For anyone looking through these, you have to skip down to 8 Feb, 2023 before you hit the first post that isn't just ST posting his comic, hawking NFTs or merch or other regular webcomic on social media kinda junk. That one is a link to a news story.
Then more normal webcomic artist sorta stuff until 16 March, 2024. All the "violent, unfiltered neo-Nazism of Stonetoss" in the files is in the time from March 16-March 20, during which Stonetoss himself posts only once, linking a new comic. So if you're looking to confirm that that stuff is in there, scroll straight to the end.
Part of me is curious why there's no commentary until after Stonetoss gets doxxed then a sudden deluge of shit by a handful of accounts. It doesn't feel organic, but I don't know if that's because it's an attack or if he scrubbed the Telegram channel and the stuff at the end was just what got posted after that. With him being who he is, you'd think someone monitoring his telegram to drag up all the hate speech would have started recording it before 16 March, 2024.
Now having seen way more stonetoss comics than I had ever before, I have to admit this one is pretty fitting: