Recent content by GreenDevilJF

  1. GreenDevilJF

    Games you ARE a fan boy of.

    Saints Row 2, Duke Nukem 3D, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Silent Hill 2 and Mass Effect 2
  2. GreenDevilJF

    Poll: Do you like Halo?

    Its slow, unbalanced and its community is mostly comprised of 12 year olds and jackasses. So no
  3. GreenDevilJF

    Why the hell did I buy this?

    Splatterhouse for the PS3 Dragon Age Origins ultimate edition Wario Land Shake it
  4. GreenDevilJF

    The Depression test.

    Yes my life sucks and I will probably kill a bunch of people. Boring quiz that told me nothing new.
  5. GreenDevilJF

    How do you feel about anime?

    Its stupid, over the top nonsense that usually makes me feel more embarrassed than entertained. I like a few animes{obviously} but damn
  6. GreenDevilJF

    Last CD you heard where you loved all the songs

    Mindless self indulgence's "IF"
  7. GreenDevilJF

    Poll: Do you watch Let's Plays?

    I watch Helloween4545 frequently.
  8. GreenDevilJF

    Poll: Bullies get bullied?

  9. GreenDevilJF

    Aspects About Your Personality That You've Noticed, And Hate.

    I let people get away with shit far too often and I am rather lazy.
  10. GreenDevilJF

    Things that freak you right the fuck out

    Deep water, spiders, group mentality and heights.
  11. GreenDevilJF

    Poll: Scariest horror 'character'

    A cardboard ghost on a stick, with "BOO" written on the front of it.
  12. GreenDevilJF

    Fictional characters you hate

    Peggy Hill Frank Fontaine The Valentine Brothers The Prophet of Truth Dr. Breen Naraku Orochimaru
  13. GreenDevilJF

    do you actually like Luke Skywalker?

    While I have never watched Star Wars, I can say without a doubt that Luke Skywalker sucks ass.
  14. GreenDevilJF

    How do you flirt (in a way that works)?

    How much does a polar bear weigh? ENOUGH TO BREAK THE ICE CAN I GET YOUR DIGITS?