Saints Row - Saints Low


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
So I've been playing more of the game, because I am trying to clean the pallet between FF-games and whatnot, and I've been just dicking around in the open world trying to "complete" districts or whatever.

But turns out that's impossible. You see you build these businesses that unlock side missions or activities like Insurance Fraud or whatever, but a bunch of these fucking things are just broken. Like your garage business called JimRob's because they thought Rimjob's from previous games was too offensive just like FreckleBitches is now just called FB's, anyway the garage has you hunt down specific cars and bring them back to the garage for parts. There are 11 cars in total and the game tells you what the next car is every time you turn in the previous car. However after number 10 the game simply didn't tell me what number 11 was, so it's uncompletable.

There is a Toxic Waste business where you have to grab 14 trucks around the city and drive them very carefully back to the business. After turning in all 14 4 of the locations reset and the venture Un-completes itself making it again...impossible to finish.

The more you play the more broken it gets.
So what you’re saying is it’s probably in worse shape than Cyberpunk: 2077 was, but since Volition isn’t nearly as well-regarded as CDPR was everyone is kinda just shrugging their shoulders instead of raising anywhere near the stink?


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
So what you’re saying is it’s probably in worse shape than Cyberpunk: 2077 was, but since Volition isn’t nearly as well-regarded as CDPR was everyone is kinda just shrugging their shoulders instead of raising anywhere near the stink?
Pretty much. Nobody was really that excited for this game and Agents of Mayhem flopped pretty hard IIRC. OTOH, people were really hyped for CP:2077 and CDPR's last game was Witcher 3(which deserves it's praise, IMHO) so there were high expectations there.

It's hard to be disappointed when nobody was expecting too much to begin with.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It's hard to be disappointed when nobody was expecting too much to begin with.
My big brother was expecting something, and I showed and told him the news. He's been over it, but he's still not happy. I did tell him that he has the older games, so you can still have fun with those.

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Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
So I've been playing more of the game, because I am trying to clean the pallet between FF-games and whatnot, and I've been just dicking around in the open world trying to "complete" districts or whatever.

But turns out that's impossible. You see you build these businesses that unlock side missions or activities like Insurance Fraud or whatever, but a bunch of these fucking things are just broken. Like your garage business called JimRob's because they thought Rimjob's from previous games was too offensive just like FreckleBitches is now just called FB's, anyway the garage has you hunt down specific cars and bring them back to the garage for parts. There are 11 cars in total and the game tells you what the next car is every time you turn in the previous car. However after number 10 the game simply didn't tell me what number 11 was, so it's uncompletable.

There is a Toxic Waste business where you have to grab 14 trucks around the city and drive them very carefully back to the business. After turning in all 14 4 of the locations reset and the venture Un-completes itself making it again...impossible to finish.

The more you play the more broken it gets.

"I dont listen to the game because I know better, then claim bug when I dont know better"
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Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
Would I be wrong to assume your silence is based on the fact you googled your "unplayable bugs" and realised the game called you and told you to visit the business to finish the quest as the final step? And you didnt listen and cried unbroken buggy quest?

For the record, this is the basis for what you call my dislike of you. I've played many games you review and this frequently happens. You misunderstand or ignore a games mechanics, then put out your hot take based on you assuming you know enough to disregard tutorials etc, when it often seems untrue.

And you never ever correct any of your mistakes.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Would I be wrong to assume your silence is based on the fact you googled your "unplayable bugs" and realised the game called you and told you to visit the business to finish the quest as the final step? And you didnt listen and cried unbroken buggy quest?

For the record, this is the basis for what you call my dislike of you. I've played many games you review and this frequently happens. You misunderstand or ignore a games mechanics, then put out your hot take based on you assuming you know enough to disregard tutorials etc, when it often seems untrue.

And you never ever correct any of your mistakes.
Ok dude, what's your deal? I get it. You like the game and there is nothing wrong with that. I have many disagreements with Critical (usually on the political and business side of gaming/media [after seeing enough crappy practices, he finally started turning around on some things]). Or how "forced diversity" is nowhere near a large problem in media racists white people and fake fans like to believe. And even if there are games, shows, etc. with false intent, call them out as such, but they won't kill all the good and positivity the actual genuine ones are. Back on point, if you have a disagreement, that's fine, then just discuss it normally without being on the attack. If you did same to me without provocation, I would more than likely ignore you myself. I would give you a few words, but if you kept with the unnecessary insults and attacks, I would the same not bother with you.

Even though you like Saints Row 2022, it's still another rushed and broken AAA game released at launch. With people just expected to hand over their $60-70 dollars for a product that is worse than the games from 8-10 years ago. The evidence is plain and simple. Also, any product that goes out of its way to lie and try to scam my brother, a close relative, or a close friend of mine is the equivalent of stealing from me. I will not allow it.

I say this as someone on this forum that likes and respects you: Will you please calm down? You clearly don't like Critical, so just don't talk to him. I don't know every single interaction you've had with him, but it's clear neither you get much along with each other. Which explains part of why Critical is not responding towards any of your comments. Relax and enjoy what you're already doing or move on to something else that makes you happy. I rarely talk to the people on this forum I have on ignore, unless they something super stupid or contradictory that needs calling out on. You have a good weekend and try to enjoy Labor Day (if you celebrate it). If not, still have a good Monday regardless.
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Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
...I outlined my deal.

He regularly posts incorrect information about games based on his own misunderstanding and impatience towards those games.

This is just the latest example, and one I'm addressing. Saints Row is FILLED with bugs. But he wrote a two pragraph rant that can be condensed to "He didn't listen to the npc relevant to the activity, and then assumed his failing was due to unplayable bugs" Literally. There is no 11th car, the 11th step is to return and sprak to Jim. The toxic trucks? That activity refreshes endlessly to ensure the challenges related to delivering x amount of barrels, and perfect deliveries is doable. Step 14 is again, to return to the mission giver. The final step in every venture is to return. The game informs you this. He didnt listen, and decided his error was a bug, because the problem cant ever be him (spoiler for next paragraph: that's a pattern of behavior).

It's a trend I've noticed over time with him, which often goes unremarked because he's the only one playing and talking about the games at the time. He credits his own mistakes, misunderstanding or impatience, as bad game mechanics or bugs. Then, because he's so prolific with his reviews, people who havent played them, take his errors as valid takes.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Then, because he's so prolific with his reviews, people who havent played them, take his errors as valid takes.
I don't. We've played some of the same games at a few points, but I do not take every error as facts or valid takes. I can tell when something is an opinion or fact. Plus, weird shit happens in games all the time. Sometimes one player gets the crazy bugs, while another player's game works or is near stable. It's not always 100%, but these things happen. Also, when I last checked, other than maybe two users, most of the users don't take all of Critical's opinions as valid facts every single time. And even if a lot more users did, that's on them anyway. We all make our choices. I don't regret making mine. There is a good reason why I chose not to get involved with most of AAA gaming and became all the happier for it.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Would I be wrong to assume your silence is based on the fact you googled your "unplayable bugs" and realised the game called you and told you to visit the business to finish the quest as the final step? And you didnt listen and cried unbroken buggy quest?

For the record, this is the basis for what you call my dislike of you. I've played many games you review and this frequently happens. You misunderstand or ignore a games mechanics, then put out your hot take based on you assuming you know enough to disregard tutorials etc, when it often seems untrue.

And you never ever correct any of your mistakes.
Actually I'm aware of the game calling you back for the final Venture. However after completing the "last" Toxic wastes transport quest the game bugged and respawned three of the trucks. So when I went to talk to the person to finish the Venture, they gave me generic dialog about more trucks. But then going to redo the other 3 trucks did not fix this issue. So Toxic Waste is uncompletable for me.

JR in the garage never spawned in. He is supposed to be standing in the back by a table, but he isn't there. His model doesn't load, and several world resets doesn't fix the issue so I cannot "finish" this one either.

Not to mention several of the clearing of gangs in the venture zone to increase income fail to load correctly making completing the district impossible.

I may have worded things badly but that doesn't change that the game is fundamentally broken beyond belief. You want to say im not paying attention then you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
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Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
JD moves from the back to the front after doing all cars, I need proof of the toxic bug.

The game is wildly buggy. But apart from hard crashes, the bugs are 99% incidental. Like "that was dumb or unpolished" incidental. I literally have a 99% complete save, with the final % being boring grindy challenges. I am paying attention, to a dated in style open world game with some optimization issues being treated to the big old hate hyperbole stick.

Also noted how the bugs magically change when I point out the factual errors.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Me thinks you are just defending games that you really like while other people have bad experiences with them. Congratz on putting up with the buggy bullshit to get 99%.

How did you get around the impossible helicopter zoom bugs?

Just because you didn't get my bugs doesn't make my bugs invalid. I have a lot of time to put up with shit in a video game. But I don't have time for a game that doesn't work the way it should.

The bugs didn't change. I had progression problems unlocking the final car, but i fixed it with a reload. The toxic waste bug also didn't change so I dunno what you're talking about dude.

The game is shit, moving on now.
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Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
Your words are right there my dude. You wrote a paragraph about a never spawning 11th car and delivering the 14th truck to have it reset. There are only 10 cars, and the 14th step is to chat to them.

I pointed out the false info and you changed your complaint entirely to a version where the mistake wasnt on your end, amazing.

Had the helicopter bug once in my twenty or so hours, straight up turned the game off, was fine after.

The game is filled with bugs, especially in coop, but they're mostly incidental, very few game breakers.

Im not pretending the game is anything other than a passable free roam chaos game of average quality filled with bugs that point towards poor polish and QA. (And terrible optimization on other platforms, but the series x seems to be the most stable, so I cant comment). Im just challenging your bullshit takes, which seem to twist in the wind so you never make errors.


Elite Member
Dec 30, 2021
Your words are right there my dude. You wrote a paragraph about a never spawning 11th car and delivering the 14th truck to have it reset. There are only 10 cars, and the 14th step is to chat to them.

I pointed out the false info and you changed your complaint entirely to a version where the mistake wasnt on your end, amazing.

Had the helicopter bug once in my twenty or so hours, straight up turned the game off, was fine after.

The game is filled with bugs, especially in coop, but they're mostly incidental, very few game breakers.

Im not pretending the game is anything other than a passable free roam chaos game of average quality filled with bugs that point towards poor polish and QA. (And terrible optimization on other platforms, but the series x seems to be the most stable, so I cant comment). Im just challenging your bullshit takes, which seem to twist in the wind so you never make errors.
So you have an issue with opinions expressed? Why not just say that instead of trying to create a hostile "gotcha" moment or whatever you are trying to do.

Regardless of how accurate, the message of the game being buggy in not false, so what is the problem?
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My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Your words are right there my dude. You wrote a paragraph about a never spawning 11th car and delivering the 14th truck to have it reset. There are only 10 cars, and the 14th step is to chat to them.

I pointed out the false info and you changed your complaint entirely to a version where the mistake wasnt on your end, amazing.

Had the helicopter bug once in my twenty or so hours, straight up turned the game off, was fine after.

The game is filled with bugs, especially in coop, but they're mostly incidental, very few game breakers.

Im not pretending the game is anything other than a passable free roam chaos game of average quality filled with bugs that point towards poor polish and QA. (And terrible optimization on other platforms, but the series x seems to be the most stable, so I cant comment). Im just challenging your bullshit takes, which seem to twist in the wind so you never make errors.
Sounds like you’re misconstruing two completely different points he was making about two different missions…

So I've been playing more of the game, because I am trying to clean the pallet between FF-games and whatnot, and I've been just dicking around in the open world trying to "complete" districts or whatever.

But turns out that's impossible. You see you build these businesses that unlock side missions or activities like Insurance Fraud or whatever, but a bunch of these fucking things are just broken. Like your garage business called JimRob's because they thought Rimjob's from previous games was too offensive just like FreckleBitches is now just called FB's, anyway the garage has you hunt down specific cars and bring them back to the garage for parts. There are 11 cars in total and the game tells you what the next car is every time you turn in the previous car. However after number 10 the game simply didn't tell me what number 11 was, so it's uncompletable.

There is a Toxic Waste business where you have to grab 14 trucks around the city and drive them very carefully back to the business. After turning in all 14 4 of the locations reset and the venture Un-completes itself making it again...impossible to finish.

The more you play the more broken it gets.

In any case, the game seems like a mixed bag of bugs at best and a shitshow at worst. You admitted nearly as much yourself, so there should be no point in a witch-hunt on anyone’s personal experiences with it, regardless of other issues you’ve had with Critical’s past commentaries.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
So apparently the game isn't completely terrible. This does sound kind of interesting though even if I do check it out it'll be at a deep discount price in a year or so. It sounds like a cool idea in a mediocre game.



Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
So apparently the game isn't completely terrible. This does sound kind of interesting though even if I do check it out it'll be at a deep discount price in a year or so. It sounds like a cool idea in a mediocre game.

it better be a really good sale. Like "free", that sounds good enough.