I think the linear game's problem lies entirely on whether the game itself is good or not.Either game critics are stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to reviewing for their audience, or they themselves just don't know what the fuck they want. If it's a linear game there'll almost always be some line about the game's length being short or about how they wish there was more off the beaten path. If a game is open-world you'll get the usual complaints about "too big, too much".
Final Fantasy 13 was linear as fuck and everyone hated on it because it was just a "hallway". Yet FF7Remake and FFX are just as linear if not even more so, and people love those games. If the game is good, the the linearity doesn't matter.
Same thing for the open world though. We all talk shit about Ubisoft and there map full with icons but check this out. https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Interactive+Map
Toggle "all" icons on this interactive map and immediately Elden Ring's map looks like a Ubisoft game. What is even worse is how many times the same bosses are scattered places, ruins all look the fucking same, chruches are the same, there is so much copy pasta all over the Elden Ring map it's insane. The difference is, the Souls gameplay is beloved, and by removing the icons on the map you instead give the illusion that Elden somehow is revolutionaizing the open world genre. It's not, it's the same fucking shit every open world has except the combat is a cockpunch.
Horizon Zero Dawn back in 2017 didn't have a remarkable open world, but gameplay and story are everything and because those elements were great the open world's mediocrity didn't bother anyone.
That's partly why I get upset when people talk so favorably about Breath of the Wild, because they somehow are blinded by the open world and think it's so incredible when it's the same shit over and over again. On top of gameplay that sucks a dog anus.
You know what I think it is.
1st open world syndrome. BoTW and ER are both the first games with open worlds in their franchises. Nobody cares about Assassin's Creed's world because it's the 1000th world for the series.