So I replayed the ff7 remake to prepare for the second part since I originally beat the game like a week after it had just come out, also since I got a ps5 now it was a good opportunity to play that version, and after beating it I finally got around to playing that Yuffie dlc...and man, that stuff's amazing! You can clearly tell the improvements they did from the base game. Yuffie is so ninjalike and her gameplay is so much more intricate with all those ninjutsu and air combos and element infusions and so on, and she got parries and teleports and whatnot too, I soloed Ramuh with her by parrying everything, we're doing Sekiro now lol. This did exactly what I expected and hoped it would in exciting me for Rebirth.
Also storywise, seeing her perspective (love her brash and hyper personality, full of old timey ninja Noh theatrics and cuteness) gives you interesting context about what was transpiring when Cloud was with Aeris. Also the new char with the bo is pretty interesting too, he has that older brother vibe and is a balancing force to Yuffie's hyperness, keeping her centered.
Oh and the minigames! That RTS minigame was so addictive I beat the grandmaster before even doing the turtle quest that lets you buy new units, just using the base loadout and the few things you get from beating other people. So much fun.
Did about 8 hours of the dlc so far and had to take a break after grinding that crate challenge, but I did manage to clear the top difficulty one.
Overall though, this applying to the base game too, the gameplay was actually not as deep as I remembered it. It may be that I got onto it not too long after playing XVI, and yeah, it's nowhere near as deep. Funnily enough though, both games would benefit from letting you use the hard difficulty mode from the get, and not only in new game +. Here's hoping Rebirth does.
Oh and one thing which this game does but XVI desperately needs is it offering you a teleport back to the quest giver right after completing a quest, so you don't have to walk back and forth needlessly. I don't know if they just neglected to add that feature or found it too "unrealistic" and "videogamey" but whichever it is, it needed it all the same.