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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
IMHO, Going Postal isn't as good as the other two films, The Colour of Magic and The Hogfather, the latter of which has become a Christmas tradition in my family. If you like Going Postal, I'd recommend them.


Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
No Hard Feelings

(Own copy bought on Amazon, is apparently available on Netflix in some regions)

Score: 8.5 / 10

Tagline: The Lifetime movie that somehow got made with an American Pie script so Jennifer Lawrence could apologise / create the ultimate demo reel.

Premise: You saw the trailer, basically 32 year old Maddie has a massive amount of state tax owned faces losing her house and the state takes her car as initial security. The issue being she works as a bartender part time and an Uber driver the rest of it making most of her money in the approaching summer period thanks to rich tourists. She's left a trail of ghosted exs behind her thanks to her attitude and approach towards relationships and needs money or a new car to save her house being taken to pay off her taxes. So when she finds one of the rich couples who have holiday homes in Montauk New York advertises for some-one to date their son Percy to try and bring him out of his shell with a car being the payment Maddie sees it as an easy way to start solving her problems, after all how hard can seducing an 18 year old nerdy introverted social media generation guy be right?

As the films goes on turns out harder than you'd think as situations ensue, hijinks ensues and more is revealed about maybe why Maddie has a string of failed relationships and the issues that have caused them and the films sets up a number of ways the film could go and it will leave you guessing until the end where it will go and likely surprise most people with the far less cliched version of than you'd expect of where it goes.

Thoughts: this feels like a weird movie and that's why I've put the tagline because part of it feels like a Lifetime movie about the idea of values and society and peoples issues and overcoming them but then there's also Jennifer Lawrence, fully nude on a beach German suplexing a person.......... no I didn't make that up and apparently this was no digital trickery or body double, Jennifer Lawrence got nude on a beach and german suplexed a person on film herself for this film. Which handily leads me on to my next though and the next part of the title.

This films feels like Jennifer Lawrence either did this as some giant apology to the world for any perceived thing she has done or did it because it's an actual passion project showreel of her actual talent and range or maybe a bit of both because Jennifer Lawrence in basically every scene ends up somewhat the butt of the joke or having to do some scenes that as a dude with little shame, even I'd have to push past feeling a level of shame and awkwardness doing and I've done some amateur acting playing 2 villains on stage one of which I had to wear a large fake prosthetic nose and glasses for. If you like Jennifer Lawrence already, you'll love this film because it truly shows an amazing range of acting talent far beyond what she's shown in other films I've seen from the fairly often bland Katniss to the angry rage filled but not that much else Raven / Mystique in the Xmen reboot. This is a full range on show and a shocking show and impressive comedic talent as she basically plays the straight girl to much of the films humour while being made to look a fool so very often. If you hate Jennifer Lawrence because I dunno the silly out of context (or maybe not so out of context) comments about female action heros or because she was in Passengers and you disliked that film or the fact she had to go with a body suit for mystique because the paint was causing her an allergic reaction, you'll probably enjoy this film because it really does feel like Lawrence deliberately taking a role that punishes and degrades her character a lot. The thing being if you don't like her this film also is basically her answering the criticisms with "Yes I am a bit of an idiot sometimes" and "No it wasn't because I didn't want to show my body, I just really did have an issue with the paint here let me prove it to you."

What pushes this film to being near a 9 (what I'd consider the standard for must see) isn't merely the sheer level Lawrence's acting actually elevates this film but the way it's show with a smattering of pop culture references thinly enough to be welcome without being obtrusive even down to the directing. Or the choice of shots such as a sequence that will have anyone familiar with cinema cracking a smile if not starting to giggle as the film shifts to framing Lawrence's character as a horror movie esc serial killer; in what could be said could be also a visual metaphor towards her mentality in the film and her ends driven approach to life mirroring that of the kind of mentality of seen in some horror movie villains.

Go see this one, the only think holding it back from being a must see is while the ending will keep you guessing I will say it's a bit too much of an ambiguous ending to be that satisfying as though it feels like they wanted to leave room of a No Hard Feelings 2.

In conclusion:
If this is an attempt to start a franchise? I'm here for the 2nd on
if this is here to bring back potentially offensive comedies? I'm up for more
If this is Jennifer Lawrence doing this as a passion project she cared about doing? I'm here up for more.
If this is Jennifer Lawrence concerned she's getting a bit too old (in Hollywood terms) and trying to prove to the industry she has real talent not just looks? She did it
If this is Jennifer Lawrence concerned she's getting a bit too old (in Hollywood terms) and trying to show she could pivot to comedy? She didn't need to be she fucking did it.

Political and Social commentary: Who'd have thought I'd have this section in a film where a naked Jennifer Lawrence German suplexes a person on a beach? Yet here it is.

I'd describe this as a mix of a film that is both socially aware and a social commentary while also finding inherent humour in those things and taking some pretty impressive swings at them in a way that is almost going "Those things people say were offensive in older comedy films? They're still funny and your reaction to them being so absurd makes it funnier." and with that time to engage spoilers

One of the big things in the movie is the commentary on generational differences and in particular late millennial and Gen z culture with mid to late millennial (or at least me and a few others I know) and their dislike of smartphones replacing living in and loving the moment as Percy is somewhat hooked to his phone and a big moment in the film is when he reveals he's left it at home for their date specifically.

The above referenced humour being in relation to a moment when at a party Maddie tells two guys maybe they should do one another if they think she's too old to be attractive only for them to take that as a homophobic joke and start recording her on their phones trying to get her to repeat it and filing her being upset over then accusing her of bigotry. Oh and this is a moment of the movie not shot where the joke is on Lawrence's character but comes as her character is coming to terms with her feelings and these guys are assholes who don't care and are as bad as she was if not worse but in their own awful way. This comes to a head later as she believes she's saving Percy whose been drugged and said guys plus more turn up to film her as the owners of the house turn up to kick her out because the people at the party called their parents on her. Also showing the hilarity of how for some underage drinking and unsupervised parties with 18 years olds where there's the suggestion of illegal drugs are fine by some parents but potential social media outrage due to a guest at a party at their home, that's the real issue. Oh and to be clear 21 being the drinking age in the USA is dumb IMHO but so is the hypocrisy of this and that's the statement being made.

The theme of how shitty hook up culture can be is also explored with the fact Maddie basically hooked up with all her previous relationships and they fell apart while it's with Percy and him showing a somewhat old school attitude of wanting to get to know her that actually causes her to have a change of heart and start to actually care and realise that she wants something more and deeper. I'm sure some people will get mad at this at some point due to the while internet "Women used up and childless in their 30s regretting their past" claims and almost meme at this point but again it's a valid theme to explore and does so well.

While not a theme I do think it is a social commentary aspect on the film about the idea of women trying to flirt / be sexy and how for all the shit guys get for being bad at the approach women can and are just as bad sometimes with how awkward they come off, something I believe Liana K has talked about before when she was younger and somewhat awkwardly tried to ask out guys she was attracted to.

Another point being the idea of the "you're rich you should have no problems / yours don't matter" approach as it shows how while different to Maddies, Percy does have problems which are also human, relatable and not ones easily fixed with money because they are personal issues to deal with and all money can do is let him hide from them in different more complicated ways.
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Is on the Gin
May 26, 2020
IMHO, Going Postal isn't as good as the other two films, The Colour of Magic and The Hogfather, the latter of which has become a Christmas tradition in my family. If you like Going Postal, I'd recommend them.
I've seen The Hogfather and I will say it's very good but I'd say slightly lower than Going Postal more of the production side rather than anything else with stuff in places just not looking quite as polished or as well done.

I have The Colour of Magic still to watch at some point though.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Unlike Zone of Interest, I'm unsure, though, to what extent this was the intended effect. It's very difficult not to feel some degree of whiplash over the great emphasis Oppenheimer places on the schemes of bickering bureaucrats and egocentric scientists, many of whose names you are likely to forget the moment the credits are over, while leaving the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki comfortably off screen. The impression I got is that Christopher Nolan expected me to find them genuinely engaging, gussied up as they are with numerous heavy-handed attempts at snappy dialogue that at their worst, bring to mind Aaron Sorkin. The Social Network, in particular.
I know that you weren't specifically criticizing Oppenheimer for not showing the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but it's a criticism that I have seen leveled at this movie multiple times, and I don't really understand it.

Oppenheimer is not about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nor is it a movie about WW2. Oppenheimer is a biopic movie about J. Robert Oppenheimer. J. Robert Oppenheimer never went to Japan, he did not witness the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nor did he order those bombings. The movie also doesn't dwell on the morality of the bombings themselves. The movie isn't about the bombs, the movie is about Oppenheimer.

The movie Vice about Dick Cheney doesn't include gratuitous shots of the Afghan and Iraqi civilians being bombed, and no one criticized that movie on the grounds that it was disrespectful to victims.

The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't left off screen because of "comfort." They were left off screen because the movie is about Oppenheimer's experience, and he didn't personally experience those bombings.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
The Roundup series: Outlaws, The Roundup, and The Roundup: No Way Out 8/10

Ma-Don Seuk, a very large man who punches people very hard, stars in these three movies, with a fourth one coming out soon, as a cop who beats the shit out of everyone until at the end he does that to the main villain. There are other cops but they are just there for comic relief, doing research, or getting shot. The plots are not connected so you do get different villains each time, with the second movie being the most compelling for me.
The main guy is a boxer so the centerpiece fights involve him dodging whatever weapon the enemy has to get in close and punch dudes. He also employs slaps when dealing with jerks sometimes which made me giggle.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
No Hard Feelings

I must really be out of the loop I had no idea this was a thing. I don't know if I want to watch it though lol

FWIW the first movie that Lawrence starred in was called Winter's Bone. It's what got her attention and opened up the door to Silver Linings Playbook and Hunger Games. It's a very serious movie about rural poverty and drugs and family and hardcore stuff- real Oscar bait stuff but actually also really really good. Lawrence is brilliant, totally captivating. I remember seeing that movie and just thinking wow, this is going to be the next big deal, I honestly don't remember another time I saw a budding star that talented and also that gorgeous, event though she is NOT glammed up but you could just tell. She's also great in Silver Linings (despite me not being a fan of that script and style).


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (Extended Editions) - 10/10

Its the extended editions of Lord of the Rings on a cinema screen. It was bloody fantastic even if it was a 12 marathon session. Loved them 20 years ago, love them now but getting to see them in a cinematic format is a rare treat that I'm glad I indulged in.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Sympathy for the Devil (2023 film)

Despite a string successes recently with Color out of space, Mandy, and PIG, we are once again served an undercooked Nicholas Cage.

Nicholas Cage appears to play an unhinged madia enforcer who abducts Joel Kinnaman for a trip of destruction.

True to form Nicholas Cage id weird and incoherent, screaming when the script says to "be Nicholas Cage". The problem is lies in there not being a fully realized film to support him.

The film lacks any twists or turns for the majority of its run time. Things don't get crazy in any compelling way. Its difficult not to spoil it suffice to say no, theres no outer limits twist, the character Nicholas Cage plays at the start of the film is same one he ends on.

There is a twist, but Mr. Magoo could have seen it coming and its surprisingly mundane. More problematically Ive seen this twist before in better films. Part of the problem is that Joel Kinnaman is really dull. this was intentional, but it doesn't play well off of Nicholas Cages apeing of Harpo Marx. He acts against a block of wood as it were.

4/10 avoid even if you get a kick out of Nicholas Cages flopping around like a coked out fish. It just doesn't get there this time around.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Monkey Man: Good / Great

An unassuming man finesses his way into the inner circles of a crime syndicate to ultimately avenge the death of his mother.

Basically John Wick, but set in India. I get the strong feeling there are some cultural implications that might have gotten over my head, but still a decent movie on its face. It's a relatively slow boil, but when it hit its stride, man, let there be blood.

Beau Is Afraid: .... / Great

A pushover ostensibly everyman tries to make it to his mother's funeral, and pretty much every manner of "what the fuckery" happens to him on his way.

Beau Is Afraid, and I am confused. A Joaquin Phoenix joint. Other than that?
I'll say this much, it confounds enough that the 3-hour runtime feels eventful.
Jun 11, 2023
United States

Wifey was watching for the…idk how manyeth time, but she was checking out the special edition 4K remaster I’d boughten her, and it was the anniversary of the sinking so what the hell; I indulged. At least for about the last two thirds, which is still a full two hours.

The movie is showing its age wherever full CGI shots were involved and even some larger scale practical effects, much like T2. But also much like it, the rest holds up remarkably well. Cameron spared no expense (including a good chuck of his own money) and it shows.

It of course has been memed to death and back, and has its fair share of detractors on subject matter of turning a tragedy into a glorified romance narrative. But seeing as how I’m quite a bit older than the idiot teenager I was back then I’ve gained the benefit of added hindsight perspective; at least as a viewer. Enough to say, this movie otherwise would’ve never made its money back, and we can only surmise Cameron knew this full well. He banked on the power of an emotionally driven narrative to a record breaking return. I think even Arnold had commented on some late night show about considering it a “perfect” movie.

That said, I still think as a casual observer it was respectful to the event itself. I’ve seen docs mention they had some specific details and names wrong, which I’m sure bothers historians and actual descendants, understandably more-so. However it’s been 27 years since originally seeing it at the theater but I can faintly recall being able to figuratively hear a pin drop when the screaming stopped. The little diddy of Jack and Rose may be at the heart of this project, but it’s also surrounded by a full body that gives ample weight to every other aspect. It’s actually kinda neat how some of these moments are organically woven into it. The ending is rather perfect as it basically encapsulates the film’s heart and body as a whole.

The alternate ending though…let’s just say idk wtf Cameron was smoking even filming it. I honestly don’t even think it’s on this edition as we looked for it and wound up having to find it on YouTube. I won’t even link it, it’s that stupid.
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Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Beau Is Afraid: .... / Great

A pushover ostensibly everyman tries to make it to his mother's funeral, and pretty much every manner of "what the fuckery" happens to him on his way.

Beau Is Afraid, and I am confused. A Joaquin Phoenix joint. Other than that?
I'll say this much, it confounds enough that the 3-hour runtime feels eventful.
You should watch this short film by Ari Aster:



Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
The Villainess 10/10

The most recent and, for now, final of my Korean movie marathon selections, and the best.

It's La Femme Nikita, basically. The movie starts with a first-person shooter perspective of an absolute murder spree, and it's gangbusters (literally too hahah). Then she's another chick and proceeds to kick absolute ass all over the place, with an interlude in the middle of a cheesy stereotypical Korean romantic drama (I know this because I watched this one with my wife who recognized the tropes).

The final sequence is *chef's kiss* like a 70's car chasesploitation film with ninja moves or whatever- so cool. This move is the bomb yo.


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
The Sound of 007

It's a pretty breezy overview of 60 years of Bond scores, Bond songs and of course the Bond theme. I guess you're not gonna do that much history justice in 89 minutes. But even so, the documentary spends way too much time on Billie Eillish and her brother - like 30% of the overall running time is dedicated to No Time to Die - while barely acknowledging A-ha, Chris Cornell, Bill Conti, Sheryl Crow or Madonna. An overlong anecdote about Amy Winehouse being batshit in Barbara Broccoli's office is also somehow worthier of the time.

Anyway, favorite themes in chronological order:

  • Goldfinger (Shirley Bassey)
  • Thunderball (Tom fucking Jones)
  • Diamonds are Forever (Shirley Bassey)
  • Live and Let Die (Paul McCartney; hate the reggae break in the middle though)
  • Nobody Does it Better (Carly Simon, from The Spy Who Loved Me)
  • For Your Eyes Only (Sheena Easton)
  • A View to a Kill (Duran Duran, baby)
  • GoldenEye (Tina Turner)
  • The World is Not Enough (Garbage)
  • Spectre (Radiohead, unused theme song)
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Elite Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States


The Big Engine
Apr 3, 2020

Wifey was watching for the…idk how manyeth time, but she was checking out the special edition 4K remaster I’d boughten her, and it was the anniversary of the sinking so what the hell; I indulged. At least for about the last two thirds, which is still a full two hours.

The movie is showing its age wherever full CGI shots were involved and even some larger scale practical effects, much like T2. But also much like it, the rest holds up remarkably well. Cameron spared no expense (including a good chuck of his own money) and it shows.

It of course has been memed to death and back, and has its fair share of detractors on subject matter of turning a tragedy into a glorified romance narrative. But seeing as how I’m quite a bit older than the idiot teenager I was back then I’ve gained the benefit of added hindsight perspective; at least as a viewer. Enough to say, this movie otherwise would’ve never made its money back, and we can only surmise Cameron knew this full well. He banked on the power of an emotionally driven narrative to a record breaking return. I think even Arnold had commented on some late night show about considering it a “perfect” movie.

That said, I still think as a casual observer it was respectful to the event itself. I’ve seen docs mention they had some specific details and names wrong, which I’m sure bothers historians and actual descendants, understandably more-so. However it’s been 27 years since originally seeing it at the theater but I can faintly recall being able to figuratively hear a pin drop when the screaming stopped. The little diddy of Jack and Rose may be at the heart of this project, but it’s also surrounded by a full body that gives ample weight to every other aspect. It’s actually kinda neat how some of these moments are organically woven into it. The ending is rather perfect as it basically encapsulates the film’s heart and body as a whole.

The alternate ending though…let’s just say idk wtf Cameron was smoking even filming it. I honestly don’t even think it’s on this edition as we looked for it and wound up having to find it on YouTube. I won’t even link it, it’s that stupid.
The only piece of artistic licence they - read James Cameron - should not have taken was what happened to First Officer Murdoch. That wasn't cool and was, as much as could be verified on that night, a complete untruth. In fact I think the man's home town sued Cameron for that.