The Shattered Elden Ring Thread: Tarnished Edition - (Shadow of the Erdtree p. 85)


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
At the Consecrated Snowfield, continuing (possibly concluding) what has now become essentially my revenge tour through the middle section of the game, where I smash through enemies that, in my first play-through, caused me no end of grief.

Both of the Godskin Apostle bosses (Altus windmill and Caelid divine tower), Astel Natural Born of the Void (I just love the name so much it's like something out of Bloodborne), Commander Neil- these mfers too me forever last time. Not only that but re-speccing between Comet Azur and extreme bleed/dex builds as needed to cheese them.

In my first play-throug I started as int/dex because I wanted to use all the cool spells but I found them all useless in battle except for the basic ones- they took to long to caste, did not aim well- the enemies were faster than the spells. I switched to bleed build when getting to Altus and getting the twinblade but then switched back to magic with the Comet Azur cheese because Astel was just impossible for me to read. It was just too big, too camera jank- it would fly over me and then everything was purple and then I would be dead and not even know how. Then I youtubed it, saw the comet, and used that.

Well this time I am committing to smashing. On the occasional fight where I really can't connect, I switch to a heavy partisan (spear) with the spectral lance ashes of war which allows stance breaking from a distance. And on the last catacomb I did I had to hit a pillar then jump on top of it and my big mace was just too slow to let me do that- hahah, stupid game. I also got my +10 mimic tear and I know it's unoriginal to rely on that but my god is it fun to see my clone invoke the cragblade move and start wrecking shit.

Especially now when the game's idea of "more challenge" is to just have two of everything. Remember those crazy lions with swords? Now there's two! Remember those crystal ladies? Now there's 2! Wait now there's three! Remember those 10 erdtree avatars you already fought? How about another one that splits into two? And yeah I know the dreaded Godskin Duo fight awaits me. Naw dog, I'm-a use my clone.

This time I beat Astel in one shot- all I needed to do was find its head, tank through its non-magical/buffed attacks and rely on my flasks, big vigor bar and bigger mace to kill it before it killed me. My clone and I swaggered into Commander Neill, one of the most infamously annoying fights, and comically wrecked their shit. It was so beautiful I wish I recorded it- each of us took on one of his summons, eliminated them with stagger and critical, and ganked his dumbass lickety split. Also did a Leroy Jenkins at the dragonskin soldier in the lake of rot before unlocking all of the floor tiles, dying at the same time as killing it (which still counts and it was easy enough to go back for the runes)

Meanwhile little annoying imp creatures kill me in three hits in the Consecrated Snowfield- the damage dealing spike is absolutely insane in the game's late-game. I am reminded of the phrase "vigor tax" in this game that purportedly allows for individual playstyle but all but forces the vast majority of players- those of us who aren't pros or obsessives- to spend half of our upgrades on the one stat of vigor.

Last play session had my find such fun fashionsouls gear that I actually used a larval tear to move a few points into endurance to allow for:
- a red hood/cloak/sports-bra thing I got from a catacomb boss with some nice resistances
- a commoner's head band because I really like playing while being able to see my character's face
- the bull goat gloves and pants, to keep my poise to 51

So I kind of look like a scary Red Riding Hood

I've also cleared- as best as I can tell, via online maps and such, though it's impossible to know for sure- every single boss in Limgrave, Lurnia, Altus, Mt Gelmir, Lyndell and its outskirts (before the destruction of the Erdtree), all of Noskia and Ansel, and the Mountain Tops of the Giants except for the Fire Giant which I'm saving for when I'm ready to move on to crumbly farm of zulu. And the whole map is exposed. This pretty much completes what I really wanted to do in this game as only the really annoying late game stuff is left. I'm still having fun so I'm gonna keep going but the point of this play through was to have a much more enjoyable play-through where I wasn't annoyed and frustrated every second and I have accomplished that.

None of my many criticisms of the game have changed, just my way of dealing with them. Which is- again, and I can't stress this enough- smashing things with a big stick and/or cowering behind my ***** shield. I highly highly recommend a strength build play-through of this game for anyone who hasn't done it and is considering another- or first!- play-through. And I should have expected this as with Dark Souls, when the only way I got over the hump of failure was to find the Zweihander and clobber everything with it.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Melania, Blade of Mequilla, scourge of the internet, most infamous enemy in FromSoftware history... done in the second attempt.

Lesser ulcerated tree spirit- an enemy type I've decimated countless times in this play-through- in a rot puddle nearby required to complete Millicent's questline: impossible.

This game is dumb hahah.
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Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Melania, Blade of Mequilla, scourge of the internet, most infamous enemy in FromSoftware history... done in the second attempt.

Lesser ulcerated tree spirit- an enemy type I've decimated countless times in this play-through- in a rot puddle nearby required to complete Millicent's questline: impossible.

This game is dumb hahah.
I hate the ulcerated tree spirits. I never figured out how to fight them since apparently, when they described the move set they wanted to the programmers, they said "imagine and massive, infected, disembodied penis, and have it flop around the area like a chicken with it's head cut off. Oh, and make it spit fire too!" My strategy was just to keep running at them and swinging my sword until one of us died. I avoided them mostly, and came back when I thought I was unfairly over-leveled; same strategy, just did more damage, and the slog of a fight didn't take as long.

Worst enemy in the game.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Melania, Blade of Mequilla, scourge of the internet, most infamous enemy in FromSoftware history... done in the second attempt.

Lesser ulcerated tree spirit- an enemy type I've decimated countless times in this play-through- in a rot puddle nearby required to complete Millicent's questline: impossible.

This game is dumb hahah.
Must’ve really been easy to stunlock her since she’d regen any health lost blocking/tanking (blanking?) her combos.

Cold great stars + wild strikes and reset with some type of fire damage (volcano pots are fun and easy to farm). Gotta lure it up out of the rot pool to level the playing field haha.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I hate the ulcerated tree spirits. I never figured out how to fight them since apparently, when they described the move set they wanted to the programmers, they said "imagine and massive, infected, disembodied penis, and have it flop around the area like a chicken with it's head cut off. Oh, and make it spit fire too!" My strategy was just to keep running at them and swinging my sword until one of us died. I avoided them mostly, and came back when I thought I was unfairly over-leveled; same strategy, just did more damage, and the slog of a fight didn't take as long.

Worst enemy in the game.
It's definitely an example of the thing I hate about Elden Ring and all the games inspired by it- the wild flailing around so that attack comes from off screen all the time.
I basically had the approach you did with just knowing to anticipate its huge AoE attack half-way through.

For the one in Haligtree though, I used a cheese to shoot it with a billion arrows from a safe spot while listening to a work-related webinar.

I actually think the dragons are worse because it feels like that but on a horse, and horse combat blows. Sure the dragon's movements aren't as squirly but still half the time I just dunno what's going on.

> Must’ve really been easy to stunlock her [Melania] since she’d regen any health lost blocking/tanking (blanking?) her combos.

What I love about my mimic clone is that she will two-hand the great star to activate cragblade and go ham. I mean, sure I do that, too, but only in the beginning of the fight and maybe if I feel really safe during. Otherwise I cower behind my ***** shield. But my clone goddess when full-on yolo cragblade berserk mode and wallopped the ever living snot out of Melania, when she wasn't eating all of her most vicious attacks.

In both of my victories against Melania, I avoided the water fowl attack completely. I know I'm not the only one who feels that move is the worst thing FromSoftware has every inflicted upon us.

The second phase is a lot easier because it's just running away from the big AoE rot attack and then normally dodging/attacking like anybody else. Somehow my clone managed to survive long enough to help me out through some of that second phase, too.

This morning's scary hated fight I got in the first shot was the Godskin Duo. I credit RNGeezus because Godskin Laurel mostly went after my clone and Godskin Hardey went after me. I had already encountered fighting them in succession is a boss fight in some cave dungeon so this ended up to be an easier version of that because by the time I turned my attention to the second after killing the first, its health was already down.

Next up is Maliketh and that is probably the fight I been fearing the most. It's TWO SUCCESSIVE enemies that fly around all confusedly and embody everything I hate about current soulslikes and action games. I'm gonna dick around with side quests and whatever to procrastinate.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
So... um... I figured I'd do some screwing around in Elden Ring to procrastinate a bit from work and chores and ended up beating the freaking game lol.
Maliketh, Gideon, Godfrey/Hourah Loux, and Radagon/Elden Beast. All on the second try. Hilarious.

Well I did watch a video breaking down Maliketh's moves first because that crap is still crazy. But no force could withstand my two bad bitches with giant spikey sticks, I guess. Also leveling up to 166 including 80 strength didn't hurt I guess.

One of the recent updates was to allow torrent during the Elden Beast fight and that certainly made it a lot easier- not just to play tag when it flies 20 miles away but to avoid the rain of piss magic that floods the screen sometimes.

The Gideon fight was funny because on first attempt he blasted me twice with magic and I died and on the second one I just panic rolled the whole time until he died. Cool whatever.

Well that was a fun revenge tour of the game. I still kind of hate it hahah.
But... I didn't activate the ending. For when (let's be honest, I have a disease) I buy the DLC...


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Well that was faster than I thought, buying the DLC and starting it already.

See what had happened was.. I tried Borderlands 3, a type of game I don't like at all, 'cause it was on PS+, and of course I hated it right away, because I don't like those types of games, and was hungering for a challenge in something I do like, so what the hell...

My god... lol... I hate it. Can't wait to play more.

Sure I was feeling a little cocky after my boss-rush through end-game, smashing every demi god in the lands between into oblivion with my clone and my spiky stick but I did expect a reckoning in the DLC. But.. goddamn, the amount of damage these things deal is just absolutely batshit insane.

I'm 60 vigor! 60! That is soft cap! My red bar is as big as a boss! And some random dude in the open world kicks me and I'm at half health. Nonsense.
Yes I know I'm supposed to scudu-up my game, I don't go into these things without research, but come on. And even after I got a couple of scudus I can't say I feel any stronger.

Don't get me wrong I'm still moving along it's just.. hilarious.

First enemy is everything I hate- a spinny whirlygig with blades that flies around, immediately announcing that my guard counter approach I used for much of the base camp I should just toss into the trash. I mean literally the very first enemy in the game lol.

Then I found wolverine in a forest who does a crazy stunlock combo that kills me in a second... ok. I managed to somehow cheese him by accidentally finding a spot where he wouldn't attack me but I could hit him with range.
In fact I found my alternative weapon- a spear with the spectral lance ash of war- to be rather useful. I ended my session with a dungeon full of jars- which is such a fun dungeon actually!- and a boss fight of a little tiny superfast f***er that I beat by me and my clone poking him with our spears.

The worst is that Blackgaol Knight with a crossbow that simply kills me, wipes out my entire health bar immediately, it's insane. Incredibly high poise I couldn't stagger him no matter how much I hit him with my spikey stick. Fortunately I found jolly co-op to help.

An interesting encounter was the fire giant iron face cage guy that was also in the marketing because it's the first big dude you see in the wild. I got him on my second serious attempt because as strong as he is, he's incredibly slow. So it was basically me an my clown hitting his foot for like an hour. You can just jump over his AoE shock waves of fire and when he does go down he stays down for a while. Maybe I broke my R2 button pressing it so much. It rewards 10,000 measly runes.. f*** you FromSoftware.

There is also a dragon what I was able to beat the way I beat every dragon- I'm not complaining necessarily just I think I will be a little disappointed when I encountered the same stuff from the base game especially something like dragons where I already thought there was too much of it.

I already changed my gear- I got some bird armor (I love the look of warrior women baring muscly midriff for my fashion souls) and I got a big smashy stick from a knight that I infused with some holy magic. I'm going witih a wild guess that since I'm in the "shadow" realm holy magic will help, this guess is based on nothing logical, just a bit of roleplaying since my character had just defeated the first Elden Lord, Radagon and the Elden Beast so it's like she's taking their power or something.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States
Well that was faster than I thought, buying the DLC and starting it already.

See what had happened was.. I tried Borderlands 3, a type of game I don't like at all, 'cause it was on PS+, and of course I hated it right away, because I don't like those types of games, and was hungering for a challenge in something I do like, so what the hell...

My god... lol... I hate it. Can't wait to play more.

Sure I was feeling a little cocky after my boss-rush through end-game, smashing every demi god in the lands between into oblivion with my clone and my spiky stick but I did expect a reckoning in the DLC. But.. goddamn, the amount of damage these things deal is just absolutely batshit insane.

I'm 60 vigor! 60! That is soft cap! My red bar is as big as a boss! And some random dude in the open world kicks me and I'm at half health. Nonsense.
Yes I know I'm supposed to scudu-up my game, I don't go into these things without research, but come on. And even after I got a couple of scudus I can't say I feel any stronger.

Don't get me wrong I'm still moving along it's just.. hilarious.

First enemy is everything I hate- a spinny whirlygig with blades that flies around, immediately announcing that my guard counter approach I used for much of the base camp I should just toss into the trash. I mean literally the very first enemy in the game lol.

Then I found wolverine in a forest who does a crazy stunlock combo that kills me in a second... ok. I managed to somehow cheese him by accidentally finding a spot where he wouldn't attack me but I could hit him with range.
In fact I found my alternative weapon- a spear with the spectral lance ash of war- to be rather useful. I ended my session with a dungeon full of jars- which is such a fun dungeon actually!- and a boss fight of a little tiny superfast f***er that I beat by me and my clone poking him with our spears.

The worst is that Blackgaol Knight with a crossbow that simply kills me, wipes out my entire health bar immediately, it's insane. Incredibly high poise I couldn't stagger him no matter how much I hit him with my spikey stick. Fortunately I found jolly co-op to help.

An interesting encounter was the fire giant iron face cage guy that was also in the marketing because it's the first big dude you see in the wild. I got him on my second serious attempt because as strong as he is, he's incredibly slow. So it was basically me an my clown hitting his foot for like an hour. You can just jump over his AoE shock waves of fire and when he does go down he stays down for a while. Maybe I broke my R2 button pressing it so much. It rewards 10,000 measly runes.. f*** you FromSoftware.

There is also a dragon what I was able to beat the way I beat every dragon- I'm not complaining necessarily just I think I will be a little disappointed when I encountered the same stuff from the base game especially something like dragons where I already thought there was too much of it.

I already changed my gear- I got some bird armor (I love the look of warrior women baring muscly midriff for my fashion souls) and I got a big smashy stick from a knight that I infused with some holy magic. I'm going witih a wild guess that since I'm in the "shadow" realm holy magic will help, this guess is based on nothing logical, just a bit of roleplaying since my character had just defeated the first Elden Lord, Radagon and the Elden Beast so it's like she's taking their power or something.
The Black Gaol knight has an awesome sword with nearly as much defense/guard boost as a shield, and some tanky Havel-esque armor. It’s a good fight once i realized his crossbow assault can be avoided just running in a circle. I beat him as dex with the new backhand blades which had a good rhythm of baiting his attacks out. Had me thinking the Bloodhound Fang would be an awesome weapon for that fight too since the skill is all about getting in for a nice combo attack and back out quickly.

You’ve probably found some giant pots by now, which can help take out the big fire basket things in a couple ways. The main thing with them is they all drop new physik tears, which can be a big help here. The first one is pretty much the new sleeper meta item in the game because it basically lets you play the game like Sekiro, at least for five minutes a pop. Enough to wreck any boss after learning how to leverage the way it can stack counter damage.

Anyways -
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
The Black Gaol knight has an awesome sword with nearly as much defense/guard boost as a shield, and some tanky Havel-esque armor. It’s a good fight once i realized his crossbow assault can be avoided just running in a circle. I beat him as dex with the new backhand blades which had a good rhythm of baiting his attacks out. Had me thinking the Bloodhound Fang would be an awesome weapon for that fight too since the skill is all about getting in for a nice combo attack and back out quickly.

You’ve probably found some giant pots by now, which can help take out the big fire basket things in a couple ways. The main thing with them is they all drop new physik tears, which can be a big help here. The first one is pretty much the new sleeper meta item in the game because it basically lets you play the game like Sekiro, at least for five minutes a pop. Enough to wreck any boss after learning how to leverage the way it can stack counter damage.
Yeah I am wearing his greaves and gloves now for the poise, with the bird armor I found to maintain my 51 poise with my favorite cosplay as intimidatingly sexy warrior chick.

I also found the anvil weapon which is great. I mean I dunno how actually useful it is but it looks cool.

Thanks for reminding me about the new physik, I meant to try it but forgot about it.

Next up for me I think is the boss fight that is the knight with the fire and magic swords.
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Elite Member
Jan 15, 2013
United Kingdom
From the patch notes;

"Changed the default selection of the OK / CANCEL prompt that shows up when using the “Spectral Steed Whistle” while the spectral steed is dead. The default selection position is now OK.


Changed the NPC summon signs in certain boss fights to allow the user to summon NPCs simply by pressing the action button once."

Oh thank Bast.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
From the patch notes;

"Changed the default selection of the OK / CANCEL prompt that shows up when using the “Spectral Steed Whistle” while the spectral steed is dead. The default selection position is now OK.


Changed the NPC summon signs in certain boss fights to allow the user to summon NPCs simply by pressing the action button once."

Oh thank Bast.
lol "certain boss fights"

I wonder how much the spectral steed whistle change helped make fighting dragons so much easier during my current play-through.

Just another example why "patient gaming" is really the way to live.

Speaking of patient, I probably won't be able to play any more for like a month because I'm moving. And I knew this going in I mean I wasn't seriously kidding myself that I could beat the DLC so quickly but I'm sitll annoyed- at myself, haha, oh well.

My last session had me sort of running around randomly all over the Scadu Altus including exploring a bit of the Shadow Keep which is seems like one of the coolest dungeons FromSoftware ever made. The fire wizards, the water to drain, the statue in the middle- I dig it all. I came across both bosses- Snake the Impaler and Boar Cowboy, but both kicked my ass rather thoroughly, then I had to stop. So I'll be dreaming about my victory against them for a month.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
Well one last session so that I could defeat the boar man, then I got to kill a fire giant by throwing pots on his head that was fun, then I tried Messmer but that s*** is just insane all he just never stops swing and making everything red- each attempt was either dying instantly or whittling him down to near death before he spams red all over the place that I can't see and I die.
And on that note that'll be enough Elden Ring for a while...
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Well one last session so that I could defeat the boar man, then I got to kill a fire giant by throwing pots on his head that was fun, then I tried Messmer but that s*** is just insane all he just never stops swing and making everything red- each attempt was either dying instantly or whittling him down to near death before he spams red all over the place that I can't see and I die.
And on that note that'll be enough Elden Ring for a while...
You beat the boar rider before Messmer? Fuck. I’ve heard he’s a preview of some of the end boss’s bs magic attacks. He hits like a Mack truck.


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
You beat the boar rider before Messmer? Fuck. I’ve heard he’s a preview of some of the end boss’s bs magic attacks. He hits like a Mack truck.
Well I found him first, just sort of running around randomly. Ok truth be told I was kind of following a video guide thinking I was finding a different site of grace. But mixing that up with my own frantic scrambling about the Keep. I dunno...

Anyway, while the boar rider took me a few tries and a couple of days, I never felt it was going to be impossible- it was just a trickier version of Night Cavalry and Tree Sentinels. The magic attacks is just standard bullshit AoE boss fight magic attacks. Not saying it wasn't a hard fight, it just wasn't doing any one thing in particular I didn't understand.

Messmer, however- my god, f*** that s***t. A 5 hit combo followed by an AoE smash immediately followed by unblockable grabs... I mean, wtf. Then three snake heads block all field of vision and no timing I tried avoids them so I'm one shot dead. One shot, with 60 vigor and 11 scadu! I mean if Messmer is intended to be before Boar, and Boar leads to 4 scadu fragments, then if anything I'm "overleveled" and I still get one-shotted in the second phase.

With that and 3-4 weeks break I might not have the will to return, we'll see.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Well I found him first, just sort of running around randomly. Ok truth be told I was kind of following a video guide thinking I was finding a different site of grace. But mixing that up with my own frantic scrambling about the Keep. I dunno...

Anyway, while the boar rider took me a few tries and a couple of days, I never felt it was going to be impossible- it was just a trickier version of Night Cavalry and Tree Sentinels. The magic attacks is just standard bullshit AoE boss fight magic attacks. Not saying it wasn't a hard fight, it just wasn't doing any one thing in particular I didn't understand.

Messmer, however- my god, f*** that s***t. A 5 hit combo followed by an AoE smash immediately followed by unblockable grabs... I mean, wtf. Then three snake heads block all field of vision and no timing I tried avoids them so I'm one shot dead. One shot, with 60 vigor and 11 scadu! I mean if Messmer is intended to be before Boar, and Boar leads to 4 scadu fragments, then if anything I'm "overleveled" and I still get one-shotted in the second phase.

With that and 3-4 weeks break I might not have the will to return, we'll see.
I haven’t had a chance to play for a couple weeks but had stopped on Gaius after a few attempts. That gravity magic shit just goes on and on and covers half the bloody field lol. It’s designed like a Torrent type of fight similar to the full grown Fallingstar beast but everything there is piss easy to avoid on Torrent, and not the case here. Plus Gaius doesn’t seem to have any weak spots.

Messmer otoh I beat fairly soon with cold great stars + wild strikes and a great shield. The nice thing is all his crazy spear combo attacks can be blocked (and unlike Malenia do not regenerate his health), and the grab/AoE stuff is standard roll evading. The only really OP shit he has besides the grab is when each phase starts. The first is easy to dodge roll and the second I just ran towards the back edge of the room. The snake bites I basically panic rolled through lol, and only bothered with lock-on when they stopped lunging around leaving an opening.
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Elite Member
Dec 29, 2021
United States
I haven’t had a chance to play for a couple weeks but had stopped on Gaius after a few attempts. That gravity magic shit just goes on and on and covers half the bloody field lol. It’s designed like a Torrent type of fight similar to the full grown Fallingstar beast but everything there is piss easy to avoid on Torrent, and not the case here. Plus Gaius doesn’t seem to have any weak spots.

Messmer otoh I beat fairly soon with cold great stars + wild strikes and a great shield. The nice thing is all his crazy spear combo attacks can be blocked (and unlike Malenia do not regenerate his health), and the grab/AoE stuff is standard roll evading. The only really OP shit he has besides the grab is when each phase starts. The first is easy to dodge roll and the second I just ran towards the back edge of the room. The snake bites I basically panic rolled through lol, and only bothered with lock-on when they stopped lunging around leaving an opening.
It didn't even occur to me to fight Gaius on torrent- he runs so far and charges. Rather I just let my mimic tear distract him- he's vulnerable from every side, you just can't linger near him (but that is true for every late-game and DLC boss).

When I get back to the game I'm gonna explore every inch- and use guides- to scadu up as much as possible before dealing with Messmer again.

I know there was a mixed reception to the world/level design of the DLC area but I like it. In fact the whole reason I'm enjoying this second playthrough of the game I'm realizing is that I've embraced the open world and dungeons and enjoy riding around randomly more than the first time (because I still actually hate most of the boss fights anyway).
Jun 11, 2023
United States

It didn't even occur to me to fight Gaius on torrent- he runs so far and charges. Rather I just let my mimic tear distract him- he's vulnerable from every side, you just can't linger near him (but that is true for every late-game and DLC boss).

When I get back to the game I'm gonna explore every inch- and use guides- to scadu up as much as possible before dealing with Messmer again.

I know there was a mixed reception to the world/level design of the DLC area but I like it. In fact the whole reason I'm enjoying this second playthrough of the game I'm realizing is that I've embraced the open world and dungeons and enjoy riding around randomly more than the first time (because I still actually hate most of the boss fights anyway).

So I beat Commander Gaius last night (as in, that gaius such a prick lol). So far took the most attempts in the dlc by far, but the most effective strat for me was two-handing the Solitude blade with the deflect physik tear and curved sword talisman, and +10 Oleg for support. Only used Torrent to escape the tornado meteor dive and those gravity orbs. The fun thing about it was how often he could be stunned with the deflect tear since each cumulative guard stacks counter damage, similar to Sekiro even though there’s no visible bar. The long combo where he lumbers around and ends with a lance poke would result in an instant poise break.

The world design is peak FROM but I can see why people would be frustrated by it since it is pretty barren in terms of navigation and gameplay points of interest. Thematically it makes sense but yeah. I’m trying to go through it blind at least in terms of progression but still looking up gear I find on Fextra. More time consuming but eh, I’m in no rush.
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