You know what I really like, as an eductor, is being told that by Joe Rogan and Di Santos that discussing anything to do with homosexuality is grooming kids
Fuck you, Rogan. At least Di Santos is just doing this to gain politcal power. Rogan is doing this because he's got up his own head up arse and just parrot what other say.
I tell you what Rogan, you show ANY EVIDENCE of a teacher teaching actual sexual stuff to grade 3 and under, hetero or gay, and I'll back you. Because teaching sexual stuff at grade 3 is not on, irrelevant of whose involved. If 'sexual stuff' you're describing is just you worried about a teacher pointing out that you can love a man or a woman, you can have a another fuck you from me.
The utter inability to realise that you're being mislead over a moral panic. Go to a classroom and actually learn what happens. And stop pretending that anything you dont like is grooming children. It's disgusting