Recent content by Albino Ninja

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    G4TV, what happened to you?

    Man, I really miss the old X-Play. Hell, I miss how the entire channel used to be.
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    Why do Americans write their dates down backwards?

    actually most countries drive down the right side of the road, and the military writes dates down day, month, year; in fact that's how I write mine down. But we should use the metric system, it's just easier.
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    A man's movie.

    Hard Boiled, a Jon Woo film. Nothing manlier. Edit:Ninja'd
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    Poll: Rule #19.The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.

    I believe the only external factor is all people inherently hate themselves and each other. So they see something most people thing are bad and rationalize it as good, thus destroying good music, games, movies etc. That or people are just stupid.
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    Your own 4-man crew of awesomeness

    Captain "Mal" Reynolds (Firefly) Spike (Buffy/Angel) Angel (Buffy/Angel) Wash (Firefly) Most awesome and hilarious team ever. they would kill you and crack jokes at the same time.
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    TV Series That We Want Back

    It would suck because most of the actors from the show are busy or too expensive.
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    Zero Punctuation: Red Faction Guerrilla

    another excellent video.
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    Future Shock

    I imagine that further into the future it will be something like firefly. Which would be kinda cool.
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    Who would be your arch nemisis....BASED ON YOUR AVATAR?

    Afro Samurai. You can imagine why.
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    characters that would make terrible roommates.

    Cole from infamous-the lights would never work and he better not ever touch my computer or xbox two of the possible best are Ashley and Liara from Mass Effect. after a week they start to...uh..."warm up" to you.
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    COD 4: 2 Vehicles

    for this act of awesome, you get a cookie.
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    Can games hear you?

    no out loud things, but a few times I felt a game could read my mind. In GTA I was looking for a specific car, which was normally common, and it was no where to be found. In MGS I was sneaking about and a patrol came by, I hid in my box and was not in his in his patrol route. As soon as he...
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    Gaming Restaurant

    Mass Affection, the most alcoholic drink in the house. Total Protonic Reversal, another highly alcoholic drink. Rock Band Roadie Refuel, chili cheese fries and nachos. "In the Rough,"a green salad served in a deep bowl. McCmillian's hearty ration, Roast Beef, Beans, Corn on the cob, and a...
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    Name some good movies.

    snatch, lock stock and two smokin barrels, dark city, ghostbusters, indiana jones I-III(there is no IV *twitch* no IV), apocalypse now, full metal jacket, 2001 a space oddessy, serenity(if you are a fan of firefly), the shining, the thing, boondock saints, etc. I can't really thing of any more...
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    Whats your home town Famous for ?

    I live in the outer are if Chattanooga, Tennessee. My town was a highly sought after area during the American Civil War.