Publishers may have done that, but that certainly didn't stop games from featuring playable main female characters. And it clearly isn't a systemic issue, because female characters have been prevalent since the early days of gaming. Some game ideas might have been turned away because of a female lead, but that clearly wasn't all of them nor was it a mentality that stuck around for very long considering the continual rise in available female playable characters. Systemic is one of those buzz words that people like to use to suggest that the whole fabric of society should be torn down and reassembled in what they perceive as the "right" way. When this simply isn't the case, and is simply an excuse and frankly it isn't even an excuse that should ever be applied to a novelty/luxury thing like entertainment.IIRC from the extra features/videos on the game disc of Heavenly Sword, it was the only game at an E3 that featured a female protagonist. We also know the stories of publishers not allowing female protags because previous games with them didn't sell as well. I even believe Naughty Dog had to fight to get Ellie on the cover of TLOU. How can you say there wasn't an issue with women and minority representation is games? There's probably still is an issue just because a lot of current game characters originated from those times so you'll still see less minority characters (based on general population percentages) just due to that. It's like how most comic book characters were white men because of times when all your Supermans and Batmans originated from. It's not just a current issue but a systemic one.
Another argument I don't like is the one that people like to make about identifying about a character because that character shares gentiles with the person. If you can't identify with a person simply because they have a dick hanging between their legs or tits on their chest, then you have sociopathical problems. You should be able to connect and empathize with a character because they are human, not because they are a boy or girl. Which is also why I don't really like the crybaby argument on either side. These neckbeards in the GTA rants, or the feminists complaining that Call of Duty stars another Dudebro.
On a side note, I find it interesting that they also only ever complain about fictional games. I've never seen anyone complain to 2KGames about making yet another NBA game when they could have made a WNBA game instead. Why is that? How come no one is made that they sports games don't have any women in them other than the sexual objectified cheerleaders on the sidelines whom the football players use as trophies for their gratification of winning a ballgame?