A Group of 270 Scientists, Doctors, etc. Submit Open Letter to Spotify Regarding Joe Rogan (JRE)


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
You telling me that 379,300,000 people (98% of total cases worldwide) all survived due to medial care? And every single one of those people is still suffering after-effect or "long-covid"?

I don't think that's true, especially since a lot of cases were very mild or asymptomatic, and many people were told to just stay home unless certain thresholds were met.

I know a lot of people that have gotten covid at this point, I don't know any of them that continue to have any sort of long-covid symptoms. And I can't really find any certain studies on the % of people who will have lingering health issues due to covid at this time. I think that "long-covid" will turn to be existing health conditions that an individual might have had or been at high risk of developing and covid merely brought that forth. Covid encouraged these health issues, but they aren't exactly effects from covid itself.
Can I just ask, and let's limit this to just America for sake of easy number, how many Americans have to die before this is a disaster? There's been 900K dead WITH mask mandates and lockdowns. Clearly this is not enough people dying in your opinion to do anything.

So, what number of dead do you require for you to take any of this seriously?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
There's been 900K dead WITH mask mandates and lockdowns.
Didn't they just release a study that said the lockdowns were more harmful than good?

Also yes it is a disaster, I don't think I've ever argued agaisnt that. But it is strictly because of a failure of our governments to get their shit straight for whatever reason. There are lots of conspiracies as to why but who can really say whether any of that shit is real?

This virus didn't get this bad because of your average joe not getting vaxxed or not masking or not tight enough lockdowns. It got this bad because the world governments are fucking inept and quick frankly people can NOT work together on anything in a massive scale. There has never and will never be a unification of the world to battle a common foe. Even if Aliens invaded us, there would be people selling each other out.

Humans just don't work this way.

So, what number of dead do you require for you to take any of this seriously?
Not really relevant. Seriousness is relative. Some people who say 1 person dead is too many. It all depends on the scope you are talking about. A small number of dead is serious to a single person. For the WORLD to buckle down it would take a LOT more people. Humans have historically thrown away millions and millions of lives in any number of wars without much of a care really. 85 million dead in WW2. 20 million in WW1. 9 million in the fairly small viatnam war. 5 million in the Korean war.

At some point, in regards to Covid, we have to live our lives. Even the medical experts are now saying that Covid isn't going anywhere anytime soon, it'll continue to mutate, it'll continue to make it's rounds. So how long are you prepared to let the economic disaster unfold, for a disease that isn't all that crippling in the grand scheme of things.

I think at this point we need to reform paid-sick time so that workers aren't forced to work while sick. Identify clear warning signs such as fevor or whatever and educate the public so that people will be encouraged to get checked out and not go out if they are feeling "iffy". Things like this will do wonders to minimize the future impact of covid going forward. Continuing to cower behind face masks (of which 99% of people don't use effective masks and have never used effective masks anyway) and expecting the goverenment unemployment check to keep you going, is just not going to cut it.


Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
You know, as opposed to the 2% fatalities implied by "98% non fatal". The only reason the people in ICU didn't die was BECAUSE they were in the ICU.That shouldn't be a contentious point.
I appreciate that, but there's an issue with CaitSeith's figures as well.

Worldwide reported covid figures are at around 380 million. Worldwide reported fatalities from covid are at around 5.7 million. These are just the figures from Google, which are the ones CriticalGaming pulled to ask the question. They're certainly not showing the whole picture, but they're the basis of the current dispute so stick with them for now.

5.7m represents about 1.5% of 380m. But that begs the question, if the worldwide actual fatality rate is 2% or lower... how can the actual overall fatality rate be the same or lower than the fatality rate solely for those who receive medical care? That would suggest either....

1) An (unrealistically) high proportion of the population received medical care, to the point that the proportion that didn't receive it had a negligible impact on the stats (highly unlikely);

2) The fatality rate for those who receive care is actually less than 2%, in order to compensate for those who don't receive medical care and still get to 2% overall;

Or 3) Google's reported overall cases are significantly underestimated, meaning the 57m represent a lower proportion.

I suspect its probably mostly #3, with maybe a smidge of #2. But basically, we need to know the basis of that 98% figure.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I will also point out that the most used Covid data for general statistics is likely also a lie anyway. Because I'm 95% sure that there are several countries who have lied or are still lying about their reporting of cases and deaths.

Like China, for example.

It should also be noted that despite more infections than EVER have been happening due to Omnicron, the rate of deaths is staying relatively low which implies that Covid itself (while still virulent) is having less and less of an impact on people. Some of that is vaccination, but also the way in which covid has mutated to be more contagious but far less severe.


Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
I appreciate that, but there's an issue with CaitSeith's figures as well.

Worldwide reported covid figures are at around 380 million. Worldwide reported fatalities from covid are at around 5.7 million. These are just the figures from Google, which are the ones CriticalGaming pulled to ask the question. They're certainly not showing the whole picture, but they're the basis of the current dispute so stick with them for now.

5.7m represents about 1.5% of 380m. But that begs the question, if the worldwide actual fatality rate is 2% or lower... how can the actual overall fatality rate be the same or lower than the fatality rate solely for those who receive medical care? That would suggest either....

1) An (unrealistically) high proportion of the population received medical care, to the point that the proportion that didn't receive it had a negligible impact on the stats (highly unlikely);

2) The fatality rate for those who receive care is actually less than 2%, in order to compensate for those who don't receive medical care and still get to 2% overall;

Or 3) Google's reported overall cases are significantly underestimated, meaning the 57m represent a lower proportion.

I suspect its probably mostly #3, with maybe a smidge of #2. But basically, we need to know the basis of that 98% figure.
Honestly I don't know or really care. My issue was with the misrepresentation of "more people would die" as "everyone would die"


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
Didn't they just release a study that said the lockdowns were more harmful than good?
Don't know, did they?
Continuing to cower behind face masks (of which 99% of people don't use effective masks and have never used effective masks anyway) and expecting the goverenment unemployment check to keep you going, is just not going to cut it.
Why do you feel the need to portray using a face mask as cowering?


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Why do you feel the need to portray using a face mask as cowering?
Because people blame the lack of face masks as a key reason as to why it's soo bad. When they've proven that's not the case. The only face masks ever effective where heavy N95's or better. And the continuing mandate of masks is pointless. (unless they upgrade the mandate to require at least an N95).


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
This virus didn't get this bad because of your average joe not getting vaxxed or not masking or not tight enough lockdowns. It got this bad because the world governments are fucking inept and quick frankly people can NOT work together on anything in a massive scale
So, average Joe's not doing their bit.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Because people blame the lack of face masks as a key reason as to why it's soo bad. When they've proven that's not the case. The only face masks ever effective where heavy N95's or better. And the continuing mandate of masks is pointless. (unless they upgrade the mandate to require at least an N95).
So once again, the enemy of good is perfect.


Elite Member
Apr 30, 2020
Though I do fear the day something akin to the Black Death hits us again.
After how the West "dealt" with Covid i'm certain we'd lose twice as much people as necessary in that event. And that's optimistic.
I can already see people trying to fend off modern Black Death with homemade urinotherapy that anti "Big Pharma" grifters sold em.


Regular Member
Apr 10, 2020
You have a stand out name. I couldn't tell you if you changed your avatar or not. But that I cant remember

You might notice Leg End lurking around with a few likes. Cant remember their avatar but I can remember some discussion they had around 2018ish. Leg End - cricket - I can connecr that to some stuff they said.

To be fair, it might be a general take on you, and I cant remember nuanance. And it's been a while so you likely changed. So I'm likely to be incorrect
Ah, okay, I gotcha. The name sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't quite place when or where I remember seeing it. You've made me kind of extra curious now, I'll have to take a look in the archives and see if anything jogs my memory.

As a person who caught covid but never saw a hospital and is now 'fully recovered' ... it's still effecting me. Coughing fits, tiredness, sore joints. Nothing major but just draining having to live this way

Edit: Some memory loss as well. Or maybe better stated as quickness of recall... as proven by this edit
Dang, that sucks man. I've skimmed through some research on what might be going on underneath the microscope, and it definitely doesn't sound like any picnic. Heck, when I first heard about it I was left worrying for months. Hope you manage to get over it somehow. And that goes for anyone else going through the same thing too.

Wasn't that just his character in News Radio?
The parallels are amusingly uncanny. Pretty sure the Rogan himself, not just the character, was knee deep into this stuff when he was on the show.

I know a lot of people that have gotten covid at this point, I don't know any of them that continue to have any sort of long-covid symptoms. And I can't really find any certain studies on the % of people who will have lingering health issues due to covid at this time. I think that "long-covid" will turn to be existing health conditions that an individual might have had or been at high risk of developing and covid merely brought that forth. Covid encouraged these health issues, but they aren't exactly effects from covid itself.
I am most certainly aware of a few people experiencing long-term problems from covid infections, as well as a small handful who've likely developed issues in relation to va. This would not be the first virus that while sometimes moderate in its lethality managed to leave a trail of permanent damage in its wake. Viruses have a remarkable capacity for hitting our biological systems right where it hurts. There's one research study I heard about that's currently underway, and may have a few leads on those comorbidities.

As for the numbers and math coming up in more recent posts... yeah, not touching any of that mess. I'd rather dive headfirst into existentialism than statistics.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Didn't they just release a study that said the lockdowns were more harmful than good?

Also yes it is a disaster, I don't think I've ever argued agaisnt that. But it is strictly because of a failure of our governments to get their shit straight for whatever reason. There are lots of conspiracies as to why but who can really say whether any of that shit is real?

This virus didn't get this bad because of your average joe not getting vaxxed or not masking or not tight enough lockdowns. It got this bad because the world governments are fucking inept and quick frankly people can NOT work together on anything in a massive scale. There has never and will never be a unification of the world to battle a common foe. Even if Aliens invaded us, there would be people selling each other out.

Humans just don't work this way.
It's a NOVEL coronavirus. I.e. getting their shit straight wasn't really possible. I, for example, feel like I can only criticise Trump so much because there was so much they did know early on. Even now, there really isn't that much known. And you probably know that I will criticise Trump every time he does something wrong.

As to a combined global effort. I would agree with your points here for the lockdowns. Vaxxing and masking is partially about propaganda and the opposing propaganda was way better... mainly because it doesn't rely on logic. Scientist have yet to realise that using logic is just going to fail as an argument. But much of this is personal choice and unless the government mandates vaccines, it never going to reach 80%. People just arent going to do something unless there is a reason to. It doesnt matter how beneficial it is. That's just not how humans work

And yes, I would agree that if aliens came, we would not combine to help our own world. Ozymandias/ Alan Moore has always been wrong and doesnt understand humans

Not really relevant. Seriousness is relative. Some people who say 1 person dead is too many. It all depends on the scope you are talking about. A small number of dead is serious to a single person. For the WORLD to buckle down it would take a LOT more people. Humans have historically thrown away millions and millions of lives in any number of wars without much of a care really. 85 million dead in WW2. 20 million in WW1. 9 million in the fairly small viatnam war. 5 million in the Korean war.

At some point, in regards to Covid, we have to live our lives. Even the medical experts are now saying that Covid isn't going anywhere anytime soon, it'll continue to mutate, it'll continue to make it's rounds. So how long are you prepared to let the economic disaster unfold, for a disease that isn't all that crippling in the grand scheme of things.

I think at this point we need to reform paid-sick time so that workers aren't forced to work while sick. Identify clear warning signs such as fevor or whatever and educate the public so that people will be encouraged to get checked out and not go out if they are feeling "iffy". Things like this will do wonders to minimize the future impact of covid going forward. Continuing to cower behind face masks (of which 99% of people don't use effective masks and have never used effective masks anyway) and expecting the goverenment unemployment check to keep you going, is just not going to cut it.
Just to be clear. I was ask for YOUR number. I did not care about anyone else. I just asked for yours. You're talking about things being relative when I talking about your personal number

If you don't have a number, that's fine. You WERE talking about only 2% dying (I think it was) thus we shouldn't take things seriously only a few posts ago. So I know at what percentage you don't think we should take it seriously. I just want to know when you do. Not everyone else. Just your own personal one. If you dont have a number, so be it

...You think doctors are saying NOW that COVID isnt going anywhere. They were saying this around Easter 2020. Estimates were 5 to 7 years before we can have any normality. We haven't really started this pandemic yet... well, I suppose it good that you know it now

Today, in my corner of the world there was a pundit talking about the potential war in Ukraine. And that many EU countries were maybe hesitant to go to war due to the huge gas pipeline supply them from Russia. Sure, makes sense. Then he went on about how this pipeline was caused by those Greenie wind and solar people and they are the ones who put the EU in such dire straits. (Side note: no, I don't call it natural gas, because that power company propaganda to sell it to counties as a 'positive alternative'. It is utterly disgusting that is still a thing.) Which is such a break in logic that it almost broke my neck from whiplash. How could someone associate gas with renewables in this day and age is just astounding. I bring this up as an Australian, who has been 'under lockdown' for two year, a fascist hellhole by Rogan standards and... it has done incredibly little to damage the economy. We were one of the few countries that didnt go into a recession. So, you stating that 'lockdowns causes economy damage' now gives me that whiplash (with the proviso that international tourism is non-extent so there was some damage.) Particularly now that we ARE opened up and I see more shops closing now and less people dining, because the VIRUS causes economic disaster. You can go look at countries that didnt really bother with lockdowns and see that they had an economic disaster as well. I'm aware that this is anecdotal, but now I'm going to need some actually substantial to change my current stance.

Another proviso. I do NOT think all lockdowns were the same. Eg. Looking at any of the US or UK lockdowns just makes me see a complete waste of time. Nor do I have no problems with the lockdowns that we did do. Because I think it was a mess. Particularly, between the federal government and states. I would like more studies done on this, but comparing different ways to lockdown

Now, I don't know if we are talking about the same study. I do remember seeing one study that talked about there being more suicides due to isolation. And then you look at suicide rate during covid and they are down. When the rate of suicide has been climbing for years. In both the 'lockdown' countries or non-lockdown countries. And you realise that it just followed a talking point from FOX and didnt bother to do any research. It wouldn't surprise me to find out it was some RAND funded study or whatnot. There was a study about the Great Resignation thing but... that wasn't because of mandates. Most people quit based on the dangers they saw at work. From Covid. And anti-masker. And just seeing that life doesnt have to be as shit as it is. News pundits are spending so much time about getting kids back to school.... and parents are just not sending their kids to school. Because they see it as dangerous. Like .2% deaths is still 200,000 kids dying. In America. Parents now have to choose between going to work or keeping their kids safe (unless they are very lucky with their work.) Also, there are hundreds of thousand of new ORPHANS in two years in the US. Which is *checks notes* not a good for the children. But hey, gotta send those kids to school without doing any damage mitigation and pretend it 2019. That will work.... (if you havent got it yet, opening schools is an ECNOMIC DISASTER. I heard you were concerned about that.)

Bari Wiess went on Bill Maher complaining how she wanted this covid thing to end... like she still thinks that the US in lockdown. Which I'm pretty sure there hasn't been a lockdown for a long time in most states. You can even go overseas. Like, other than masks, you can do you whatever even want. But... its fucking virus. It does not care about what you feel. Its called 'living WITH the virus.' Not 'living WITHOUT the virus.' People keep talking about 'living with it' without realising that they actually need to CHANGE to live with it. For example, living with it probably means always wearing masks. Or having to be vaccinated to go overseas, school or work. It probably means that most people will make their birthday parties smaller, particular not inviting the oldies. For you, living with it means that the advice from governments will ALWAYS change, no matter how you feel. Deal with that instead of complaining about it. If that makes you angry. Great. It's how everyone else feels when someone say, 'live with it'

As to your suggestions, agree with the first half, not so much the second. With the proviso that I think a lot of the problems is the asymptomatic people and you're ideas probably wont work. And I don't have a good work around for that.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Just to be clear. I was ask for YOUR number. I did not care about anyone else. I just asked for yours. You're talking about things being relative when I talking about your personal number

If you don't have a number, that's fine. You WERE talking about only 2% dying (I think it was) thus we shouldn't take things seriously only a few posts ago. So I know at what percentage you don't think we should take it seriously. I just want to know when you do. Not everyone else. Just your own personal one. If you dont have a number, so be it
Yeah I can't really think of a number. Higher than 2% though, but it's a complicated question because that 2% has a really big asterisk on it. As it has been shown Covid was really much more dangerous for old people with comorbidities. Like it is sad that Covid tore through nursing homes, but nursing homes are care facilities for people already in line for the Great Checkout. Nobody goes into a Nursing Home and comes out feeling better, people go there for end of life care and Covid sped that along.

If i had grasp a number I think with something this easily spread I'd say it would scare me if 10% of perfectly healthy people could get wiped out by it. I mean people like....well I guess Joe Rogan lol. Healthy as fuck, no problems, then Bam! Covid and dead. Then that shit would have me locked away and screaming at people to stop being retarded. For sure.

I saw someone claim that I was ok with a 1 in 50 chance (which is 2%) but with the asterisk I explained above that 2% is really a misleading number. Not to mention it's likely a lower number when considering how many people never got their covid reported because they just got sick, stayed home, and whatever. Or the people who got Covid, were asymptomatic and just lived their life like whatever. Not to mention the articles and reports of hospitals lying about patients dying of covid because of governmental subsidies. Patients might have had covid when they died, but it was probably the tramua from the car accident that did them in, not the covid. That's anedoctal though so I won't count that for consistancy's sake.

Frankly if i'm honest, I don't believe that asymptomatic shit. You can get the virus, not get even the slightest sniffle, AND spread that shit to other people without knowing it. That would make this virus absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to combat. (which maybe it was impossible and we are spreading blame where there is no real blame to be had, it's possible). But I'm more inclined to lean towards false positives on perfectly healthy people and science explaining it away as asymptomatic. Besides if quarantine says to lock up for five days with no symptoms, how would you know when to stop quarantine if you never have symptoms? How could you ever know where you were on the infection cycle?

The problem I have with masking, especially now, is that what is the fucking point? You can go right now to a restaurant and you have to wear your mask until you sit at your table, then you take the mask off and it doesn't matter. The restaurants in my area are jam packed on bust nights and while you DO have to be vaccinated to enter, that is a recent mandate and it doesn't prevent anything because the Omnicron can spread and infect vaccinated people anyway. So masks irritate me because they are stupid theater. If they work then you should have to wear it no matter what and restaurants shouldn't be open for in-person dining. But at the same time, the virus isn't that scary so you have to take "risks" in order for life to happen.

So at this point what the fuck are we supposed to do?

Like .2% deaths is still 200,000 kids dying. In America. Parents now have to choose between going to work or keeping their kids safe (unless they are very lucky with their work.) Also, there are hundreds of thousand of new ORPHANS in two years in the US. Which is *checks notes* not a good for the children. But hey, gotta send those kids to school without doing any damage mitigation and pretend it 2019. That will work.... (if you havent got it yet, opening schools is an ECNOMIC DISASTER. I heard you were concerned about that.)
.2% of 5.7 mllion is 11,400 isn't it. Did I do that math right? 1% is only 57k so there is no way 200,000 kids are dead. In fact according to this CDC graphic only about 800 people under the age of 19 died from covid https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-Focus-on-Ages-0-18-Yea/nr4s-juj3

The school thing is a tough problem to crack to be honest though. I feel like the risk to kids is low enough that just quarantining kids that get sick when needed and letting the rest go to school (maybe have rapid testing available at the school or very nearby) is the best answer. Because social isolation (like home schooling for two years with parents un-prepared for it) is long-term possible more dangerous than covid for kids. It's very important for kids to socialize around other kids during the school years and gaps in that can lead to other problems.

Everything is a risk though, and in Covid's case a lot of that risk seems to be....get the virus or fuck up your business/social skills/career/etc etc etc. Early on people might have been willing to put shit on hold for a few weeks for the sake of curbing the virus, but the governmental messaging and proceedures totally fucked any possibility of that happening.

So yeah, I don't have a good answer for the school thing because I don't have strong opinions on kids as I don't have any cum=sprouts to deal with or worry about myself. I do think it's a complicated choice though.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
.2% of 5.7 mllion is 11,400 isn't it. Did I do that math right? 1% is only 57k so there is no way 200,000 kids are dead.
Excuse me. I was told very recently that math errors were actually deliberate and unforgivable lies. You're supposed to be berating people right now!