It's even worse when you actually have royals. Our former chief leech got hospitalized 8 days ago, and our media are just going on and on about it. Both unfortunately and fortunately, the useless fuck was released today. Unfortunate cuz it didn't die. Fortunate cuz they can now shut up, which they'd never do for weeks on end if it did die.
I'd gladly exchange our own farce of governance and an orange oligarch attempting to supplant the very foundation of our nation's principles for an impotent monarchy that throws a parade every two days, but given that's not happening any time soon, I'd prefer not to have to turn on MY news and watch those parades every two days.
At least this is somewhat "local" news for you lot. I mean, the UK is like, what? 12 miles away from Belgium? I don't know geography, but for the purposes of my complaining, I'm going full hyperbole and refuse to be reasoned with otherwise. As far as I'm concerned, King Charles is the KING OF EUROPE, and his and the business of his spawn should be none of 'Murica's!
(Meanwhile, I am a black/Hispanic man whose life is currently under constant threat for my lack of whiteness. Is Belgium accepting refugees? I can't speak Dutch, French, or German, but I love ovens, fries, and and bratwurst; I'm basically one of you already.)