8th grade Girls Attack/Strip 11-Year-Old Boy


New member
Jun 4, 2011
Battlemind said:
I wished girls did that to me.
You find the idea of being battered, stripped naked and bullied by three people much larger than yourself on film and then have it shown to the world to be appealing?

I'm not seeing the reason there.
Jun 7, 2010
Knife-28 said:
Secret world leader (shhh) said:
The mother is a fucking retard, let the boy press charges, have the girls stripped naked and then post the videoes to all known paedophile websites (names and addresses included)

Why is everyone getting so worked up about this? It's just A PRANK! You guys are all wound up too tightly, it's just A PRANK! The mother should have only pressed charges if it were a girl getting stripped naked -essentially sexually assaulted- in front of many oh so evil spectators by 13 year-old boys as girls are physically impossible of rape or any of your disgusting man-crimes you silly people!
say to you.
That is all I am going to you.

Anyway, on topic, It's horrible, and the girls involved should face what's going to them.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Shio said:
Battlemind said:
I wished girls did that to me.
You find the idea of being battered, stripped naked and bullied by three people much larger than yourself on film and then have it shown to the world to be appealing?

I'm not seeing the reason there.
Clearly you've never wandered too deep into the recesses of the internet. There are people out there that would (and often do) pay good money for that kind of treatment. =P

That said, this was clearly non-consensual act. The fact that the mother doesn't want to press charges is completely irrelevant, with the evidence of the video they don't need the kid's testimony to get a conviction. This kind of double standard really needs to stop, like many have already stated if the genders of this attack had been reversed they would be on the sex-offender registry in a matter of hours. Its the same kind of thing that happens to kids that do "sexting", the guy gets slapped with distributing child pornography and his life ruined, nothing happens to the girl.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Shio said:
The cynicism is strong in this one :p

But yeah, I agree with you. Parental accountability is all but gone. I'm far from sexist and the idea of men and women having separate roles is as alien to me as homosexuality being unethical and a danger to children, but I think with women now expected almost as much as men to get a job and have a career, most households have two working parents. In the days gone by one parent (usually/always) the mum would stay home, look after the house and educate the kids on behavior, with the father disciplining them. As that system no longer happens, kids spend most of their time at school and parent-less.

It's not surprising, but it's still sad. Maybe children do need a parent to stay home (male or female doesn't matter) to bring a little accountability and actual parenting back into the world. But that just won't work for so many families; living aint cheap.
See, I have no trouble with a two-working-parents home. But I fail to see why parents are more concernsed with breaking that 2000-3000/week mark salaries. I mean I've heard all sorts of excuses "oh ... we work so much because mortgage, and food, and electricity, and the 2 cars, and books, and uniforms, etc etc etc etc. Raising a child isn't cheap" ...

And they say this, even as I know for a fact that in the year they've spent 5/6 weeks overseas, the entire family, travelling through Europe.

yes, travelling is great, it's wonderful ... yadda yadda yadda. But your fucking child comes first.

If you want two children you shouldn't be gunning for that 1 million dollar Sydney home of which when you have zero 'old money' to spend on it in the first place. You shouldn't have 2/3 cars. You shouldn't be going on 15-20K+ vacations, and you certainly shouldn't expect me to buy that bullshit when you say you "do it for the kids".

I'm not saying parents should quit their jobs, but they should take job hours or reduce shift lengths so that they can spend time with their kids ... not dump them on others. It's pure greed. It's got nothing to do with the mechanics and nature of work (certainly not so in Australia) ... it's greed. Pure and simple; "I want all of this... and kids"

About time someone just stood up, slap some sense into people and said "Well you fucking can't. Children come first, not your wants".

Course saying that ... people get stroppy when you bring it up "well maybe you'd benefit from a better budget so that you may reduce working hours so that either <insert child's name here> mother or father could spend more time with the child"

I mean you feel like just standing up and saying "You're hopeless". But of course you have to hold your tongue or people start complaining <.<


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Absolutely horrific. They are essentially getting away with assault, sexual assault and posting child pornography on the internet.
This kind of thing makes me fucking sick.

Lead Herring

New member
Mar 14, 2011
I don't think that mother understands the gravity of the situation. Her son is going to be traumatized for life, and she says with a straight face that 'bullying' is going too far? Understatement of the freaking century. Those girls are receiving the kind of punishment I'd expect them to receive for *threatening* to act out these atrocities.

As for the gender issues associated with this I'd say that, unfortunately, if the roles were reversed the punishments would be more severe. Hell, if it were 3 girls doing this to a girl, or 3 boys doing it to a boy there would still be outrage. But the vibe I get from this is that all authority figures are just shrugging and throwing their arms up because they don't know how to dress the issue.


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Personally, if I were the kid, I would be soooo pissed at my parents for not pressing charges.... like... wtf...

If it happened to me I would just run up to the girls at school the next day and beat the living shit outta them. If the law aint gonna do it, I will.

Really, it's just despicable. Girls always get away with shit like this. For example, now, this isn't as bad or anything but it just shows they can get away with whatever they want.

We were working in a room at school and then a couple of girls start a pillow fight (yes.... my school has a billion pillows in each room) and before long everyone is joining in. Its all just mindless fun right? Well, the teacher walks in, and guess what? All of the boys (me and my mates) get sent to the principles office... the girls have to sit down...


New member
Dec 18, 2010
That mother is an absolut pleb! I doubt its a case of she doesn't want to cause further embarrasment to her son, because she did a good enough job of that on the news.

Would be ironic if a boy in their year did that to them..wonder if their parents would press charges, knowing that their daughters got away with it..or if the victim retaliated and did it to one of them 1 on 1, I wonder what would happen to him?


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Merkavar said:
arcade109 said:
Because yknow, 3 boys doing that to a girl is just a silly prank gone a wee bit too far right? right? No fuck that. Theyd get charged and so should these girls.
yeah these girls from what i can tell are just going to be punished by their parents. so no suspened from school no detention no police charges.

what are there parents going to do? ground them for a week? a month. hardly seems like much of a punishment for humilating and assualting someone like they did.
I know if I were the parent of one of these girls I would force the state to press charges. Then I would send her ass to a boarding school.

Master Kuja

New member
May 28, 2008
Oh you silly boys, don't you know it's totally impossible for women to commit any form of sexual assa-

Okay I can't continue that seriously, I fear my head may physically explode from the pure rage building up.
This is some sort of bullshit, you just KNOW that if 3 8th grade guys attacked and stripped an 11 year old girl, they wouldn't get off as it merely being a prank, hell, an example would probably be made of them and it wouldn't only be classed as sexual assault, but child molestation.

Yet because it's a group of girls doing it? Oh yeah, totally fine, not like that's probably mentally ruined him for life now or anything, nah, just a harmless prank, no wrong can come of this at all.



New member
Aug 22, 2010
callmegreen said:
Cyrus Hanley said:
Most of my sentiments of this event have already been expressed. The mother's refusal to press charges against the three girls may not be the right thing to do "legally", but let us remind ourselves that she is doing this in the best interests of her son. Right now, her main priority as a mother is to comfort her child and provide emotional support.

It's not uncommon for sexual assault or rape victims to decline pressing charges against the assailants or even to actually report the incident, and I don't expect any different in this situation. But, with the amount of press coverage this has received (as well as the actual evidence), I have no doubt that the girls will be charged with the sexual assault of a minor. Just not at this time.

As for the boy himself... I hope he gets whatever help he needs.

Now, with this having been said, I wonder two things.

a) What will feminists have to say of this?

and b) How long it will be before we see an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit based on this incident?
I'm Not going to lie to you.
Ive ACTUALLY SEEN and episode of Law and order that played out EXACTLY like this.. I shall now explain the episode.

Okay some some 13 year old kid whose puberty as shit calls a girl ugly trying to impress a hot girl in his class.

Little does he know that the ugly girl is friends with the hot girl So they plan some kind of attack.

The hot girl pretends to take the kid into a back alley and say's she gonna Get it on with him.

She makes the kid take off his clothes down to his undies and then asks him to put on these handcuffs.

she handcuffs him to a sewer pole, all the other girls comeout a d spit on him and throw dirt at him a tape it and post it online

the kid runs away

kid tries to hang himself on monkey bars

the SVU saves the kids life

Girls don't get charged

kid shoots himself a week later after the video goes viral
Up until the "no charges pressed" part, I actually thought you got this confused with an episode of 'Without a Trace' that played out exactly the same way.

I'm a terrible person really, cos frankly had the done that to my son, I'd probably flog them to within an inch of their life. Show them what its like to be at the physical mercy of someone bigger and stronger than them.

Thankfully, I'm not a parent, or more specifically I'm not his parent. Although I find it odd that people will try and sue or press charges for really stupid shit; but when something genuinely bad happens that should have serious legal consequences for the offenders.....not a peep.

Lead Herring

New member
Mar 14, 2011
Shio said:
RedEyesBlackGamer said:
Shio said:
Do you at least agree with the child pornography charges a few people are calling for? That isn't really subjective. They recorded and released nude footage of a 11 year old boy.
No. I don't see it as pornographic. No more than a picture of a young child at the beach or running around naked in the home. Of course in this case the images are more disturbing and sickening even, but no more pornographic.

Pornography as defined my Merriam Webster: "the depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement."

I don't think the images are intended to sexual arouse people.

EDIT: to add to this, nude images of children are perfectly legal. So long as they aren't erotic. See: nudist images and art, etc., etc.
They want to at least charge the girls for child pornography possession. This case does not count as CP under the legal definition. Understandable. That's how the law works.

I however see no mention of any other sexually related crimes that these acts would fall under. I even noticed in the fox report that someone involved in the case said that she didn't want to "ruin the girls reputations," despite the fact that the whole purpose of this attack was to ruin the victim's reputation.

It makes me wonder if any of these people are even qualified to uphold the law, personally.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
You know this shows how I'm not desensitized to real-life situations. I actually felt extremely terrible watching that video. The kid crying out for help and the laughter of the girls just made it much, much worse. If it was a film or video-game? I would have automatically assumed the ending and shrugged it off. This is coming from someone who was been playing Left 4 Dead 2 for quite a while...in the past 4 hours.

Moving on-topic, I don't even want to describe the hate and pain I'm feeling right now. So without using the usual profane language I blast off, here are my thoughts.

I feel that the girls probably regret it now despite their attitude and personality in the video. It's on the internet and depending on whether or not they know 4chan, they probably feel in danger. Luckily most of us are over-seas and are too tired/lazy/up the moral ladder to do jack. All they might get is a pizza-bombing...and I hope that's all they get. They're going to be scarred for the rest of their life doing what they did and if they get a sentence, at least they can further think about their wrong.

However if they're still laughing about it and don't give a care in the world about the kid, they're very ignorant and with cause and effect in play, a pizza bomb is going to be the least of their worries. If they feel they're in the right and if they go away scot-free well then good for them...until 4chan's wrath comes raining down on them like the Grav Hammer I use in Halo:Reach. Sometimes missing and getting shot down but the occasional, satisfying kill.

Jesus don't even get me started on what would happen if the genders were swapped.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
William MacKay said:
Secret world leader (shhh) said:
The mother is a fucking retard, let the boy press charges, have the girls stripped naked and then post the videoes to all known paedophile websites (names and addresses included)

Why is everyone getting so worked up about this? It's just A PRANK! You guys are all wound up too tightly, it's just A PRANK! The mother should have only pressed charges if it were a girl getting stripped naked -essentially sexually assaulted- in front of many oh so evil spectators by 13 year-old boys as girls are physically impossible of rape or any of your disgusting man-crimes you silly people!
women cant rape but they can sexually assault, but cant be charged because the government is retarded.
Who says women can't rape?


Aug 3, 2008
It's fucking ridiculous that the school isn't doing anything about it, because it was outside of school time.
That's what bullies were like with me, they waited until I was walking home when they'd push me over walls or throw bricks at me, and when I reported them the school did fuck all about it.
I said it in the other thread, the girls parents obviously fail as parents and probably won't even punish them.
I don't like wishing bad things on people, but I really hope they get hit by the school bus.


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Shio said:
Battlemind said:
I wished girls did that to me.
You find the idea of being battered, stripped naked and bullied by three people much larger than yourself on film and then have it shown to the world to be appealing?

I'm not seeing the reason there.
Sexual fetishes, you gotta have some for all tastes you know ;) This would either fall under femdom or mild s&m if i'm not mistaken.

On topic... This is one of those times it's very much ok to hit a girl imo, you're being friggin raped, to hell with chivalry! Either gender is capable of being evil and cruel, and these ladies didn't act lady like at all, that their gender acts as a get outta jail card is both morally wrong and sexist.