The Perfect Apolitical/Politics Free Video.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Do you disagree that people could dislike the concept of an idea being shoved down their throat without being against the idea itself?
You should already know the answer to that. You done? Because you're boring me.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Then why are you even here? Get out of your own topic before I sic the mods on you!
That's you. I'm doing an impression of you.

And your point? I do find it funny that you start throwing temper tantrum and acting childish, when people bring up good points. You either ignore them, downplay them, or bring up something that has nothing to do with anything. It's all you ever do and you get whiny about it.

This is the answer I gave to you before.
I will say this because you have a habit of derailing a thread. And there is no misunderstanding. They're going to be politics in games, movies or books, intentional or not. Get the fuck over it. Now if they are done with grace, subtlety, tact, or in your face is a matter of opinion. well sometimes you do have to be blunt with politics just to make sure people know or they don't act like certain things exist. That's life. getting rid of them are trying to diminish them will not make things better or easier period if anything you're cheating others and you are especially cheating yourself. You can never learn to grow, adapt, or look at things from a alternate perspective. Otherwise just become another person that likes the smell of their own farts.
There will always be politics I don't agree with, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get rid of them, nor try to force my opinion on others because of it. It's their game, film or specific work. They get to make the decisions. Him, her, or whoever. If it's something intended to hurt others because they are of a different race, religion, or gender, I will always call it out and their hatred.
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Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
I do find it funny that you start throwing temper tantrum and acting childish, when people bring up good points.
Good points? You mean like "You should already know the answer to that. You done? Because you're boring me"?
Or like "No thank you"?

There will always be politics I don't agree with, but that doesn't mean I'm going to get rid of them,
Like I said before: you have a fundamentally flawed understanding of what this is all about. Nobody wants to "get rid of politics they don't agree with"
If you don't understand what people mean when they say "keep politics out of X" then we can't have a discussion about it. I'm willing to walk you through the thought process, but you said "No thank you".

So until you either educate yourself or allow someone to guide you through the viewpoint, you're not equipped to discuss this topic.

Oh, whoops, I threw a major temper tantrum there. Boy I'm so mad right now /s
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
He doesn't like talking about it either, and has commented multiple times, in response to the comments criticizing him for this, that he'd LOVE to talk about something else, but that it's an important issue, that isn't being addressed, and he feels it's something that needs to not be forgotten once the next new hot title is released, and everyone's short term memory is reset. I mean it's pretty apparent that the half-life for people's outrage over the gaming industry, is however long before the next title they want to play is. And he thinks that's a pretty shitty way to ignore the criminal activities of companies that control massive amounts of wealth in the world.

Yeah but, nobody was watching those jimpressions. I mean he did an entire video talking about the contradiction between what his viewers say they want, and what the metrics actually show they engage in. The bottom line, is that when he tries to NOT talk about the shitty aspects of the gaming industry, he gets less than half the traffic to his videos. When he does positive videos, talking about a game he really loved, or something else positive, very few people watch it. So, why should he spend his time and energy, making content, that isn't actually what his viewing base apparently want to see?

This is how he makes a living, so he has to make the stuff that continues to pay the bills. And that is apparently, not stuff like jimpressions.
I mean i feel like even his negative ranty jimquistions are harder to watch and less popular these days. I could look at the viewership when i get time and check. I dunno there just is something that strikes me as off about his stuff lately.

His previous negative and industry bullshit video were entertaining and poignant imo. Something that his latest stuff doesnt have it seems.

Maybe im just over it. Fatigue maybe.

He might pop up the occasional jimpressions still but his frequency has fallen dramatically and even his other editorial pieces have fallen off.

He has done zero coverage on stories around the next gen consoles. He hasnt said a word about the latest Ubisoft games (which is understandable because i believe he has cut them out of his content entirely due to recent activities).

But he used to check out at least 1 game a week. Indie or otherwise and those video were always fun. And he just isnt doing that much lately.

Now it is possible that 2020 has had a negative impact of his mental health and he cant keep up right now. Or as someone else pointed out, he really hasnt been the same guy ever since he finished that lawsuit with Digital Homicide.


Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
Anyway, here's what I think:

I think that people who hold the opinions that BrawlMan does, regarding politics in video games and the controversy about it, have falsely conflated their objection to being disrespected, to their objection with the idea itself. In reality, they are two different things.

When LGBT issues are HANDLED POORLY in games, and when gamers object to it being HANDLED POORLY, certain people think "oh, they're objecting to the presence LGBT issues in their games. They're just a bunch of bigots. Shame on them!" when this isn't true.

These people, who call others bigots, cannot explain why only some instances of LGBT are complained about. For example, they can't explain why Bill in TLoU1 wasn't complained about, but why the Big Lesbian Kiss trailer in TLoU2, was. That they have no explanation for this is proof of a fatal flaw in their argument.

It's not about the issues themselves. It's that the issues are handled poorly. When they are not handled poorly, then nobody complains about them. Understanding this is key to understanding the slogan "keep politics out of games".


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Please do not insult other users.
Good points? You mean like "You should already know the answer to that. You done? Because you're boring me"?
Or like "No thank you"?

Like I said before: you have a fundamentally flawed understanding of what this is all about. Nobody wants to "get rid of politics they don't agree with"
If you don't understand what people mean when they say "keep politics out of X" then we can't have a discussion about it. I'm willing to walk you through the thought process, but you said "No thank you".

So until you either educate yourself or allow someone to guide you through the viewpoint, you're not equipped to discuss this topic.

Oh, whoops, I threw a major temper tantrum there. Boy I'm so mad right now /s
There you go, doing it again. Acting like a big baby about it. There's a big bottle of milk waiting for you at the end. Do you want whole, 1% or 2% milk? You get to make that choice.

I understand perfectly, it's you that does not understand. But we've gotten enough off topic. Now for more games that do have politics in them.
  • Devil May Cry 3 - killing one's wife and child abuse
  • Final final fantasy 7 - environmentalism again.
  • Bayonetta - Religion, and forcing instrumentality on people that do not want it
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
I mean i feel like even his negative ranty jimquistions are harder to watch and less popular these days. I could look at the viewership when i get time and check. I dunno there just is something that strikes me as off about his stuff lately.
You don't have to look at the viewership, Jim's already done it. He did an entire Jimquisition episode specifically talking about the fact that his negative, ranting, "the industry sucks" videos, are the ones that get the most traffic, by a significant margin. And he's got way more access to the metrics of his own YT channel than anyone else. I tried finding that specific video, but a quick scan didn't really have a title pop out at me. But he seriously did an entire episode. He brought up the fact, that he gets comments all the time, about how people want him to talk about something else, but the actual numbers say otherwise. When he DOES talk about other stuff, roughly half, or less than half (I forget exactly), tune in.

Maybe im just over it. Fatigue maybe..
*shrugs* Maybe, that's always a possibility. My tastes for things wax and wane all the time.

He might pop up the occasional jimpressions still but his frequency has fallen dramatically and even his other editorial pieces have fallen off.
I wouldn't know, I never watched his jimpressions really. The games were often ones I just don't have any interest in, so I never really felt any desire to watch him play them, good or bad impressions.

He has done zero coverage on stories around the next gen consoles. He hasnt said a word about the latest Ubisoft games (which is understandable because i believe he has cut them out of his content entirely due to recent activities).
Again, I think this is because a few factors.
1. People watch his more politically/industry charged videos than anything else, and he has bills to pay during a pandemic.
2. He just doesn't actually care to talk about those games, because of how shitty the publishers are. He's discussed multiple times about the conflict for people who are morally opposed to the behavior of a company/person that produces something they love, and buying said thing. And I'm pretty sure he's mostly on the side of "I'm not going to play their games, because fuck those companies." So, is it really a surprise that he isn't covering things like the latest ubisoft games, when he's specifically said, "fuck those guys and their products" ? I think he's just streamlining his time, and he'd rather spend his weekly videos, talking about the things that often get ignored in the gaming industry, because very few people are talking about it. Or if they do bring it up, it's quickly forgotten a week later, because OMG Blizzard dropped a new trailer for D4!! Or whatever similar wag the dog type thing comes up.

*shrugs* That's my take anyway.
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Both. Though not as much in the V2 board.

Which is pathetic on both extremes part. Not ever person is going to hate on you for disliking something, unless spend your whole life on Twittter, Facebook, and YouTube. But the ones that don't want to see politics in anything, intentional or otherwise, do not want to think because it's inconvenient for them. They want to be mindless sheep without actually admitting it, despite saying otherwise.

Which is just a fancy way of saying "It's not my fault!" or "Never my fault!". They never want nor believe they should take any responsibility or accountability. How childish can people like that get? Rhetorical, so one answer that.

There will always be politics in something. Even the simplest things:
  • Sonic - Environmentalism.
  • Metal Gear Franchise - Militarism, nuclear weapons, and how war is hell/bad.
  • Missile Command - The threat of WWIII and nuclear armageddon.
  • Resident Evil - Corporate greed and biological and viral weapons and warfare.
  • Oddworld - Corporate greed and treating employees exactly like slaves.
  • Ghost of Tsushima - The samurai and the old Japanese cast system.
  • Streets of Rage - Police corruption.
  • Final Fight - The mayor taking vigilante justice in his own hands.
  • Catherine - Marital and relationship commitment.
  • GTA - Gang warfare, criminal empires, prostitution, and police corruption.
I can go on all day.

My dislike for TLOU2 is because it's your typical, cliche revenge is bad, so it's boring. Male or female, all of the characters are terrible people with almost no one to root for nor hold sympathy for. It's grim dark misery porn that acts like it has something important to say when it wastes over 14 hours of the player's time. While the people in charge are hyping it up because it has "strong female characters" and act like it should be showered in praise for doing nothing. When other games, before, during, and after, have done a better job in all categories. Also, those in charge try to silent others for criticizing those complaints, whether legit or not.

There's two different ways in which games can be political.

You may have games which in their story or gameplay tackle politics. Those games I am COMPLETELY fine with, and some of my fav games are in that group. Hell, in persona 5 you're literally helping a politician whom I was calling Bernietogawa in my head (Sun arcana confidant), and one of the villains is another politician. Someone who dislikes such themes clearly wouldn't deem P5 as the legit best Jrpg ever made. And I do think of it thus.

Then, you have other games which are about whatever, but the climate outside of them is pushing politics into them where they do not belong. Take for example Horizon Zero Dawn, that game is about neocavemen fighting cyborg dinosaurs in a dystopia, but just because the hero is female people are trying to make a feministy case about it when the game has nothing to do with any of that stuff. This is the objectionable bit.

So when people say don't put politics in games, they literally mean don't put politics where it doesn't belong from the outside like an asshole. If a game inherently is political by its nature and design philosophy, that's completely fine, no matter which politics it has, because it still is art and art can be anything. But when you put politics into things you're doing the things the Nazis and Communists did where they destroyed art and literature because of the politics THEY projected into them, the politics they put into them. Same as why in the soviet union they didn't let kids listen to rock and metal, it was seen as capitalist.

I'm pretty sure the hippies making these songs were not trying to uphold capitalism in their LSD fueled creations.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
It's hard to have a discussion about "politics in games" when you refuse to consider viewpoints other than your own.
I do consider viewpoints other than my own. You just have a habit of deflecting or flinging out facts or points. You can keep doing this all day, because I'm freaking done and getting back on track. You have fun with the persecution complex. Your problem.
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Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
getting back on track.
Just what is the track you think this topic is supposed to be on? All you did is throw up a video. You didn't raise a point or pose a question. So what is this topic supposed to be about? Is this just a comments section for the video? Are we just supposed to list games with politics in them, like you've been doing?
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Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
It's hard to have a discussion about "politics in games" when you refuse to consider viewpoints other than your own.
Opinions are like assholes; everyone has one. Despite what you may believe, yours isn't particularly special except for its disconnect with reality.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Then, you have other games which are about whatever, but the climate outside of them is pushing politics into them where they do not belong. Take for example Horizon Zero Dawn, that game is about neocavemen fighting cyborg dinosaurs in a dystopia, but just because the hero is female people are trying to make a feministy case about it when the game has nothing to do with any of that stuff. This is the objectionable bit.
So once again the argument boils down to, "Other people aren't playing games correctly."
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
You don't have to look at the viewership, Jim's already done it. He did an entire Jimquisition episode specifically talking about the fact that his negative, ranting, "the industry sucks" videos, are the ones that get the most traffic, by a significant margin. And he's got way more access to the metrics of his own YT channel than anyone else. I tried finding that specific video, but a quick scan didn't really have a title pop out at me. But he seriously did an entire episode. He brought up the fact, that he gets comments all the time, about how people want him to talk about something else, but the actual numbers say otherwise. When he DOES talk about other stuff, roughly half, or less than half (I forget exactly), tune in.

*shrugs* Maybe, that's always a possibility. My tastes for things wax and wane all the time.

I wouldn't know, I never watched his jimpressions really. The games were often ones I just don't have any interest in, so I never really felt any desire to watch him play them, good or bad impressions.

Again, I think this is because a few factors.
1. People watch his more politically/industry charged videos than anything else, and he has bills to pay during a pandemic.
2. He just doesn't actually care to talk about those games, because of how shitty the publishers are. He's discussed multiple times about the conflict for people who are morally opposed to the behavior of a company/person that produces something they love, and buying said thing. And I'm pretty sure he's mostly on the side of "I'm not going to play their games, because fuck those companies." So, is it really a surprise that he isn't covering things like the latest ubisoft games, when he's specifically said, "fuck those guys and their products" ? I think he's just streamlining his time, and he'd rather spend his weekly videos, talking about the things that often get ignored in the gaming industry, because very few people are talking about it. Or if they do bring it up, it's quickly forgotten a week later, because OMG Blizzard dropped a new trailer for D4!! Or whatever similar wag the dog type thing comes up.

*shrugs* That's my take anyway.

For you @CriticalGaming.

That is his most recent one.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
How is that not just insecurity? And who the fuck is making you write essays?
Lots of things can be called "insecurity". Needing to be overly muscular in order to seem as though you're strong is insecurity and overcompensation.

That doesn't stop people from deeming such a character as a "strong woman" or them from criticizing people who are critical of said character.

Calling something insecurity is not an argument.

The thing making people write essays is the same that makes games journalists write gamers are dead articles; nothing, but people feel the need to do so anyways.

So once again the argument boils down to, "Other people aren't playing games correctly."
Less "playing" and more "interpreting" I guess? Distorting precious cultural artifacts which people are passionately devoted to, to promote your political ideology in a mercenary utilitarian way is bound to ruffle the feathers of the earnest fans.

Games shouldn't be treated as means to an end, they should be ends in-and-of themselves.


Elite Member
May 11, 2020
Lots of things can be called "insecurity". Needing to be overly muscular in order to seem as though you're strong is insecurity and overcompensation.

That doesn't stop people from deeming such a character as a "strong woman" or them from criticizing people who are critical of said character.

Calling something insecurity is not an argument.
I have no idea what you think you're saying. My point was if your argument comes from a place of insecurity, no one is obligated to act on your complaints. Your complaints are only symptomatic of other problems.

The thing making people write essays is the same that makes games journalists write gamers are dead articles; nothing, but people feel the need to do so anyways.
So, once again, your problem is that people aren't playing video games correctly. You're not being forced to do anything, but you keep complaining about the thing things you're not being forced to do.
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Mad Hatter Meme Machine.
Apr 4, 2020
So, once again, your problem is that people aren't playing video games correctly.
Like you said to Dreiko, I have no idea what you're saying. Can you expand on this? What makes you think that Dreiko thinks that "people aren't playing video games correctly"?