Game Articles and Videos Thread


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I disagree big time with that title. Wanted: Dead is game with 5 levels, launched at $70 on next gen consoles, combat that's worse than any of the No More Heroes games (keep in mind many former mid-level Ninja Gaiden developers worked on this ), and aside from some visuals, most of the enemies are functionally identical, barring one minor exception in one of the later stages. I was interested at time, but even at a low price, I'm not interested.

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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I disagree big time with that title. Wanted: Dead is game with 5 levels, launched at $70 on next gen consoles, combat that's worse than any of the No More Heroes games (keep in mind many former mid-level Ninja Gaiden developers worked on this ), and aside from some visuals, most of the enemies are functionally identical, barring one minor exception in one of the later stages. I was interested at time, but even at a low price, I'm not interested.

Ok so what, in your opinion, is the best bad game of 2023?
Like I'm not trying to start an argument, I just enjoyed the video, I don't care about the game. I appreciated the sentiment- sometimes we just enjoy bad stuff, or find something interesting in how it's bad. I still find that sort of thing in music and movies. I'll never have the patience to find those in games because of the time commitment so videos like these help me appreciate what's going on.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Ok so what, in your opinion, is the best bad game of 2023?
Like I'm not trying to start an argument, I just enjoyed the video, I don't care about the game. I appreciated the sentiment- sometimes we just enjoy bad stuff, or find something interesting in how it's bad. I still find that sort of thing in music and movies. I'll never have the patience to find those in games because of the time commitment so videos like these help me appreciate what's going on.
I personally wouldn't know, and while I have my moments to enjoy bad stuff sometimes (I don't have time for it, and even back then I seldom did it that much), I don't consider this game entertainingly bad. I know the game is considered love it or hate it, but when you're forced into a mini game you can't back out of, have lousy checkpoints, Forest filled with already dated means from the mid to late 2010s, then I wouldn't exactly call that entertaining bad. Just regular mediocre bad. The combat has some stuff going for it, but not enough to keep me entertained. Adding that they're only five levels, and that the final boss is just the first boss but two of them all over again, does not help. I heard the arcade mini game is still fun, but if the game ever goes to 20 or less I'll pick it up. I know it's 19 dollars on sale digitally & 23 dollars on sale physically, but I'm still going to wait for another price drop. Not helping matters is that I play a better version of this back in December of 2022 called Evil West. Though that game is just regular good, but has some entertaining jank. No if you're looking for some entertainingly bad or cheesy games, play Oneechanbara Z2 or Origin from 2020. The gameplay from neither are bad (Z2's is wicked sick), but they got the occasional hilarious jank. Not to mention the over the top and hilarious characters. That said, there are moments of genuine humanity and subtlety. Surprising amount for a stripperiffic zombie fighting games.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Yeah, everyone's had similar complaints (Simmons being one of the early ones and most vocal at the start) about the lack of any Sony exclusive announcements recently. Some stuff I get, but people are going to have to be patient. There are plenty of other games, people! Christ! Sony not helping themselves when they tried to go all in with live-service, and most studios either dropping it, or them getting laid off. The new CEO can fuck off on thinking/trying to put in mobile gaming elements in the expensively sold games. Sony is right now stuck in a rut, and they need get their heads out of their asses again.

Thank God, there are so many third party games and smaller games I'm interested in. I don't play for exclusives constantly, and that is a fatally flawed mindset and ideal.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Yeah, everyone's had similar complaints (Simmons being one of the early ones and most vocal at the start) about the lack of any Sony exclusive announcements recently. Some stuff I get, but people are going to have to be patient. There are plenty of other games, people! Christ! Sony not helping themselves when they tried to go all in with live-service, and most studios either dropping it, or them getting laid off. The new CEO can fuck off on thinking/trying to put in mobile gaming elements in the expensively sold games. Sony is right now stuck in a rut, and they need get their heads out of their asses again.

Thank God, there are so many third party games and smaller games I'm interested in. I don't play for exclusives constantly, and that is a fatally flawed mindset and ideal.

Their problem is they've been coasting too long now. The PS3 launch saw them tumble down off the hill, and they had to fight tooth and nail to get back in the game, offer free online, etc. Plus, "sweat blood" to make the exclusives they did (according to GabeN) on the notoriously difficult hardware, but it's funny how they still had a better output back then. The tools available now are much easier to work with, but most of all we've seen are remasters and remakes. Nothing like the first or second Uncharted, MGS4, Killzone 2, God of War 3, etc. These exclusives were absolute bangers and system sellers back then that took advantage of new hardware, which helped Sony climb back up the hill and eventually still outsell a mega-popular console that had a year head start. Naughty Dog made four fucking games on a system that a lot of multiplat devs struggled with. Insomniac did what, five games? Three Resistances and two R&C's IIRC. *checks* nope they did three of those too.

I think this new CEO should stake stock of where his company really is at and what helped them get there once (if) he ever gets his head out his arse, and realize the current path will only cause them to slip back down, little by little.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
Typically don’t listen to Jaffe (and wow…new look much?) but um, may have a point here -

How long to beat has a standard playthrough at 15-18 hours. What did all that money go into?

Losing Shawn and Shuhei probably exacerbated their current troubles.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
@BrawlMan on this first one -

Thank you.

Typically don’t listen to Jaffe (and wow…new look much?) but um, may have a point here -

How long to beat has a standard playthrough at 15-18 hours. What did all that money go into?

Losing Shawn and Shuhei probably exacerbated their current troubles.
As for the over ballooning budget, this is kind of old news at this point. Ever since that League that happened back in january, most people know that Insomniac went over budget second Spider-Man 2 and Ratchet & Clank: RP. Not to mention Sony going over budget on some of their other projects as well.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
What is this nonsense about Sony not releasing exclusives this year? They're not releasing new installments of existing franchises.

Weren't we all complaining about them relying too much about leaning on existing IP before? Sequels and remakes and whatnot? Now Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin and Foamstars coming out... new shit! New IP!

Also with FF7:remake:part2 whatever in like 2 weeks, and the internet is crying over no major Sony exclusives.

Ugh... I swear, sometimes, with this shit...
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
What is this nonsense about Sony not releasing exclusives this year?
They're referring to exclusives made by Sony studios and their in-house developers. Not the third party ones in this case. The people complaining don't count the third parties or easily forget about them for some dumb reason.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
They're referring to exclusives made by Sony studios and their in-house developers. Not the third party ones in this case. The people complaining don't count the third parties or easily forget about them for some dumb reason.
Ok does Sony actually have "in-house" developers? Am I getting my terms mixed up?
Sucker Punch, Guerilla, Insomniac, Santa Monica- that's who makes all their exclusives. Or is that they own those studios but they have to make deals with SquareEnix and Ubisoft for exclusivity? That is way too inside baseball for most gamers.

Still.. Rise of the Ronin, Helldivers 2, Foamstars, and Stellar Blade, all came/coming out this year, all attracting attention, across different genres, all "Sony" by any reasonable understanding of the idea. Yeah, I'm gonna stick with this position for the rest of the day and then forget about it tomorrow lol
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Sucker Punch, Guerilla, Insomniac, Santa Monica- that's who makes all their exclusives
Yes. Those are the in-house first party developers.

Still.. Rise of the Ronin, Helldivers 2, Foamstars, and Stellar Blade, all came/coming out this year, all attracting attention, across different genres, all "Sony" by any reasonable understanding of the idea. Yeah, I'm gonna stick with this position for the rest of the day and then forget about it tomorrow lol
Now those are all the third party developed games. Sony still did provide funding for Stellar Blade though.


Simian Abomination
Escapist +
Apr 3, 2020
So Nintendo is the richest company in Japan

Some other notable companies:
9. Nexon
25. Bandai Namco
38. Square Enix
50. Konami
63. SEGA
64. GungHo
81. Kadokawa
88. Capcom

As for Sony, they are not in the top 300

Some thing to note tho:
This list is based on a company's 'book' value, and not their market capitalization value. It also takes into account accrued debts. Which is why Sony doesn't chart: lots of cash, but huge debt. Meanwhile, Nintendo has none.