...I outlined my deal.
He regularly posts incorrect information about games based on his own misunderstanding and impatience towards those games.
This is just the latest example, and one I'm addressing. Saints Row is FILLED with bugs. But he wrote a two pragraph rant that can be condensed to "He didn't listen to the npc relevant to the activity, and then assumed his failing was due to unplayable bugs" Literally. There is no 11th car, the 11th step is to return and sprak to Jim. The toxic trucks? That activity refreshes endlessly to ensure the challenges related to delivering x amount of barrels, and perfect deliveries is doable. Step 14 is again, to return to the mission giver. The final step in every venture is to return. The game informs you this. He didnt listen, and decided his error was a bug, because the problem cant ever be him (spoiler for next paragraph: that's a pattern of behavior).
It's a trend I've noticed over time with him, which often goes unremarked because he's the only one playing and talking about the games at the time. He credits his own mistakes, misunderstanding or impatience, as bad game mechanics or bugs. Then, because he's so prolific with his reviews, people who havent played them, take his errors as valid takes.