China is a nation locked into place. To the north and south west are two nuclear powers with effective modern militaries. To the East, there are two powerful economic nations back by the american military. The ocean is largely under america's sphere of influence. Despite it's military power, it is largely landlocked militarily.
But this has not stopped china from practicing a different kind of imperialism. Instead of military might, it has used economic power to force chinese values on other countries, and curve criticism. Even after the corona virus epidemic, it has been difficult to hold china accountable, as they export a massive amount of medicine to other nations. They have been buying large stocks in foreign companies, while requiring that western countries do business through chinese companies. Material released on a global market are often made to appeal to Chinese audiences, allowing the chinese communist parties to essentially use foreign businesses as mouth pieces for their propoganda.
I think the time has come for a new cold war, wherein the chinese government is isolated and held to account, financially, for their behavior. I also believe that it is time that we acknowledge taiwan, build a military base there, begin a nuclear program in japan and south korea, and increase naval presence in the sea around china. Furthermore, we should bolster our alliances with india, south korea, japan, australia, and europe. China should not be allowed to export its brand of dictatorial politics onto the free world.
But this has not stopped china from practicing a different kind of imperialism. Instead of military might, it has used economic power to force chinese values on other countries, and curve criticism. Even after the corona virus epidemic, it has been difficult to hold china accountable, as they export a massive amount of medicine to other nations. They have been buying large stocks in foreign companies, while requiring that western countries do business through chinese companies. Material released on a global market are often made to appeal to Chinese audiences, allowing the chinese communist parties to essentially use foreign businesses as mouth pieces for their propoganda.
I think the time has come for a new cold war, wherein the chinese government is isolated and held to account, financially, for their behavior. I also believe that it is time that we acknowledge taiwan, build a military base there, begin a nuclear program in japan and south korea, and increase naval presence in the sea around china. Furthermore, we should bolster our alliances with india, south korea, japan, australia, and europe. China should not be allowed to export its brand of dictatorial politics onto the free world.