Oh I have.. Although I didn't SEE the woman who was screaming and punched the nurse and knocked over the tray, I did see the nurse fall through the curtain along with the utensils and HEARD what was happening on the other side of the curtain and then watch the woman come out saying " I'm sorry, I am sorry, I'm soo sorry.. I just have a bad defense reaction to pain"I'm honestly curious how often this comes up. I know it's the cliche, but I've never been in a dentist office and seen such an outburst. I often fall asleep while in the chair, so I'm hardly freaking out either.
The drugs they use to numb the jaw are REALLY good at their job! So yeah, I'm curious where the actual numbers fall on "crazy violent patient"
You know when they tap on the teeth to verify which one needs to be worked on? Yea, that was apparently all that had happened to cause such a reaction...