Dragon's Dogma 2


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
Welp, I am attempting to import my face with the character creation. I think I'm almost there, but I can't seem to get the eyelids and nose right
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And I just realized this is the first time I've shown my face in this community lol
I remember forever ago you could put your picture (ie 2d flat picture) in an arena shooter (unreal tornament maybe?) as the character model head and now the game does it for you.
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~ just another dread messenger ~
Apr 29, 2020
Videogames are starting to get too good. If Rise of Ronin also turns out successful, will unfortunately have to do the CIA Johnny Depp character thing from Once Upon a Time in Mexico and go around a few head offices "restoring balance" with his silenced pistol.

seriously though, anyone got an invention that creates more time?
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
I tried my face again. Someone advice me to swap around the base face options. And what do you know, it looks better than my first attempt!

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Jun 11, 2023
United States
It’s IGN but eh, still waiting for Digital Foundry’s report -

Should’ve cooked longer instead of catering to meet the deadline for the $ mongers who won’t even be playing the fucking game.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
I remember forever ago you could put your picture (ie 2d flat picture) in an arena shooter (unreal tornament maybe?) as the character model head and now the game does it for you.
Yeah. And a few years ago I remember people scanning and importing their face in Fallout 4

And while it looks good, I think it looks so out-of-place compared to other models in the game. Maybe we'll never get a true facial scan to create our characters (or at least ones that are commercially available and not used for production), but maybe it's better than way; I enjoy making my face in the game because I still look the part; I would be creeped out if it looked realistic
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Bad PC performance, jank, inconvenience, tedium, and confusing mechanics. 10/10! Well, listening to people talking about this game, that's what it feels like at least.

Someone I believe it was u/brawlman and I were going back and forth about combat systems without lock-on... well guess what DD2 has a lack of?

As I predicted, this is 2024's Elden's Ring or Baldur's Gate 3, the game that folks in the games industry or those who follow it are telling each other they have to like or they're dumb.

Yes I'm sure its fans are genuine and it's good for what it is so, as with those other two games, I'm not picking on the games or the devs, more reacting to the nature of the discourse. For example I just finished listening to MinnMax podcast about it and two dudes talking about how much they're loving it and it's all what sounds like excuses- but they love it! Hahaha, ok.
I do think part of the positive reaction from critics/reviewers is that it's so different from Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, the last game everyone was forced to like, which has the open world tedium that they complain about. And this is where we as consumers just have to remember we are not them- most of us I think are not going to play FF7 and then DD2, my god, I hope not, we also have to like sleep and eat and, I dunno, work, and whatever.

Edit: Full-priced game apparently has mtx lol

This was, as of just a few months ago, the biggest sin imaginable. Ubisoft etc. Let's see if this crime pushes back against the critical consensus.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
On Ps5 the framerate and resolution is crap. The game plays like the original game I remember, it's technically prettier but the movement and combat still feel clunky and janky as the first game.

It feels like this isn't a sequel at all and instead it's just a remastering of the first game and called a sequel, the story feels much the same, the combat is unchanged fundamentally, and it is deliberately obtuse for no reason.

Ok I get that people don't like map markers or whatever, but quests aren't marked either and instead you are forced to stop should you pass an NPC with a quest. They just fucking stop you and tell you to please help with something. Furthermore so do the pawns, every one of them will stop you no matter what you're doing and offer their aid, and if you reject them they'll just fucking ask you again if you walk too close.

It feels like they have been keeping the DD team in a dark room for ten years after slipping them a copy of the RE Engine, so the only thing they could come up with is the exact same game with the exact same problems as last time because they are unaware how gaming has evolved over the last decade. I saw this coming, see my previous posts in this very thread.

There are going to be the same cult fanbase for this game that the first one had but I doubt new people are going to stick with this game at all. It suffers from too many technical issues and has an extremely awkward control scheme for combat depending on the class.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Bad PC performance, jank, inconvenience, tedium, and confusing mechanics. 10/10! Well, listening to people talking about this game, that's what it feels like at least.

Someone I believe it was u/brawlman and I were going back and forth about combat systems without lock-on... well guess what DD2 has a lack of?

As I predicted, this is 2024's Elden's Ring or Baldur's Gate 3, the game that folks in the games industry or those who follow it are telling each other they have to like or they're dumb.

Yes I'm sure its fans are genuine and it's good for what it is so, as with those other two games, I'm not picking on the games or the devs, more reacting to the nature of the discourse. For example I just finished listening to MinnMax podcast about it and two dudes talking about how much they're loving it and it's all what sounds like excuses- but they love it! Hahaha, ok.
I do think part of the positive reaction from critics/reviewers is that it's so different from Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, the last game everyone was forced to like, which has the open world tedium that they complain about. And this is where we as consumers just have to remember we are not them- most of us I think are not going to play FF7 and then DD2, my god, I hope not, we also have to like sleep and eat and, I dunno, work, and whatever.

Edit: Full-priced game apparently has mtx lol

This was, as of just a few months ago, the biggest sin imaginable. Ubisoft etc. Let's see if this crime pushes back against the critical consensus.
The weird thing is the performance doesn't drop where you'd expect it to (when you fighting giant monsters and shit) but just walking around the towns, something weird with the CPU being taxed with NPCs or something. I bought the game on Steam last night but took all night to download so I haven't tried playing it; I do only have a AMD 6650 XT and I might be returning it as I think it'll be 50/50 if it runs well enough on my PC.

I couldn't care less about the narrative about the game by the media or gamers. I just know Dragon's Dogma 2 is a going to have kick ass massive monster fights and very few games do those well at all. The only ones that I've felt have done those well are Dragon's Dogma, Monster Hunter, and Horizon. I still remember people being wowed by the griffin fight in Witcher 3 at an E3 and I'm just like "you guys haven't played Dragon's Dogma because that fight looks like shit". I don't get the confusing mechanics aspect because the 1st game is pretty standard action RPG in mechanics, I guess it's because it does some things differently but it's not confusing. I haven't seen any weird changes in this 2nd game as far as mechanics being changed much from the 1st game. Now, something like Monster Hunter has a slew of mechanics.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
I've decided to just cap at 60 fps, and I'm still seeing drops here and there.

I was gonna let the DRM thing pass, but then I saw this on the steam product page:


So install the game five times on different machine and then it becomes a digital paperweight.

ON TOP OF ALL THAT, there were rumors that deleting a save and starting a new game counted as a activation.

I think that last part is probably a hoax from all the nay-sayers, because Capcom just released this statement:

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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I've decided to just cap at 60 fps, and I'm still seeing drops here and there.

I was gonna let the DRM thing pass, but then I saw this on the steam product page:

View attachment 10883

So install the game five times on different machine and then it becomes a digital paperweight.

ON TOP OF ALL THAT, there were rumors that deleting a save and starting a new game counted as a activation.

I think that last part is probably a hoax from all the nay-sayers, because Capcom just released this statement:

Capcom had been on a pretty good path for a while there, and this game seems to be the game they decided to shit the bed with.
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
Capcom had been on a pretty good path for a while there, and this game seems to be the game they decided to shit the bed with.
Either from here I usually see either two things happening;

The publisher ignores the complaints and keeps the microtransaction or even double down on it
The publisher say "Sorry, not our attention" and removes all this crap.

Capcom definitely feels like chaotic good at this point


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
@FakeSympathy, @CriticalGaming, @Old_Hunter_77, this game having micro transactions and DLC does not surprise me. Capcom did this all the way back with re7 and the Resident Evil remakes. Some were better than others about it, but it was still there. The only difference was is that you can usually unlock the items instead of having to pay for it. Though that varied from game to game. Resident Evil 8 has that third person mode that's behind pay dlc, unless you bought the Gold Edition. I don't like it either of course, but capcom's been doing this with Street Fighter 6 as we've all seen, and Exoprimal. How bad it gets this time we'll see.

@Old_Hunter_77, I don't recall us talking about lock on either. You might have gotten confused with somebody else.
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Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
@FakeSympathy, @CriticalGaming, @Old_Hunter_77, this game having micro transactions and DLC does not surprise me. Capcom did this all the way back with re7 and the Resident Evil remakes. Some were better than others about it, but it was still there. The only difference was is that you can usually unlock the items instead of having to pay for it. Though that varied from game to game. Resident Evil 8 has that third person mode that's behind pay dlc, unless you bought the Gold Edition. I don't like it either of course, but capcom's been doing this with Street Fighter 6 as we've all seen, and Exoprimal. How bad it gets this time we'll see.

@Old_Hunter_77, I don't recall us talking about lock on either. You might have gotten confused with somebody else.
Well to be absolutely fair, people are not reading the part that says "All the items listed below can be obtained in-game or as paid DLC items." And so far I didn't feel any need to pay for anything. So props to Capcom for doing that.

Still baffled about the whole 5 installation limit thing; First time I've heard Denuvo or DRM doing this in gaming;


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
So I played this for like 4 hours and man the nostalgia hits hard! This actually feels a ton more like the first game than I expected it to. Even the plot feels similar enough. I gotta say I love the feel of the orthodox fantasy adventure setting it has, it's got this sort of purity to it that I missed. The combat especially felt quite similar, with some emphasis on stamina management but not quite as heavy as souls games. It's more in that in-between space Sekiro inhabited where regular attacks don't use up stamina but things like blocking or special moves do.

As for the look of the game, I'm on ps5 and it's not like the prettiest game ever made but I just love the design of the monsters and everything, even the new beastfolk race is pretty unique-looking, they're all kinda like lion-people lol.

The only thing that at first confused me was the lack of a lock on mechanism, but then I remembered this is Capcom and Monster Hunder doesn't have lock on either so I just kinda went with it, and yeah after the first few fights I didn't notice much wrong with it at all.

About the only thing the game has is that it's a bit too easy if you have a full pawn party going, so I just used my personal one as a mage healer and buffer and I do all the fighting myself, not had any need to hire other extra pawns yet.

Oh and I saw people mention the microtransactions but all this stuff is totally useless, you must really suck at the game if you need to buy it. No normal person should need it lol.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Well to be absolutely fair, people are not reading the part that says "All the items listed below can be obtained in-game or as paid DLC items." And so far I didn't feel any need to pay for anything. So props to Capcom for doing that.

Still baffled about the whole 5 installation limit thing; First time I've heard Denuvo or DRM doing this in gaming;
I know all that already. I'm just wondering why so many people are acting surprised about this? I don't like it either, but they are doing this style of DLC & micro transactions since RE2 Remake and DMC 5. It's more pay for convenience than pay to win, but they're still getting your money on top of 70 plus dollars, if you choose to do so. The DRM sucks & Capcom needs to stop doing that. It's only getting worse for here. I've also noticed a trend recently where whenever there's a DLC or DRM issue, people (be they actual journalist or game of themselves) overreact or blow out of proportion worse than it usually is. I don't like the DLC practices either, but can you bring the criticisms reasonable levels here people? Cuz I feel like we've already been here three different times. Twice earlier last year and once earlier this year.
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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States
Look at the Steam reviews. Of course, it has bad optimization.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
I know all that already. I'm just wondering why so many people are acting surprised about this? I don't like it either, but they are doing this style of DLC & micro transactions since RE2 Remake and DMC 5. It's more pay for convenience than pay to win, but they're still getting your money on top of 70 plus dollars, if you choose to do so. The DRM sucks & Capcom needs to stop doing that. It's only getting worse for here. I've also noticed a trend recently where whenever there's a DLC or DRM issue, people (be they actual journalist or game of themselves) overreact or blow out of proportion worse than it usually is. I don't like the DLC practices either, but can you bring the criticisms reasonable levels here people? Cuz I feel like we've already been here three different times. Twice earlier last year and once earlier this year.

The microtransactions are legit stuff you just get by playing the game a bit, it's for someone who wants to be instantly overpowered and breeze through the game, it actively makes your experience worse for owning it. Complaining that it exists when nobody needs to buy it is literally looking for something to nitpick about and be upset over.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The microtransactions are legit stuff you just get by playing the game a bit, it's for someone who wants to be instantly overpowered and breeze through the game, it actively makes your experience worse for owning it. Complaining that it exists when nobody needs to buy it is literally looking for something to nitpick about and be upset over.
People have a right to complain about it. All you're doing is just making excuses. Just because someone like you and I don't need it doesn't make it right or better. They're still charging for people who are impatient or have addictive spending tendencies. They technically already did this with re4 remake with those golden tickets for weapon upgrades. Yes you can get them legit through the game, but we're not the target audience in that case. They're targeting people who almost always go for microtransactions or exploit those with it addictive tendencies. That's an issue rather you like it or not. Whether you disagree or not. I don't want to hear how it's about a big deal or you putting in lol. It's a problem that needs to be called out on and I will do so forever more. I may be a Capcom fan, but I'm not a blind Capcom fan. I didn't call him their crap out since the 2010s when they first got into their dork age. I called them out so they can be better, and not screw people over. Don't forget that the president of the freaking company straight up said that these games should cost more than $70 and should not be at that price. Do you know how full of crap and idiotic that sounds?

Capcom, I like you guys I'm glad you getting better, but if you believe you should be charging more than these at the premium already price or going for a hundred bucks or more I'm going to just stop by your games all together or just wait until there's a deep sale or I got a gift card with a hundred bucks on it. Because I ain't paying for shit if you think about that in the future.
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