When it comes to dating how young is too young ?

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
Ultratwinkie said:
Lost In The Void said:
Ultratwinkie said:
Zeeky_Santos said:
RAKtheUndead said:
Zeeky_Santos said:
captaincabbage said:
Under 18 is too young.
I had my first Girlfriend at age 16.5. No it's not. Why is under 18 too young? You need some experience with women before you get thrown out into the big wide world, if you don't have that experience things are harder to initiate.
Overpopulation is one reason; people routinely living into their seventies is another. With lifespans of forty or fifty years, people having relationships earlier made biological sense. As we gain the capacity to grow substantially older, though, I don't think that we should be engaging in that sort of behaviour.
Hey, RAK. Note that this is a relationship thread. I'm vetoing you from any more relationship threads. You give horrible advice and dispense rage at all manner of relationships, you're just not a productive member when it comes to this topic, I suggest you stay out of them.

Just now you suggested that the only reason for a relationship was biological imperatives for reproduction. That is a very shallow and cynical idea of relationships. There are many other reasons to enter serious relationships with people, reproduction is rarely a factor in our modern times, it's about companionship. Finding that special someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. We may as well start early so we don't fuck up and be lonely all our lives (like my brothers seem to be so far).

That and protected sex, seriously, did I even mention that I wanted kids in my post? Where did you get that from?
cynical is the only way to go. I seen how "modern relationships" are and they are useless. They only end badly. Why bother putting resources into something that only end badly and require more resources?
Yes because every highschool romance ends badly and then everyone gets to be emo about it for a couple weeks before they're jumping the next tail they see and the cycle starts again. Am I hitting close to what you're saying?

Either way, the intention of these "wasteful relationships" may be to 'get laid' or even just something nice for the couple to enjoy for a while. Both of those are important in their own right. Another benefit of these earlier relationships, as Santos mentioned above, is that they develop important, social, behavioural and cognitive skills needed in the modern, adult world.

While I may think that 12, even up to 14-15 is too young for sexual intercourse in particular, a emotional, even slightly sexual relationship at the ages of 14-15, if handled correctly, can mature a child and teach them the basics to successful maneuvering in adult relationships.

So in short, dating is okay in my books as long as it remains fairly low key sexually as low as 14, sexually active at 16+.
Not even close, kid. Those little teen romances are nothing compared to the shit i seen by actual adults. I have seen more relationships sink than a marathon of cheaters. Well, multiple relationships and one marriage.
That's cute, calling me kid, next time you might want to check DOB of the person you're debating with before trying to label people. I'm an adult and have been for a small period of time already, where it says you are 3 years younger than me. Of course adult relationships fall through and 50% of marriages fail, highschool relationships have good relationships, just like real life, and it has the relationships mentioned before, the ones full of infidelity, thinking you loved him/her before finding out your partner cheater, all very relevant, one could even think that it teaches you coping skills, who knows right?


Aug 3, 2008
11/12 year olds having sex? Oh my giddy ants. I was playing with dolls at that age, not penises.

13-15 I think is the best time for relationships. Usually nothing serious, they usually don't last very long. Older than that is the best time to start experimenting sexually I think.
You only get one chance at childhood, I hate the thought of kids rushing into sexual relationships at 11 and having kids at a young age when they should be going out with their friends or having a cheeky snog behind the bike sheds.


New member
Mar 23, 2004
OP: That is crazy to me! I don't think dating in grade 6 is a bad thing, but having sex and making out in the hallways... yikes. I think it's pretty obvious how our society of "sex sells" is definitely corrupting the youth. Seriously grade 6? Sex? That's scary. I bet there's going to be many teen pregnancies in your school in no time.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
If someone dates before puberty, it usually shouldn't be taken seriously because it's usually just a kind of cutesy mutual companionship.

That being said, I don't give a shit. Date whenever you feel you're ready.

Also, I like how every other thread has people whining about not getting laid, but in this thread they have people setting age limits for it. Guess you start hating what you've never had...


New member
Apr 23, 2010
rpspartin said:
and how they were going to dumb there current boy/girlfriend
Lol you said dumb instead of dump which is dumb!

OT: it annoys me to but I dont see it to often.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Reveras said:
HG131 said:
boingo boingo whoopsy knickers
True but still, I find it wrong before 16, like totally wrong to feel up a girl, closest thing you can say you're doing is taking advantage of a little girl.
Hey, I'm 15, and my girlfriend is 16 1/2, so does that mean she's taking advantage of a little boy?

Om Nom Nom

New member
Feb 13, 2010
You're making the mistake of thinking that dating is synonymous with intimate relationships. Pre-puberty; when kids talk about having a 'date', they're not thinking of it in the same context as older people would. To them it's hanging out, playing games, watching something on TV, a meal... they're trying to emulate adults, but are mystified by the intimate parts beyond holding hands and (bad) kissing - and as for saying they've 'had sex'; it's an out-and-out lie, the only reason it's said is because they think it makes them seem 'cool'. Most don't even know the first thing about sex, or are completely misinformed by their peers.

Very few will get the facts (though if one gets the truth of the matter it joins in the pool of rumours and misinformation; but it's extremely uncommon to find an individual with all the answers), or even have any drive to find out, until near the end of puberty.

As for the cause of the early sexual/intimate behaviour... the media has been hyper-sexualized for about the last decade and a half. TV, and a lot of other forms, all suffer from the 'sex sells' mentality (what's more sad is that they're right). The effects of that is only now really hitting home as the children that grew up with that... well, grow up. If it weren't for ageing censorship practices, you'd turn on the TV and all you'd see is 'SEX! OYEAH! *unf-unf-unf-unf*'.

On topic for the question... it seriously depends on the individual. Most will be experimenting with actual relationships around 15-16. Some as young as 13, and some aren't ready for companionship even by 18. It really is impossible to draw a firm general rule - though 15 serves as an average rule-of-thumb as the majority are, or at least are starting to be, much more interested in such things by that age (whether against the set rules or not, teenagers are not well known for following rules if it gets in the way of something they want).



New member
Mar 18, 2010
No one should date -- ever. People should be hand selected to breed by the Governing body of the nation to make quality future citizens.


New member
Oct 8, 2009
I tell you what, my daughter won't be dating until she's 16 and has a long meaningful chat from me or her mother. My son won't have the strict time frame but I won't let him be stupid about it...

Of course this is some time down the line. I need to find a wife first.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
BlueGlowstick said:
I graduated from high school in May '10 & I knew girls who had already had babies. I've never had a boyfriend or anything. My family said I couldn't date until I was 18. But here I am, 3 days from 19 & no boyfriend. Bummer.
19 and never had a boyfriend? it is my civic duty both as a person and a single 21 year old male to rectify this situation;)

back to the op, love knows no age, what you may feel for someone doesn't change if you are 14 or 34 or 84. Sex however, should be held off until both people are mature enough to understand the nature of what they do.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
The Cheezy One said:
In todays society, it is hard to tell if 2 young people are actually interested in one another, or if they are just going out because thats girls and boys do. I wasn't personally interested in a girl until I was about 14, but as a rule, under 15 is too young. It can probably depend on how you grow up - for example, I didn't grow up with my dad, so my mum taught me to be kind and accepting, meaning I treat women with respect, whereas some men can impart the knowledge to their sons about "chasing tail" at a young age.

In terms of sex, that is baloney - their bodies will not be able to produce the chemicals enough to cause the elongation of the penis, so for them sex is probably kissing AND holding hands

My personal opinion, feel free to discuss it with me if you feel differently
There was a 13 year old who is a dad, he did it with a 16 year old if I remember right (talk about cradle robbing!). http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2233878.ece

I am 21 and still lack a disire to get a girl friend, don't get me wrong I am interested in girl and what not. The effort of looking for one, then when you get one keeping things running smooth just seems like a chore.

I think lads are doing it 'cos they see and hear older lads talk about it, it is on TV constantly, porn is so easy to get to (google "boobs" and there happy). I will have to get at why girls do it, they hear there girl firends or older girls chatting about it and it seems to be a bigger event for girls, which there looking forward to.

I think relationships have kind of devolved into just sex, which I think has got "nastier". With the more socially accepted one night stands, people just jump from one person to the next without having a relationship.

Girls get paid a few hundred pounds to have sex on camera or flash, they get paid to go to extremes like an infamous clip (if you don't know what I mean after I say "cup" count yourself lucky), so kids seem to be getting this message that this kind of sex is normal. That a guy pulling out and getting a facial is what sex is.

They already have the image in there head that all boobs should defy gravity and all cocks are these 9 inch long, arrow straight things.

Sorry getting off track then. It's an old subject but it does seem to be true (after a few shows on the subject matter), I mean there are kids younger than 16 drinking cider and smoking (I knew a kid who started smoking at 9). There 13 going on 30.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
i dont think you can be too young to date, unless its my daughter we are talking about, in that case under 40, and as long as you use protection i dont think you can be too young for sex either, again my daughter should be at least 60.

but since in Denmark we dont separate schools (same school from grade 0 to 9/10) there i sometimes these rather disgusting 16-18 year olds dating kids 4-5 years younger than them, so for what age you "should" be dating (i dont make the rules, aslong as its legal in your country you can go nuts) i agree with Randall Munroe, dont date under (age/2 + 7).


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
I had my first girlfriend age... 15 yeah, it lasted TWO FREAKIN YEARS. I was really happy, tell me that doesnt mean anything?


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I remember, may years ago, being in your position and thinking the same thing. I'm pretty sure every generation is shocked at how young people are dating, and are convinced that it wasn't like this when they were that age.

Too young for dating? Never, really. If you want to "Date", I don't see the harm. But sex is a different story...

Taran Moltu

New member
Oct 23, 2010
I'm surprised no one has brought up the (Age/2)+7 rule

(Age/2)+7 is the minimum dating age
(Age-7)*2 is the maximum

It works surprisingly well and implies the minimum dating age is 14.

For a 20-year old, the minimum age is 17 and the maximum age is 26 whereas, for a 15 year old, the minimum is 15(rounding up) and the maximum is 16.


New member
Jan 2, 2011
Personally, I don't find any of this shocking at all. People get all worked up over this topic because of the way they were taught by their parents or other authority figures, but we seem to forget that it is very common practice in some places for women to marry and have sex at a very young age. If you tried to tell these people that they were wrong for doing so they would probably look at you like you were a weirdo. I think that newer generations are actually more free spirited and uninhibited than what we were taught to believe is normal.