-Bioshock Infinite isn't terrible, but it had a long and troubled dev cycle and it shows in the final product in how it can't really commit to any one theme or idea for very long. It still has some cool ideas and premises, none of which are really explored to the full manner they should have been.
-Zelda Ocarnia of Time isn't groundbreaking. It's a 3D evolution of A Link to the Past and while a good game, isn't the amazing masterpiece it's often lauded as.Also, the Water Temple is not the 7th level of hell it's often made out to be, just annoying.
-CoD is a really good shooter but it doesn't evolve, most of the plots are stupid as fuck, and just changes setting and tweaks mechanics every year. It also convinced everyone they needed to make Modern Warfare FPSs for an absurdly long period of time and, of course, has a shitty fanbase.
-Dark Souls 2 is a bunch of really interesting ideas done poorly. I love the dev team tried to go in a different direction then Dark Souls but it feels like it lead to a lot of belly flopping along the way.
-The Souls games in general both benefit and suffer from how the lore and game mechanics tie together. The fog gates made perfect sense in Demons Souls and then they just kept on using them because for every game after that regardless of not having any real justification. The poison swamps were justified in Blighttown and Valley of defilement because that's where all the literal shit was ending up but somewhere along the way FROM decided any standing water of notable amount had to be POISON for reasons. Also, why some die for reals and some go hollow and some go hollow and then disappear when killed is never explained anywhere, it's just kinda there for gameplay reasons.
And while having the lore be mostly told through environmental details and item descriptions is kinda cool, it also suffers from the problem that the translation changes the context of certain details notably and the fact the the games don't stay the same during the entire dev cycle somewhat undermines the lore digging. That and it feels like some of it is just a handwave for whatever the devs want to put in the given game(like a way to keep shoehorning Orestein into all the Dark Souls games).
-Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is a much better bridge to the MSX games then MGSV is. MGSV is basically a HD remake of Peace Walker with far better gameplay but a far worse and dumber plot.
That being said, MGSV has a really good story, but it's buried and poorly presented, leaving this uninteresting and completely pointless mess about magical parasites and skull face something something retcon something something don't fucking care.