Recent content by Koeryn

  1. Koeryn

    It's time for obscure quote theater!!!

    Is that possibly, Hackers? Good movie, if so. Entertaining at the least. For mine... It's one of my all-time favorite movies.
  2. Koeryn

    It's time for obscure quote theater!!!

    Hate to say it, but of the folks followin' the rules, I had to google the qoutes and it comes to two movies I've never seen. Curses! Of the others, the only one I recognize is Evolution, which is a totally awesome movie, but comes from a user who didn't answer an existing quote so I don't think...
  3. Koeryn

    What's your favorite Internet Time-Killer?

    Two websites. Reddit (I have a LOT of subs I follow, many of the Earth/Machine/people/etc. porns, guns, AskScience, etc. etc. etc.}. Enjoy, bitches. Good luck getting ANYTHING else done for the next few hours. Captcha, btw, is 'No dice'.
  4. Koeryn

    The main character from the last game you played, fights the character in the above post...

    TF2 Sniper vs. The Marked One from STALKER: SoC? Huh. I... I don't actually know who'd win this... Depends on how well the STALKER lives up to his name I guess.
  5. Koeryn

    Do you think you are an interesting Person

    Short answer, I doubt you would find me interesting. Long answer, I can be that creepy quiet person who just listens to conversations and ghosts his way around the room unless someone starts talking to me, or I find a conversation that particularly interests me. I talk about firearms more...
  6. Koeryn

    What's the latest manly stuff you've been up to.

    I cleaned my rifle and then performed ambidextrous pistol drills. Is ambidexterity manly?
  7. Koeryn

    Will Gordon 'the' Freeman have..

    Here's an idea! If you want Ironsights in HL, just get a mod! Easy, easy. Works great. There's quite a few wonderful ones out there. Quitcha bitchin'. SMOD Tactical was my personal favorite.
  8. Koeryn

    You have been given $50,000 USD by...

    New tires, oil change, alignment, Savage 10 and long eye relief scope, relacement keyboard for my laptop, heavy barrel for Savage 10 and remounting front sight, rest in bank while I find a new job. 'Cause I practically don't have one, currently.
  9. Koeryn

    The last boss you fought: Was it good?

    I just recently beat the ever living hell out of Liquid Ocelot. It was okay. The most epic boss fight in the entire MGS series is def. Rex Vs. Ray.
  10. Koeryn

    What do Mana and Hp potions taste like?

    The Mana potion I drank tasted like thicker, fermented fruit drink with a lot of Vitamin C. Partly because it had sat on a shelf in Fry's for so long, it HAD fermented. It was okay, I prefer Blood, Zombie Blood if I want more tang, or Plutonium.
  11. Koeryn

    Most dangerous creatures you ever saw. In a zoo doesn't count. has to be wild.

    I've not had any close encounters with anything more dangerous than a water moccasin. And that cotton mouth was actually snapping for my legs, so that would've sucked. Second most dangerous was when I was hiking through a small ravine, and I had crouched down to look at a fossil (I live in...
  12. Koeryn

    Favorite Cheat Code / INI Edits / etc

    So I just beat HL2 again, and I used my favorite weapon ever: The Clean Sweep. What is the Clean Sweep? You might ask. SK_PLR_NUM_PELLETS 1500 (The shotgun fires 1500 pellets per shot). SK_PLR_DMG_BUCKSHOT 500 (500 damage per pellet). I'm on my laptop or I'd up the pellet count a...
  13. Koeryn

    Stop scrolling. Click here. Everybody look what's goin' down.

    With several keys missing from his keyboard, he found he was... Disconnected from the world, more alone than he usually was. This both frightened and excited him, this strangely liberating inability to fully communicate with his fellow man in the digital medium. He even found it to be a...
  14. Koeryn

    Ok, the main character of the last game you played attacked you... How screwed are you?

    I turned into one of those random dead guys on the floor. InFamous
  15. Koeryn

    Why don't more self proclaimed Nerds watch Wrestling?

    Honestly, I don't watch wrestling because I don't watch soab oberas. (Some of my keys aren't working. I'd ask you to guess which, but I can't use question marks either. or closing barenthesis.] And that's all wrestling is,. a soab obera that's geared towards rednecks and adrenaline junkies. It's...