Recent content by massaffect123

  1. massaffect123

    Quotes from fictional characters that made you stop and think or have stuck with you.

    'Flesh wound? Flesh wound? They're all flesh wounds! No one ever says "Ooh, look! I've just been shot in the bones, but it missed my flesh completely!" It's a load of old nonsense, is what it is. It's a phrase you heroic warrior types trot out so you can sound manly and stoic. "Bah, it's just a...
  2. massaffect123

    Best sci-fi book you've ever read

    I'm a big fan of the Ciaphas Cain series by Sandy Mitchell. Some good, dark humor in the 40k universe.
  3. massaffect123

    You are going to be killed by the last weapon you used in a game. How are you feeling?

    The silenced SMG from Halo 3: ODST? As long as it's in the hands of a trained killer, and I get a clean(ish) death, I'm okay with that. There are worse ways to go. Like a Gravity Hammer from the same series.
  4. massaffect123

    WH40K Tabletop Game

    I have a beginner Space Marine army of the Mentor Legion chapter. I liked the idea of being a test-bed for experimental Imperial Weaponry. However, if I had been paying more attention to what I was doing, I would have gone either Death Korp of Krieg or tried to find some Praetorians. They seem...
  5. massaffect123

    Skyrim Character Plans? In the Lore and Story section. Looks like I made a mistake and there is still an Empire, just not the same one as all the other games.
  6. massaffect123

    Saved game deleted, Rage Insues,

    My friend and I were trying to play through Call of C'Thulu: Dark Corners of the Earth in one night, for giggles. At about three in the morning, the save file got corrupted, and we had to start all the way from the beginning. So we said screw it (in a much less kid-friendly manner) and played...
  7. massaffect123

    Skyrim Character Plans?

    Hate to break it to you, but the Legion does not exist anymore. Neither does the Empire. OT: I almost always roll as a wood elf first. Probably do the sneaky-sneaky, stabby-stabby, shooty-shooty stuff.
  8. massaffect123

    Poll: Are you religious?

    BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! But seriously, not really that religious. I don't need a reward in order to convince me to be good. As Abraham Lincoln said: "I do good, I feel good. I do bad, I feel bad."
  9. massaffect123

    The last movie you saw combines with the last game you played and the last book you read.

    So it's Sid Meier's Pirates!, Horus Rising, and The Secret of My Succe$s. So a Space Marine from the Luna Wolves takes a band of buccaneers and engages in a VERY hostile takeover of a company, and only Michael J. Fox could stop him? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes. That'll do just fine.
  10. massaffect123

    What bands have you seen live ?

    I've only ever seen one band live. And that is Gogol Bordello. Twice.
  11. massaffect123

    That one game you want to play RIGHT now, but can't

    That would have to be Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. It causes my monitor to freak the hell out and stop working. No other game does this.
  12. massaffect123

    You're Favorite Poem(s)

    I'm a big Rudyard Kipling fan. Love "If..." ( ) the most, with Tommy in a close second ( ). Also, Scots Wha Hae by Robert Burns. I loves me some Burns.
  13. massaffect123

    Worst game PURCHASE you ever made.

    Huh. You sure? Cause I currently play Third Age Total War using my Steam copy. OT: Two Worlds. Oh Dear Lord Jebus, not worth the *coughcoughpreordercoughcough*
  14. massaffect123

    The last thing you ate is now attacking you

    WHY BREAD AND BUTTER, WHY?!?!?!?!?! Probably just eat it again, I suppose. Along with a couple of Oreos. Mmmmmm. Bread and Oreos... *horrid gurgling noises*
  15. massaffect123

    you are living in the last game you played?Are you gonna be ok??

    KOTOR. I might be fine. Or I might be on Taris. Oh dear.