Um, yes they do. *looks at P.T.*Games don't expire, you can always play it yourself.
The original Silent Hill 2 in particular is hard for the average gamer to play nowadays.
Um, yes they do. *looks at P.T.*Games don't expire, you can always play it yourself.
Not everybody has the means to play those games, if they're on ancient hardware or are not up to snuff with emulation. Not to mention most people just want to sit on their ass and pop the game into the console and be done. Most normal people don't mess with emulation; especially for more advance games.Games don't expire, you can always play it yourself.
Once again, that is all you. They do have the money. Not all of them, but more than plenty of them. Yet you want them to have all the money in the world to just make the things you want to relive again and again. When you could already get them to begin with. You didn't even look at any of these videos where they look like PS2/GC titles on the level of RE1R and SH3. All it just shows is how spoiled, delusional, selectively oblivious, and selfish you truly are. Once again, you're full of shit, and it's all you. You have fun being alone with all that. Self misery and blind nostalgia. You bring on yourself and getting mad. At people for not playing the things you want to play or nor always pining for. The world and gaming world will always be a big and different place. Live with it.It's not a me problem. Indies don't have the money, as I told you already. They can't even do what the studios did twenty to twenty-five years ago, as I told you and what I got nothing more than "You're full of shit" in response to.
What are you talking about? Indies can do so much more then games 25 years ago.It's not a me problem. Indies don't have the money, as I told you already. They can't even do what the studios did twenty to twenty-five years ago, as I told you and what I got nothing more than "You're full of shit" in response to.
Resident Evil 4, Metal Gear Solid 3, The Wind Waker, Devil May Cry 3, Banjo Kazooie.What are you talking about? Indies can do so much more then games 25 years ago.
What are 5 games from at least 25 years ago that indies haven't been able to be at least par with?
25 years, 25 years ago. You said 25 years ago, the only one of those from at least 25 years ago is Banjo Kazooie.Resident Evil 4, Metal Gear Solid 3, The Wind Waker, Devil May Cry 3, Banjo Kazooie.
I said twenty to twenty-five years ago. I will check out Corn Kidz and Cavern of Dreams, but I doubt you.25 years, 25 years ago. You said 25 years ago
No game studio is created equally. You don't look at all, and ignore the good comes your way, because "indies aren't poweful enough". It's a punk ass and bîtch ass excuse. You know it. Even SOR4 for was made on a limited budget, but DOTEMU made an art style and gameplay that'll age like fine wine. Yes, Sega provided the funding, but it was still made on a limited budget.There is so much that goes into making a studio game.
Banjo Kazooie and GoldenEye are both Rare.Misread the question. Okay, Banjo Kazooie, GoldenEye (for the music), Ocarina of Time, Spyro the Dragon (for the music, wiggly animations and scope), Rayman 2 (for the combination of music, art direction and design).
I intentionally picked different developers. There is so much that goes into making a studio game.
Not a game I would call "ugly". It's not your preference. You do realize The TakeOver was emulating the exact same style of digitized 3D sprites of Killer Instinct and Donkey Kong Country SNES. If you never liked the style to begin with, fine, but I wouldn't call them "ugly either". Considering how great the game sold and reviewed on both ends. I wouldn't describe it as "wasn't good". Shredder's Revenge only has some minor flaws, and all of those got fixed with before the first character content update.Played through The Takeover with my brother. Wasn't that good. Ugly, as I recall.
I know. Check my edit.Banjo Kazooie and GoldenEye are both Rare.
Yooka Laylee did not have the same charm. I can't say how close its scope, music and characters came to Banjo Kazooie because I did not play it for very long.For 3d platformers you also have things like
Really the only one there that is hard to counter is OOT. There are a number of indie games out there that are like it, I don't remember their names off hand.
Play the sequel or the remake of the original they're doing that is coming out next year. The sequel has so much more charm, even though its emulating Donkey Country Returns and Tropical Freeze.Yooka Laylee did not have the same charm.
@Worgen gave you everything, you're just not paying attention nor have played most of these games. FTR, even though these people are emulating older styles, they still put on their stamp on things, or improve upon whoever they were imitating. Once again, it's all you. You still didn't answer my previous question. For all of your talks about things being too samey, the moment an original does something different, but familiar enough in the genre or style. You cry and whine because it's "not enough like the old games I played!". So once again, it's not indie developers or games themselves. It will always be you, because you can't be consistent and make up your damn mind.Problem with just posting a bunch of videos is that it's surface level. You're not showing me how rich or expansive the game world is, how good the music is, what the storytelling is like, this combination of things that studios even back then could elevate to a higher level than modern indie teams.
They don't look or musically sound that good. I have a limited amount of patience for videos like this, but that's my impression. Much more ambient than Resident Evil, blander character designs, protag from Echoes of the Living phones it in as he's attacked. Looked for the demo, but it was only available during Steam Next Fest.You actually going to bother with the horror games with actual camera angles and look like RE1R and SH3? You've been crying for them, so there you go. All the ones I posted are either out on Steam or all digital stores. Echoes of Living and Ground Zero aren't out yet.
Once again, all on you and you lacking any type patience at all. I can get impatient with some things, but ain't spoiled.hey don't look or musically sound that good. I have a limited amount of patience for videos like this, but that's my impression.
Tormented Souls, Hollow Body, and Crow Country all do that. So there you go. They're fully rendered environments. Quit making excuses., I would fully render the environments, not use picture backgrounds.
Depends. I have my moments. Though when I am interested or see something good and unique, then I'll have all the patience in the world.Nobody's as patient as you in watching YouTube videos.
I have not played it either, but I know it's a great game. Especially for a small indie studio, Gears For Breakfast made such a big name for themselves with their first title.A Hat in Time,
Step 1: Get a Playstation 2 and a copy of the game.Games don't expire, you can always play it yourself.
Oh holy shit, its steam trailers, you can sit still and watch a 1 to 2 min vid to get an idea of what a game is about. Of course its not as good as playing it, but it still helps.Problem with just posting a bunch of videos is that it's surface level. You're not showing me how rich or expansive the game world is, how good the music is, what the storytelling is like, this combination of things that studios even back then could elevate to a higher level than modern indie teams.