I do thank you right there. The reason Sega's so focused on mainly Sonic and Tails, is because they wanted to distance themselves from Sonic 06 and you had critics like Yahtzee, Jim Sterling, and Movie Bob going around saying how nearly all of Sonic's pals are useless and unnecessary and their fans parroting opinions without any back up. I am not saying it's entirely their fault, but combination of that and an unpleasable fanbase will do that. This is the same fan base that is known to be wishy-washie.
I've never got the argument of "too many characters."
If you're making the argument from a gameplay standpoint, then yes, I think there's an argument there. No-one likes Big in SA1 for instance. The Chaotix missions in Heroes are tedious. Having only a select no. of characters be playable at any given time is fine. But I don't get the idea of "there are too many characters, period." I mean, do people make those arguments for Marvel and DC? I mean, we're never going to get a...I dunno, Plasticman game, but does the existence of Plasticman in of himself cheapen the setting?
EDIT: Ironic, because the Sonic Boom cartoon show fixes these issues having more than just Sonic and Tails. Amy is nicer again or back to her original self with out the Flanderization. Though Knuckles does get a bit dumber in some cases
What Boom does or doesn't do isn't too important to me, because I'm open to different settings having different takes. I mean, that's been par for the course for day 1 - AoSTH Robotnik and SatAM Robotnik can exist side by side in the wider franchise for instance.
That said, with Boom, I don't know if Amy's back to her 'original self' per se, because if anything, I think Boom!Amy is the best version of the character the franchise has had. Still has a crush on Sonic, but it isn't the be all and end all of her character. Yeah, the games did a bit with Amy in SA1, but by Heroes, she's back to chasing Sonic across the world demanding matrimony.
As for Boom!Knuckles, not fond of him, but I'm left in a chicken or egg scenario, because Segaverse!Knuckles isn't much better these days. Tempting as it is to blame Boom for it, I'd argue the rot for Knuckles arguably set in as soon as Generations, if not Lost World, where he became comic relief, and by Forces...ugh.
Well I know it ain't Battle Born, Lawbreakers, nor Evolve, they're all dead in the water. Though I do feel bad for Battle Born. I was not an exact fan, but it did not deserve that much hate. Sucks you can't even do single player anymore.
I wouldn't call Battleborn an AFPS. It's more a hero shooter/MOBA hybrid.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't the death of the AFPS pretty much be attributed to the fact that basically every other game for the past 15 years has had some form of multiplayer making the "arena" feel more like a lone component rather than a worthy, standalone venture? Quake 3 Arena on PC is where I found my love of FPS games, but after a gaming drought lasting a few years, I picked up an Original Xbox, Halo: CE and Halo 2 and it was evident immediately to me that Q3A-like games felt like relics. I'd picked up Unreal Tournament for my Xbox as well, tried to get back into the arena groove I'd loved so much, but it just felt like too little; I could stand it for a few minutes at a time, but that paled in comparison to the HOURS I was dumping into Halo 2.
I'm kind of in a similar boat. I mean, I've played Halo multiplayer extensively, and its 'default modes' (if they can be said to be that) are AFPS ones, even if I wouldn't even know what the term meant by then. And there's a reason why I, and many others, loathed the loadout system in Halo 4.
Question is, is there room for stand-alone AFPS, or are they better served being multiplayer modes to singleplayer games? Market seems to indicate the latter.