-gen release consoles.

My backlog is huge but finishing HZD is on a front burner as I really will want its sequel and would like to finish before moving on. After Rise of Tomb Raider so I can start Shadow of Tomb Raider.
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The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
I'm all about Horizon, but I don't see anything that says its dropping on PC the same day, so I guess I'm waiting the requisite exclusive period out. Which is fine, because I need to actually finish the first one.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
These things are pretty readily available for some reason. Might be that others like me are holding out for the X which is about as rare as PS5s.

Just now at Bestbuy...

View attachment 5471

I do have to admit to shifting priorities and the likelihood that at a minimum, I'll wait for mid-gen release consoles.

My backlog is huge but finishing HZD is on a front burner as I really will want its sequel and would like to finish before moving on. After Rise of Tomb Raider so I can start Shadow of Tomb Raider.
Hope you like HZD at any rate. I only played TR 2013 so I can't comment on either.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Not sure... Ultima Underworld (previous title by same devs) seems to be the kick off point.
Oh Ultima was an age of PC gaming in where I was way to young to get into. I do remember playing some PC games on old school floppy discs, but i didn't get into real pc gaming until early college.

Then I went through a big pc gaming phase and ironically now I'm back to just playing console mostly. It's funny how shit circles around.
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