Trump assassination attempt


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Political violence just for attention though? Utterly disgusting. You have nothing to contribute to the world so you lash out with violence because you are an empty useless human. The sheer laziness is astounding and pathetic.
True but these dorks usually take out their frustration out on random people on the streets/grocery stores/churches/[Insert Mass Shooting Location here] or school children. Sure, it could have been any politician he went after and Trump just happened to be the target of opportunity but that's far better than the alternative these losers usually go after.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Trump wouldn't think twice to implement policies that would literally get people killed
So you are mad at him because you think that he would do something that he hasn't done? This is where ideology gets really dangerous. You are literally accusing him of things that haven't even happen just because you feel like he's the type of person who might do something like that. It makes no sense. It sounds like you are under some sort of brainwashing thinking someone MIGHT do actions because other people say he might. Keep in mind that these people clearly have no idea what they're talking about outside of paranoid hypotheticals.

Might trump do something? I guess. Might you also get into a car while drunk? Well maybe you would. Who knows? Could happen, probably wont, but maybe?

People calling Trump Hilter clearly don't understand the gravity of what Hilter was. Same as calling conservatives Nazi's and facists and the like. None of is true and it's all propaganda bred by the left to keep people divided and hateful of the other side. It's low brow political tactics that stupid people fall for because thinking for yourself is difficult.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
So you are mad at him because you think that he would do something that he hasn't done? This is where ideology gets really dangerous. You are literally accusing him of things that haven't even happen just because you feel like he's the type of person who might do something like that. It makes no sense. It sounds like you are under some sort of brainwashing thinking someone MIGHT do actions because other people say he might. Keep in mind that these people clearly have no idea what they're talking about outside of paranoid hypotheticals.

Might trump do something? I guess. Might you also get into a car while drunk? Well maybe you would. Who knows? Could happen, probably wont, but maybe?

People calling Trump Hilter clearly don't understand the gravity of what Hilter was. Same as calling conservatives Nazi's and facists and the like. None of is true and it's all propaganda bred by the left to keep people divided and hateful of the other side. It's low brow political tactics that stupid people fall for because thinking for yourself is difficult.
He has specifically stated that he was going to go after Transgender Care

This isn't some "paranoid hypothetical" that I think he is going to do. He has loudly and proudly proclaimed this is something he fully intends to do once he gets into office.
I am thinking for myself as I have eyes and I have ears and I can see and hear the things Trump himself has stated that he plans on doing. If me being sad that he didn't get popped makes me a bad person, then so fucking be it, I'll be the bad guy. He plans on going after my friends so fuck him.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
He has specifically stated that he was going to go after Transgender Care
He plans on going after my friends so fuck him.
Transgenderism is the threat to your friends lives here. It encourages people to ritually kill off their former identity to define themselves by terms which have no allowable social definition, leading inevitably to nihilism and despair.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
He has specifically stated that he was going to go after Transgender Care

This isn't some "paranoid hypothetical" that I think he is going to do. He has loudly and proudly proclaimed this is something he fully intends to do once he gets into office.
I am thinking for myself as I have eyes and I have ears and I can see and hear the things Trump himself has stated that he plans on doing. If me being sad that he didn't get popped makes me a bad person, then so fucking be it, I'll be the bad guy. He plans on going after my friends so fuck him.
Looks like the proposal is to prevent the hormones and surgeries for minors. Not all transgender people, just children. And to prevent public schools from pushing gender ideology on children. Which many parents have been pushing hard against the school boards across the country for doing as well.

I've said my peace on pushing shit onto children, there is nothing that will convince me that a child can ever make a life changing decision like that. It's adults pushing influence onto kids because the vast majority of teenagers that feel some type of dysmorphia grow out of it, because it's mostly caused by hormonal confusion and sexual desires awakening. And most of the people who experience dysmorphia growing up turn out just to be gay and are perfectly fine in their bodies.

So unless you have a full bill where it states he wants to ban it for everyone no exceptions, then alright. but that article clearly states it is the prevention of altering treatment for minors.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Transgenderism is the threat to your friends lives here. It encourages people to ritually kill off their former identity to define themselves by terms which have no allowable social definition, leading inevitably to nihilism and despair.
And that's still their choice and none of your business. The government shouldn't be trying to protect people from themselves.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Transgenderism is the threat to your friends lives here. It encourages people to ritually kill off their former identity to define themselves by terms which have no allowable social definition, leading inevitably to nihilism and despair.
"The government has to save people from themselves! (When they're trying to not be like me.)"


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
I think anyone celebrating this, AND/OR, lamenting that the shooter missed should be ashamed of themselves. Like Trump, hate him, whatever, he doesn't deserve death by anything outside of a KFC related incident. Your politics should no longer come into play here, because this was attempted murder period and everyone should condemn that regardless.

People really need to stop treating political belief's like a battleground, in which people who dont share your views are therefore enemies and should be put down. It's disgusting. And a bunch of you in here going "Ahh too bad" "Dang he missed", You should be fucking disgusted with yourselves. Trump is a stupid asshole but he's doesn't deserve death. Fucking sick.

Destiny's comments are also bullshit and shows how far left or right ideologies completely shatter your basic human empathies. He is the perfect example of someone who goes so far to one side that they can't image their side doing anything wrong and will happily condone fucking murder so long as it's against someone who disagrees with him. How fucked of a mindset do you need to have?
Politics is the new religion.

Trump wouldn't think twice to implement policies that would literally get people killed (specifically friends of mine who are transgender and would no longer be allowed to get the drugs/surgeries needed to transition even though they are full grown adults) and you want me to shed a tear because someone took a shot at him?
That flatly isn't true. You do realize that basically every European country that you would consider more liberal/progressive has backtracked on drugs and surgeries for minors for gender care. That's what the majority science says, the US is the outlier in the world.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Transgenderism is the threat to your friends lives here. It encourages people to ritually kill off their former identity to define themselves by terms which have no allowable social definition, leading inevitably to nihilism and despair.

I always knew your politics were garbage but I didn't realize you were also garbage. It shouldn't come as a surprise though I suppose.

This is the last time I'm ever going to even entertain the bullshit that spews out of your mouth.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
I'm not gonna have any sympathy 2nd Amendment Solutions douchbags almost get tagged by your bog standard school shooter. At least it was a shot at Trump and not shooting up yet another kindergarten for these fucks to not give a shit about

Trump getting tagged would've been *really funny* and I'm not gonna pretend otherwise. Biden getting Covid after declaring the pandemic was over and the rest of us get to sacrifice ourselves for The Line is also *very funny*

These fucks go on TV and declare that they want to destroy the USA from first principles. They can die from the consequences for their beliefs. We warned them, we shouldn't coddle them

EDIT: Like come the fuck on, there's multiple people in this thread that don't have any problem with a widespread, multipronged attack on a legal election culminating in storming multiple governmental buildings with help from prominent politicians that resulted in people fucking dying.

Spare me the concern trolling.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America

Ill export the text later, but essentially investigators found a lot of conflicting evidence regarding his social life, but it looks to likely a fame thing. He was researching a lot of political figures across the spectrum and posted on steam that he was "making his debut" on the 13th.

For those not familiar with my earlier video Peter Gabriel wrote a song called "family snapshot" based on the attempted assassination of George Wallace by Arthur Bremer. It ultimately was just a way to get famous and I think that's gonna be the summary found here.

It looks like Crooks was probably an anti-trump republican teen looking to get attention and the opportunity presented itself.
I fucking called it!
Lmao, they really don't have a narrative for this kid
These bitches have nothing and they know it. They've been grasping for any desperate excuses and justifications for the whole week. The Republican party deserves someone like Tom Crooks.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
This is the last time I'm ever going to even entertain the bullshit that spews out of your mouth.
You shamelessly sacrifice your friends as martyrs for your political team.
And that's still their choice and none of your business. The government shouldn't be trying to protect people from themselves.
"The government has to save people from themselves! (When they're trying to not be like me.)"
If all of you would actually take this stance, that'd be fine. Transgenderism would be almost gone in the blink of an eye if you all said it's a choice people are hurting themselves with.

But you don't say that, and you can't without giving up on the argument that "gender affirming care" is lifesaving medicine. If people want to mess up their lives, go ahead. If the medical and psychological authorities start messing people up by the thousands, that's now the government's role to step in.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
If all of you would actually take this stance, that'd be fine. Transgenderism would be almost gone in the blink of an eye if you all said it's a choice people are hurting themselves with.
I don't think people are hurting themselves with it. For the most part people who end up transitioning are happy about it. From what I've seen most people's issues with being transgender come from society's perception and lack of acceptance.

But you don't say that, and you can't without giving up on the argument that "gender affirming care" is lifesaving medicine. If people want to mess up their lives, go ahead. If the medical and psychological authorities start messing people up by the thousands, that's now the government's role to step in.
Medical and psychological authorities aren't "messing people up by the thousands. You think there's just doctors walking around telling people "you should cut your dick off" and convincing people? People aren't getting talked into gender affirming care by doctors, they go to doctors already seeking it.

I don't see it much different than any other cosmetic surgery. People get breast implants, muscle implants, ass implants, hair plugs, buccal fat removal, etc. all for the purpose of modifying their bodies to suit their own tastes. They are doing it to make their exterior look how they think it should look. Most of the time this significantly helps people's confidence and self esteem, and sometimes it can backfire with really bad results. The government didn't stop Erin Moriarty from ruining her face, and it shouldn't be stepping in to prevent gender affirming care and surgery on any adult who wants it. It's none of the government's business and it's none of yours.
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Elite Member
Sep 16, 2014
United States
You shamelessly sacrifice your friends as martyrs for your political team.
If all of you would actually take this stance, that'd be fine. Transgenderism would be almost gone in the blink of an eye if you all said it's a choice people are hurting themselves with.
But you don't say that, and you can't without giving up on the argument that "gender affirming care" is lifesaving medicine. If people want to mess up their lives, go ahead. If the medical and psychological authorities start messing people up by the thousands, that's now the government's role to step in.
Of the grand total of 170ish gender affirming surgeries on minors in the US last year, 150 were correcting gynecomastia on teen boys. Can't help but notice you aren't telling teen boys to keep their perfectly natural breasts

The number of kids actually being treated physically for being trans is less than a rounding error. It's functionally non-existent. More raped kids are being forced to give birth then trans kids are getting surgery, so don't fucking pretend you give a shit about kids

But keep fighting this culture war, I guess. Makes you look real sane and normal to the average person.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
messing people up
And here's where your ego shines through. You just can't consider transgender care to be anything but "messing people up", because it makes them different from what you think they ought to be. And you think that you know better what people ought to be than they do, because (your sick, twisted, pathetic idea of) God says so.

There. That argument's done; Tstorm loses, as always. Let's get back to the topic.


Elite Member
Aug 4, 2011
You just can't consider transgender care to be anything but "messing people up", because it makes them different from what you think they ought to be.
It's not the care messing people up, it's the concept itself. If you entertain the idea that someone's body and identity are some mistaken mismatch, it doesn't matter whether you "fix" it or not. The damage is done.
People aren't getting talked into gender affirming care by doctors, they go to doctors already seeking it.
It is just as important that a doctor be able identify a healthy person as diagnose an illness. People panic over their health when they feel something is wrong, particularly children. Sometimes proper treatment is telling someone that it's normal and they'll be fine as they are. A doctor listening to normal people with normal feelings and offering a diagnosis that makes their patients dramatically more likely to kill themselves is in the wrong, whether the prescribe treatment or not, and the organizations publishing guidance to do so should be prosecuted.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008

Biden tried to call the widow of the men who died at the rally, she declined, specifically saying it was because her husband was a "devout" republican. She also added that Trump didn't try to reach her. It's... mindboggling.

View attachment 11489

Lol they spelled the dude's name wrong. Man gets domed supporting his candidate at his rally and they don't even know his name.

EDIT: Awwww, it sounds like the Fire Department had the same misspelling on his uniform. That makes this still a little funny but slightly less funny.
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