And when people start unfairly comparing video game genres, or look down on those who like/dislike them, or prefer something else.what video game system is the best
@Old_Hunter_77, @Specter Von Baren, @hanselthecaretaker, @The Rogue Wolf can take a listen too.
I remember at an old Game Stop, that I used to go to, I met this other customer in 2018. I was there just finishing up a pre-order at the time, and he was doing something else. We got to talking about our favorite genres, and he got somewhat passive aggressive, because I told him I prefer linear and challenging games, over most sandbox games (He was a big Spider-Man PS4 fan too). He seemed to have this idea that all open world games are superior to any other games or linear games. While I tried to be nice, I straight up told him "Welcome to life dude, everyone likes different things. Just because you love something, does not make you superior to others taste. Like what you like, but be respectful. I don't look down or think differently of others, because they have alternate tastes in games." He tried to give me a yeah whatever attitude about it. It was pretty clear, he wanted yes men around him, or "friends" that agreed to everything he said. I hope he grew up at some point out of that phase.