Recent content by Trogd0r

  1. Trogd0r

    Just got a PS3. Suggestions?

    I also picked up a slim last week, and I have to say that Uncharted is a fenomenal game. Get it now. I downloaded Flower and Fat Princess from a friend's account, but was severely unimpressed.
  2. Trogd0r

    What Was Your First Ever Xbox Acheivement/PS3 Trophy

    This one, god I love that game. 1000/1000 all the way.
  3. Trogd0r

    Poll: Whose motion sensing technology do you think is best?

    I think Project Natal has the most potential to be very, very awesome. It is not just a simple camera, you know?
  4. Trogd0r

    Poll: Call of Duty Multiplayer Retardedness

    All these things are very lame excuses for having bad luck at a match of COD4. Shit happens, get over it. :)
  5. Trogd0r

    Poll: Do you fear WOW on iPhone?

    Nah, it's a fake video. And i'm glad I stopped playing about a year ago, it gets old.
  6. Trogd0r

    Suggest me a band name

    Franky McPenis and the ass clams.
  7. Trogd0r

    No New Elder Scrolls!

    I read somewhere they were focusing on Fallout first and foremost, with multiple sequels and expansions, but TESV is definately being created, even if it is at a slower pace/smaller team. That makes me a sad panda, seeing as I loathed Fallout 3, and loved TESIV: Oblivion.
  8. Trogd0r

    256 multi-player! Holy crap!!

    More players does not make a game any better, you just won't have the feeling like you are contibuting anything to the team. And seeing the last game Zipper Interactive made is still a big mess with a tiny playerbase (Socom: Confrontations), we shouldn't expect this game to be WTFAWESOME all...
  9. Trogd0r

    Poll: Is there honestly enough of a graphics difference between the 360 and PS3 to make it a selling point

    Let's make things clear, I don't give a tiny damn about sales, I only care about playing games when it comes to consoles. And do you somehow think that the successor to the Xbox 360 will be on equal footing with the PS3? Hell no, it will be far, far superior, that's how console generations...
  10. Trogd0r

    Poll: Is there honestly enough of a graphics difference between the 360 and PS3 to make it a selling point

    There is zero difference between the 2 consoles at the moment. But the day that they actually DO tap into the PS3's "power", as all fanboy would like us to believe, will be the day I am enjoying even superior graphics on the X720. Sony has lost this generation, especially with their...
  11. Trogd0r

    Why does everyone hate the PS3?

    I like my PS3, it is my primary DVD player, with an occasional blu-ray. But other than that, I don't see any reason to play games on the thing in favor of the 360. Most of it's exclusives are pretty mediocre, and the majority of the multiplatform games are just generally better on the 360...
  12. Trogd0r

    OnLive: The future of gaming is here

    If this will work as advertised, it will thorougly shake up the gaming world. I don't know if I want to live in a world where macs are viable gaming machines.
  13. Trogd0r

    Worse game to play online, from a gameplay standpoint.

    Ah, that's why it is one of the most popular online console games today, right? The intensity is unmatched, the only thing is, it is very harsh on new players.
  14. Trogd0r

    The Darkfall Waaagh!

    Seriously, have you seen any footage of the game? The stuff we have seen so far is nothing short of abysmal in terms of gameplay, design, graphics and sound. Really sub-par. Sure it all looks and sounds great on paper, but such a a small company couldn't hope to create something that will...
  15. Trogd0r

    CONFIRMED: Mass Effect 2 Coming to Multiple Platforms, says EA

    N'Gai Croal's twitter: "EA PR not confirming Mass Effect 2 for PS3, only 360 and PC. That's all folks. Back to a more manageable tweetstream." So do not get your hopes up.