Recent content by Taran Moltu

  1. T

    EA Germany: "Origin Is Not Spyware"

    The idea of the software EULA has never been challenged seriously in court. Some analysts think that if it was, it might face some serious problems as it is pretty common knowledge that people don't read it. Nor are laypeople expected to understand the legal terminology in the EULA.
  2. T

    Poll: Solve a simple math problem

    Hear hear! * solves differential equation in head, thinks 16-9 is 5 for half an hour*
  3. T

    I haven't cried in ages and I want you to fix that

    That movie is as good as the Turing test for checking if you're a robot. If you don't cry at that, you clearly have a CPU as a brain.
  4. T

    Poll: Would you ever burn a book?

    I suppose if it were life or book, I'd choose life. Otherwise not really, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Books are works of love, sure some are little better than firewood *cough* Twilight *cough* but they still serve as an indication of what NOT to do. Don't burn it, return it. I...
  5. T

    Requirements for a gamer

    *double post*
  6. T

    Requirements for a gamer

    *Bah, wrong thread, thank you internet.*
  7. T

    You ever do something badass, and then yell the name of your country afterwards?

    I'm English but I've never yelled "FOR ENGLAND!" On the other hand, I have been known to charge in yelling "For Narnia! And, for Aslan!"
  8. T

    Your "Last Stand" Song

    Because it fits :D
  9. T

    When it comes to dating how young is too young ?

    I'm surprised no one has brought up the (Age/2)+7 rule (Age/2)+7 is the minimum dating age (Age-7)*2 is the maximum It works surprisingly well and implies the minimum dating age is 14. For a 20-year old, the minimum age is 17 and the maximum age is 26 whereas, for a 15 year old, the...
  10. T

    dead genres you miss.

    The last one to come out was Spore and I found that to be a bit of a disappointment. The dungeon keeper concept has been picked up by another studio now, I forget which, but we can only hope... I too mourn the space sims...
  11. T

    dead genres you miss.

    God games, like Black and White, seem to be pretty much dead, which is a shame because they were fun!