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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
@hanselthecaretaker2, another thing: BB mentions when Norse GoW came out, there were no more DMC style games at the time, and that's technically not true. Nier Automata (I know they talk about it, but that only further proves my point) came out in 2017, then came Astral Chain (again, they talk about that one too) and before all of that, you had Transformers Devastation, Oneechanbara Z2: Chaos, Killer Is Dead, and then Bayonetta 2 beforehand. The reason we weren't seeing as many was several factors, because:

  1. Capcom was going through their own dork age and started development for DMC5 back in 2014.
  2. The Greek GoW formula had gotten played out, and most of the games copied it or DMC weren't that good or just average. Some of them even lacked the replay value they were going about. Don't even get me started the games with shitty QTEs. Even Bayonetta 1 suffered from the same issue with infrequent QTEs that are press button or die you're not going to see coming on your first playthrough.
  3. It didn't that long for the genre to comeback because of indies and AA doing their own thing while most of the AAA were asleep at the wheel for stylish action games.
By the time of DMC5's release and afterward, the genre was back in full swing, but everyone had their own takes or methods of doing the genre justice. Evil West releases and got praise from both ends, but gamers praised it more than the critics. At this point, the genre is fine, and don't need every single developer making these games, because we'll be right back at the same problem.
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Jun 11, 2023
United States

I got 9/10 on the quiz and a fancy PS2 wallpaper.
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